posted on Jan, 27 2018 @ 12:25 PM
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There are contractors on the ground manning threats. They also do CSAR. That is all simplex so you need to be camped out in a high spot near the range
to listen. They make the scenario real enough in that there are also enemies on the ground to be avoided.
One of the more interesting experiences I had was camping near Brainwash Butte during a flag. There is considerable low altitude air traffic. They
were flying that commie biplane (model escapes me) blacked out and low.
I sure wouldn't like to be camped in the high altitudes in January. Even car camping is nasty. When I've been crazy enough to car camp there in
winter, I would wake up due to the cold and run the engine/heater for a while. No way you will suffer hyperthermia, but you won't get any decent
sleep. You would really need a camper with heater to make a winter visit pleasant. The CSAR must be nasty.
If you park around the Cedar pipeline area, the contractors, or at least people in white trucks that I assume are the contractors, will leave the
range in a steady stream of vehicles. They are most likely manning threats deep in the range. They could be heading to Groom or Rachel. I never
bothered to follow them. In general, tracking workers isn't cool. These people have no idea if you are a dufus with a camera and scanner or some crank
on a mission.