sorry guys but today there will not be an humanoid encounters thread cause i am busy
but due to my mission to provide new and obscure ufological content every weekend to ats and the fact we have an very ugly lineup of threads in the
ufo forum this saturday (tom delongue, boring tabloid news and old thread necros) i will show everyone a interesting youtube channel i found and hope
everyone finds it as interseting has i found it
the channel i am talking about is this one:
he is your stereotipical skywatcher in line of ufolou and others
sadly most of his footage seems to be airplane landing lights, however some of his older videos are very interesting
especcially these ones:
so my question is: what the hell do these videos shown? he says its an landed ufo, but who knows?!
Hmmm, the one video looks as if he's creeping on a house with a tree in front of the window.
You can literally see the tv playing a show and one of the people watching it get up and walk past it.
I think he's more of a peeping tom than UFO investigator.
Jeez I don't know about this channel.
Perhaps he THINKS he's capturing legitimate video.
But even the video of the glowing light in the woods, theirs a road seen in the video to the right.
It's almost like a hiway patrol cop is being filmed and has his flashers on and is using his spot light at on every point.
Ya, my explanation could be possible...
but I'd sure as hell rather it be an ET ship in the woods zapping earth crap!
Ill definitely keep this channel in mind for future videos.
He has a passion that's evident.
I hope he snaps something on video truly unexplainable.
It's always people with poor equipment/skills that see this suff that should be warning enough that it's not what's claimed.
The second video looks like it may be a laser pointer as you see a dot moving in top half of screen as for his claimed orbs poor quality video zoomed
in then uploaded to youtube.