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I need to find the most remote part of America possible....

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posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 12:15 AM
Check out southwest Colorado. There are tons of very remote and difficult places to hike and a whole lot of lakes to choose from. A long hike from Silverton, Colorado to Telluride, Colorado would be insane. I don't think you'll find THE most remote areas in that area, but the difficulty of some of the areas along with the very high number of lakes could offer some unique opportunities.

Alaska has the most remote areas of the country by a long shot, but if you can't make it there, Wyoming is your next best bet. Idaho would also be a good one. And don't forget the plain states like North Dakota which is very sparsely populated. It's a rather flat terrain but there are some challenging and remote areas, especially north near the Canadian border.

Best of luck and please do share with us where you plan to go. That's going to be awesome!!

Edited to add: Check out the following nighttime satellite image from NASA. This is a high-quality image and you can zoom in pretty close. Find the areas that are the darkest and that could help you discover new areas you haven't considered yet:
edit on 4-1-2018 by skepticalguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: SexxyJutsu

Sounds fun,my brother in laws daughter is in the Guinness world records ,for her hiking,never met her,I used to love exploring,but fell off cliff,snapped my knees,sure miss it though,I'd need a helicopter now

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: SexxyJutsu

I need to find the most remote part of America possible

no you dont - you are chasing an illusion

it does not matter if the nearest person [ or peice of infrastructure ] = 10m away - or 1000 km

you have to get the mental block that " distance matters " - out your head [ you cite the fact that roads appear to be " too " close ] - thats the problem

just go out and enjoy - stop obsessing over " how far from xxxxxxxxxxxxx you are " - it really doesnt matter

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 06:01 AM
Arrigetch Peaks, part of the Brooks Range in Gates of the Arctic National Park Alaska.
Do an image search.
The park service in Bettles should be able to tell you IF there is anyone there.
No cell service, trash, cabins, trails, people, nothing but amazing wilderness in that area.
Katmai park in Alaska is another (huge) extremely low traffic area.
ANWAR is low traffic but is also mostly not much to look at. Small hills, rocks, and some small shrubs is about it.
So yea, Arrigetch

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 07:21 AM
Not exactly remote , but the white mountains of NH have some great hiking and camping ... The have the glacier lakes . ...Mt Washington and surrounding ding mountains have a ton of challenges ...and You could traverse from NH into Maine too. There are rustic areas ... And some not so well travels areas.... But probabaly not as remote as you want ?

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 03:13 PM
That is your opinion mate, however I asked for suggestions for remote lakes that are a trip or decently hard to get to, not someone to try and give me a mental shrinking over a website. I'd recommend in the future to keep your comments to yourself as you are your own person and I am my own. I seek the thrill of being FAR away from anything and knowing I can survive on my own and do my own thing and unless you understand how I feel about it then as said above, keep your opinion to yourself.

a reply to: ignorant_ape

Everyone else I am so thankful and appreciate all your guys input and suggestions. I've looked at many of the places and I am really going towards Yellowstone or the Southwest Colorado suggestion. I actually look more into that and it seems a bit more up my alley, although it's damn hard to pass up yellow stone. Been there a couple times and the beauty of that places never lets me down.
I wish I could get to Alaska, just with my job being kinda unique I don't know if I could swing being that far away at least not without a solid 30 days off guaranteed. I'm also a tad bit timid with the snow lol. Something I need to definitely get more accustomed to in shorter trips before dedicating a big one to the white stuff. I also understand that during the summer a lot of it is cleared up or not, I need to do more research on all of the Northern stuff.

Again thanks a lot guys, it's very much appreciated!

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 03:16 PM
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Appalachian Trail?
You can hike as far as you want.

posted on Jan, 5 2018 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: SexxyJutsu
The snow all melts in the summer. June-September is pretty well snow free save some patches on the mountains, especially in the arctic, lots of dark and cold in the winter but the summer is warm. If I were to take off for a month in the Brooks it would probably be September. Warm days, cool dark nights, fewer bugs, good chance to see the northern lights, and the ground/rivers are generally drier. Katmai maybe July ish. Someday you will make it up!

posted on Jan, 5 2018 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: SexxyJutsu

yes - it is my opinion - and thanks for confirming it to be accurate

posted on Jan, 5 2018 @ 05:10 AM
Wind River mountains in Wyoming. I've been to some places in the Wind Rivers that I'm pretty sure no other human being has set foot, so it's pretty remote. Stunningly beautiful mountain lakes and some pretty rugged terrain.

Alaska is going to win every time for just sheer distance away from civilization just due to its massive real estate, but the problem hiking in much of Alaska (at lower altitudes anyway) is the underbrush (elk brush or whatever it's called) is so thick you have to bushwhack your way to get anywhere. At least that's been my experience. That stuff can take the fun out of a trip real quick. That, and the relentless bugs in the spring/summer.

Probably one of the greatest books written about hiking in the Wind Rivers is Finis Mitchell's, Wind River Trails. Pair it with some good USGS topo maps and you're set.

I grew up in Wyoming and have hiked all over the Wind Rivers, I've probably logged 1,000 miles there. That said, I've probably been to less than 5% of the lakes and trails. There are 4,000 lakes, 800 miles of rivers and 428,000 acres of wilderness and trails to explore. Mitchell spent 50 years hiking the Wind Rivers and didn't cover it all (pretty damn close, but not all). If you want remote, it's pretty hard to get more remote than this...

Just the hike into Slide Lake, which is a starter trail, will test most people's endurance and sense of adventure. Three fast-water crossings and some spectacular scenery are just the start. The last 7 miles of the trail is a relentless uphill trek to one of the most picturesque and remote lakes (at around 9,500 feet if memory serves). If you're into mountain climbing, Slide lake sits in the shadow of Lost Eagle peak (which is an excellent technical day climb). Also there are several other peaks in the area we climbed while there. ...and that's just the beginning of the Wind Rivers.

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