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Secret Space Programme - Shouldn't it Cause an Alternative Reality Situation ?

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posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: cosmicpixie
I'm looking into the whole SSP subject and it's offshoot subjects to do with the supposed "20 year and back" program and time travel. I'm keeping an open mind at the moment but there is one thorn in my brain about it all. Am hoping for some input here that might make sense of things...

The problem is this : These "experiencers" spend 20 years up there, then are time travelled back here , usually to a point where it seems only a few minutes have gone by since they left and came back. That means that if they leave TODAY , do 20 years up there, yet return TODAY, while it is 2018 down here, "up there" it would be a totally different time line , ie 20 years ahead. Obviously, this makes no sense whatsoever .

Some of these people are saying they are up there on missions to help /defend Earth. Well this means they are helping some alternate reality Earth, not THIS Earth, as if this is all going on for real, at the inception of this program way back when, it would have created a split in time and a different reality altogether. What would be the point of helping defend Earth in some alternate reality ? None ! It makes no sense.

So far as I am aware, the people coming forth with these stories are in a program run by just one of many factions "up there", but all those factions are operating in the same reality up there.

IS THERE ANY THEORETICAL SCIENCE or even some sci-fi science that could account for this contrary situation and in effect balance the timelines, so that even though a person has served 20 years up there and not aged a day down here once returned, that somehow the time lines would be the SAME and the realities the SAME.

I just can't make any sense of this massive red flag so am wondering if anyone else can offer a suggestion that would make sense of it. As if nothing can make sense of it, all I can conclude is that the whole program is actually involving cloning and that some other script has been programmed into these people as a cover for the cloning program. In this scenario, someone like Corey Goode would be taken someplace where his consciousness is somehow copied and uploaded into a cloned version of himself. Some kind of implant embedded in some earlier "abductee" experience could be a device that both downloads and uploads to the person's mind - they would then never need to "go anywhere" as it could all be done remotely.

Then it is the clone going through all the missions in space , but because the consciousness has been copied, the original Corey feels like it has all happened to HIM. Which of course, it has - it's like he is living two parallel existences. He might need to be periodically "borrowed" so upgrades to the original/baseline consciousness can take place so his clone can receive updates , like a computer needs. This could all happen when he sleeps, or even on short physical trips in a craft where he goes to some base on the Moon or wherever

Stuff is beginning to come out about cloning and this is something I can get my head around. Especially when you factor in we've been dealing with the Greys for decades and them widely being regarded as a species of clones. It's entirely conceivable that some tech came our way which helped us to be able to do the same thing. A clone would be an empty shell so would need some programme installed to operate. If they have managed to figure out how to copy a person's consciousness and upload it into the clone-shell.....this would make sense of things.

I know many people think the entire subject and it's related topics is a pile of nonsense, but let's pause for a moment and act like it's definitely real, how do we make sense of the discrepancies in time frames ?

You hit on the obvious. Already we see, do, read, watch, go, live, play, all alternative to the real reality of whats always been going on behind the scenes everywhere. Been there, are there...and we'll stay in the dark as long as those that have their fingers on the light

Earth is one thing...Space is more fantastical in reality and scope of what we are doing and know about...because in reality...reality is hidden from us.*

*To add: any "studies" or "evidence" or "theoretical science" is of "this world" they created for us.'ll never get the truth. Only conjecture. No matter the university or intergity of the so called "facts". Its planned this way.....
edit on 13-2-2018 by mysterioustranger because: FYI

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 07:44 PM

Heh, ditto ... the re-insertion time traveling stuff just seems like a butt ache on top of being stupid... and anything linked to Wilcock is a crock o' feces, in my opinion and anyone with an little common effen sense... why risk the spilling of the story by reinserting personnel in the first place? 6 year olds taken and reinserted after 20 years seems like a device to enable some cool experiences in someone too young to have had any. What's the term ... dufus in the machine or something?

And the Astro story ... hrmmm ... I'm biased because I was reading the man's interesting posts for years before he dropped that last stunner of a tale and left. It checks out, as far as what's able to be vetted, and there is quite a bit to vet from the tech aspect. Add to that the personal testimonies from other members and it is one of the only online UFO / break away explanations that "holds up" unbelievable as it is.

But there IS a secret space effort going on... even if I hadn't done some research and heard a few things from old friends, it just logically follows that the superpowers would HAVE to create programs.

The questions are how advanced and how big... and do they explain all the ufo and abduction phenomena.

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: cosmicpixie

The SSP issue is a very interesting one and a lot of people have done some very good research on the topic, including the Sonora Aero Club topic, but people should stay away from Corey Goode and his nonsense.

BS artist through and through.
edit on 13-2-2018 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 08:00 PM

The other secret space program includes the "breakaway civilization" and even that one comes in a couple variations! One variation is that deep money got fed up with government control. With the help of none other than Werner von Braun himself, the money elite, started a program and have advanced to the point where they have (or about ready to) leave earth.

There are no variations in SSP/Breakaway Civilization as proposed by Dolan. The 2014 and 2015 conferences were elaborations of Dolan's original proposition. In a nutshell, a game changing or a paradigm changing technology or technologies regardless of it's origin will lead to a Breakaway Civilization. The Breakaway Civilization is the Secret Space Program and vice versa... if you will take the time to watch everything it somehow fits with Astr0's.

posted on Feb, 23 2018 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: MaxTamesSiva

I always thought there were two different funding sources. One was from the elite, for the elite; the other was government black budget ops. At least that is what I could find. The truth is probably not so cut and dried as I stated. Part of the problem I have is that Dolan sells his stuff. I like physical books. They do not hide behind paywalls or click-bait sites. They usually have references that you can check out when you find the time. Videos are nice but are usually made to have a "presentation" which usually leads to more videos.

The other problem I have with this topic is it leads back to one person, Dolan. There are other people that pop up from time to time but they cross the threshold of believability (like the time travelling, body exchange stuff OP is asking about). Occam's Razor seems to come in handy when left with single source (remove the source, does the story stand?).

Dolan or not, Breakaway Civilization or not, there are still these black triangle things flying around our skies. What I saw looked like technology at work, not some orb of light, or thoughts projected into my brain, but somebody pushing buttons and showing off the things they are capable of doing (it is so killer! But you need to see one to truly appreciate it).

I'll keep an open mind about the privatization of super high tech space being the sole and only Secret Space Program (Breakaway Civilization). And I will keep an eye out for more sources! There has got to be more out there.

Thanks for the clarification!

posted on Mar, 6 2018 @ 05:29 AM
My apologies for the late reply and if I misunderstood your post. If you're interested in following the money Catherine Austin Fitts analyses makes much more sense in the context of the big picture.

Her site is down right now inexplicably. Here are a few links:
The Missing Money
DOD & HUD Missing Money: Supporting Documentation
The UFO Economy

The other problem I have with this topic is it leads back to one person, Dolan. There are other people that pop up from time to time but they cross the threshold of believability (like the time travelling, body exchange stuff OP is asking about).

It always leads back to Dolan because he was the first to make the proposition of the SSP/BC during the 90's, not 1973 as I have mistakenly posted earlier. His statement that the UFO phenomenon is one of the biggest secret in mankind's history and an important piece of the puzzle is something to be taken seriously- when the topic of UFO is relegated to pop culture entertainment, conspiracy theory forums and a deeply flawed field in the alternative research circus-like community.

Dolan wrote the extensive 2 volume book UFOs and the National Security State which some say the bible of Ufology. There's something unsavory to me about his seemingly commercial kowtowing to make the topic palatable to younger generations and an even wider audience to sell his books... but can we blame someone for trying to make a living even if he's already earned way north of six figures? (If I remember correctly, it was Hoagland who took this jab that made Dolan blush.)

Corey Goode asked to be a part of SSP 2014 & 2015, the organizers and most of the participants declined, saying they were focusing more on old school research than whistle blower testimony. By 2016 & 2017 Corey Goode and David Wilcox basically hijacked SSP with their own version of it.

Occam's Razor seems to come in handy when left with single source (remove the source, does the story stand?).

The concept or proposition still stands, whether one takes it seriously or not, or whether one agrees with it or not. We can't put the genie back in the bottle, and speaking of hypotheticals, even if Dolan didn't come up with the idea, would it be safe to assume that someone else will come up with the same idea sooner or later?

To quote Edward Frenkel, "What I have learned as a mathematician is that the easy answers are usually not the right ones." There are no easy answers, all we can do is to try to make sense of all these, share views, experiences, sources and information through discussions like this.

... there are still these black triangle things flying around our skies. What I saw looked like technology at work, not some orb of light, or thoughts projected into my brain, but somebody pushing buttons and showing off the things they are capable of doing (it is so killer! But you need to see one to truly appreciate it).

During the SSP 2015 Round Table Discussion, what Catherine Austin Fitts said about the black triangle (Phoenix Lights) was "I bet for 4 trillion dollars Lockheed-Martin can build that..." Moulton Howe's retelling of the incident and the panels discussion of it was fascinating (it starts around 59 minutes).

I'll keep an open mind about the privatization of super high tech space being the sole and only Secret Space Program (Breakaway Civilization). And I will keep an eye out for more sources! There has got to be more out there.

The privatization of the technologies through the major black budget contractors could be the nail in the coffin of all the Disclosure fantasies because the technologies are proprietary information, meaning patented properties and they are not oblige to even hint at their provenance... maybe that's why the heirs of Rockefellers, Saudi royalty and Norway to name a few, already divested their interests in oil and gas under the guise of the climate change agenda? Why would they divest from their cash cow, maybe a new source of energy is down the pipes?... it's also intriguing that the Rockefellers are somehow connected to the DeLonge camp.

edit on 09 11 2015 by MaxTamesSiva because: (no reason given)

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