a reply to:
The guy presenting is manipulting big time.
He has a dead set agenda of vegetarianism. The circle exercise was a deliberate manipulation ploy to access the viewers'/students' psyches, tripping
them up on a vulnerabilty so he has authority of perception over them.
It is not clever when you take his presentation to bits, just common every day psyche manipulation to gain converts for his agenda that meat and
animal products are not moral.
They are moral. This same guy would watch a human starve homeless in the gutter and his liberal mind will tell him that it's just life so see how
socialised this arrogant primate lecturer is, too. He is just as played as the people he is playing, just another virus in a Petri dish of viruses.
The bastard cares more about chickens than people.
Christ said;
"Fear God Alone
…30And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
This guy is a typical psychologist. I see him for what he is. I developed an immunity to bull# artists like him. He is preaching vegetarianism using
group psychological manipulation.
Well I come away from that thinking what a tosser this nasty manipulative little man is.
If anyone offers me a red or a blue pill (notice he used those colours for the circles) I would tell them to piss off, that I want neither.
He is the kind of guy I keep a long stone throw away. He and his kind are everywhere in media, business and politics, there to deliberately
destabilize the psyche and make people feel that they need authority, that they need the bull#. The truth is THEY DON'T!
Empower yourselves with your own choices. Don't let others compromise you psychologically. Be your own boss instead of having his voice implanted in
your head telling you that you are not up to the job of making your own evaluations and having your own morality.
Who gives a # what he thinks about meat. I am a vegetarian because I WANT TO BE! I would eat a #ing bacon sandwich right in his face just to piss him
off though straight after a lecture like that.
Being contrary sometimes is a good thing as long as you don't get that played, too. Yes, there are psychologists that are well gifted in REVERSE
PSYCHOLOGY. Being contray is not guaranteed immunity, but it generally helps.
Whatever he/they are I am not that, lol.
edit on 22-12-2017 by Revolution9 because: (no reason given)