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Radio Mystery Theater!

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posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 08:39 PM
I grew up huddled under my blankets at night listening to Radio Mystery Theater!

If you've never been there, done that?

Here you go!

Radio at it's best!!!
And this is just a start! There are so many episodes on YouTube. Get them while you can!

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: silo13

I have talked about that a bunch of times on ATS. CBS radio Mystery Theater is fantastic. I listen to it on Alexa now, and set a sleep timer. Have the CDs with every program.

I have said this before on ATS. If you listen to the old CBS radio Mystery theater episodes during the Nixon Watergate scandal in 1974, they play old news reports before the show, they play all allot of the old news reports, not just from 1974, but the entire time it ran. Anyway, back in 1974, the news reports from CBS, back then, sound exactly like the news reports now about trump, change the name, it would sound like todays headlines.....Its true, listen to CBS radio Mystery theater 1974 episodes, and the news that is on before the story is pretty damn close to todays headlines....

Oh yeah, and the White House responded pretty damn close to the drama, as the White House does today, with trump.....No matter how guilty trump is, that is the job of those who work at the White House along side trump. No matter how wrong, guilty, stupid, or dishonest, You defend him ....... Just like they did for Nixon.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 09:31 PM
link A great place to find old time radio programs.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: kurthall
a reply to: silo13

I have talked about that a bunch of times on ATS. CBS radio Mystery Theater is fantastic. I listen to it on Alexa now, and set a sleep timer. Have the CDs with every program.

I have said this before on ATS. If you listen to the old CBS radio Mystery theater episodes during the Nixon Watergate scandal in 1974, they play old news reports before the show, they play all allot of the old news reports, not just from 1974, but the entire time it ran. Anyway, back in 1974, the news reports from CBS, back then, sound exactly like the news reports now about trump, change the name, it would sound like todays headlines.....Its true, listen to CBS radio Mystery theater 1974 episodes, and the news that is on before the story is pretty damn close to todays headlines....

Oh yeah, and the White House responded pretty damn close to the drama, as the White House does today, with trump.....No matter how guilty trump is, that is the job of those who work at the White House along side trump. No matter how wrong, guilty, stupid, or dishonest, You defend him ....... Just like they did for Nixon.

Leave it to a deranged Leftist to dick up a thread like this with some political bullsh!t.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: silo13

I'll go you one better. The following link brings up a site that has hundreds of old radio programs. you can listen to them for free as long as you want and there are no commericial breaks.

A great place for nostalgic oldies like myself or your younger folks wanting to sample comedy and drama way back in the early days of radio. the Lone Ranger, Ozzie and Harriet, Dick Tracy, Terry and the Pirates or old Bob Hope and Red Skeleton shows are there. One that used to scare me witness was The Innersactum.

posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 11:27 PM
I listen to this sometimes they play it still on the local radio stations. The only people who have accepted this as normal are my parents and grandma but that's okay. When I'm driving, I control my radio muahahah


posted on Dec, 17 2017 @ 11:37 PM
One Of The Very Best. Quite Please..............

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: RazorV66

Oh, lord, how many threads have I seen the alt right fudge up. Anyway I would not have brought it up, accept I have been listening to the episodes in order, and the past 2 months they have been from April May 1974. That is when Watergate was huge. Its not like I sought those dates out, that just happens to be what I am listening to right now.

Have Alexa, play episodes around 60'sih on, the very beginning will be the news on many of the episodes, Its all about Watergate. I used to ignore the news portion of the show, but its very interesting to listen to the Watergate news, especially since I know the outcome.

CBS radio mystery theater is a great bedtime story.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 08:47 AM
I used to go to bed at night listening to these. Always loved the sounds that painted a picture in your mind. Knowing there's a couple of folks there at the radio studio with all sorts of items to make the sounds with. There was a cartoon movie a few years ago and in that movie it rained hamburgers, the sound artist (foley artist) used a wet wash cloth hitting the floor as the sound of the hamburgers as they hit the ground. A most interesting line of work.

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Aliensun

I'm not sure if that's the station I listened to when I was in Sicily (it's bookmarked on the computer there which does me no good) but I hope it is. I really enjoyed listening to ALL the old stuff! Thanks!

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: kurthall

I have to admit I really enjoy listening to the 'old news' too. I'd forgotten about that - talk about icing on the cake!

posted on Dec, 18 2017 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: Aliensun

Thanks for the link. I love listening to old time radio shows. It's funny but a lot of the storylines in sitcoms today, are just a replay of ones from the old radio shows. The father who gives bad advice to his children, etc.

posted on Dec, 19 2017 @ 07:34 PM
And of course there's LIGHTS OUT kind of even freakier than the others.

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