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John Bindernagel - 1941 - 2018

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posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 10:22 PM
Cryptozoology lost a great researcher a couple of days ago.

John Bindernagel, 76, passed away during the evening of January 17, 2018.

John was a great friend to many in the field. I remember talking birds with him when we were together at Craig Woolheater’s conference in Texas, of Bigfoot at Beachfoot in Oregon, and about Sasquatch when at John Green’s tribute in British Columbia. His legacy will be profound.

On January 8, 2018, Bindernagel informed his “circle of friends…of just how imminent” his death may be. “After two years of cancer chemotherapy and a year of radiation treatment,…my own terminal cancer is now restricted to pain management.”

For the last few days, Bigfoot community individuals have been sending messages to online forums and lists telling of their great respect for this gentle man.

John A. Bindernagel was a wildlife biologist, since 1963. He published a book in 1998 entitled North America’s Great Ape: the Sasquatch, and later in 2010, The Discovery of Bigfoot.

Bindernagel born in 1941, grew up in Ontario, attended the University of Guelph and received a PhD in Biology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He moved to British Columbia in 1975, largely because the region was a hot spot for Bigfoot sightings. Over the years, he collected casts of tracks that he felt belonged to Bigfoot. He also claimed to have heard the creature near Comox Lake in 1992, comparing its whooping sound to that of a chimpanzee. Bindernagel considered that the Bigfoot phenomena should receive more attention from serious scientists, but once remarked, “The evidence doesn’t get scrutinized objectively. We can’t bring the evidence to our colleagues because it’s perceived as tabloid.”

posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 11:49 PM
It's truly a deep felt loss to the bigfoot community, and to the field researchers who have lost a real legend. The man was fearless in his pursuits of science and research of the known and unknown. Just have a listen to his recordings of vocalizations and you will see firsthand how dedicated the man was.
I've spent most my life in the woods and cannot tell you if i would have been able to keep my cool when those sounds are mere yards from me.
The man is a legend, and from what I've gleaned over the years , he was a damn fine human being as well.

Here's to you Dr. John

edit on 20-1-2018 by Hewhowaits because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: Outlier13

Aw man...

I just listened to an interview with him.

posted on Jan, 22 2018 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: ABNARTY
a reply to: Outlier13

Aw man...

I just listened to an interview with him.

Me too! Just watched that "Discovering Sasquatch" psuedo-documentary thing he was in a couple of days ago


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