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Las Vegas Shooter's Girlfriend Deleted Facebook Account Before His Name Was Released

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posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 04:45 PM
I'm just tossing this out as speculation only:

What if she was part of this gun running situation with him (I know this was brought up before, but wait for it) and they were trying to get rid of their stock supply of guns left over from the "Fast and Furious" program? Before you toss this idea aside let's look back at the mystery guy and his hoard of gun that "Died" in LA ATS:Mystery of dead man and his 1,200 guns deepens since that case also was left with more holes then Swiss cheese.

There are a number of anti-establishment groups in the Philippine Islands that were getting weapons from an unknown source. A mass of these weapons started to come into the Islands around the time "Fast and Furious" started, but for some reason was continuing even after it was exposed.

It's been said (yes it's completely hearsay since Governmental authorities refuse to release any intel on this) that where ever these weapons were coming from seem to have dried up around late October early November of last year. Seems a little convenient doesn't it to not be connected, but since this is "JUST" hearsay right now, I placed the idea as speculation only.

posted on Jan, 14 2018 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: nicevillegrl

it was that many (like me) were listening to the police scanner as they breached the room and found her ID.

Why would her ID be in the room if she was in the Philippine's?

posted on Jan, 15 2018 @ 03:17 AM
huh? they never said they found her ID...they found her players card in the room.
edit on 15-1-2018 by jidnum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2018 @ 03:24 AM

originally posted by: jaws1975
a reply to: nicevillegrl

it was that many (like me) were listening to the police scanner as they breached the room and found her ID.

Why would her ID be in the room if she was in the Philippine's?

Either she was careless enough to leave it behind or it is an act of misdirection on the part of the perpetrators.

Of course if you still believe Paddock was the killer then he could have just planted it there to confuse authorities?

There aren't a lot of options here.

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