For me, this was the missing piece of the puzzle.
I just wrote this elsewhere, in another thread:
If you connect the dots, this scandal (including the news that HRC/DNC paid for the dossier) runs all of the way to the White House.
So Paul Manafort worked with the Podesta group on behalf of Russian interests. This included a myriad of issues and all to influence HRC and the Obama
Whitehouse. Of course, they knew of Manafor's Russian connections, because they were welcomed at a time when the Obama administration was seeking
Russian cooperation on Iran and publicly promoting the Russian reset. Don't forget Obama wanted friendly relations with Russia and had just admonished
Romney durning the election for saying Russia was a substantial adversary to the US. Obama said they could be a partner.
When Bill Clinton and Frank Giustra flew to Kazactstan to secure it's deal with some of the richest Uranium mines in the world, the Russians were
pissed. Moreover, you have to imagine so was Obama. HRC used to be opposed to deals like Uranium One. In fact, she publicly indicated as much when
previously rejecting a Chinese bid on a domestic metals mining company.
So what happens next? To me it looks like the Russians and Obama agreed to the uranium deal in exchange for Russian cooperation on a slew of Obama
objectives internationally, including Iran. The Russians got their real objective, controlling interest in Kazactstan's uranium. They likely never
cared about the US uranium. Moreover, Obama surely reasoned that the deal wasn't a real threat, as he probably believed US uranium would never leave
the country without US approval.
The Clinton's and Giustra were now very happy to oblige, because now they had a path to a new windfall. They had a guaranteed and highly motivated
buyer. What could be better? They all- Obama, the Clintons, the Russian, and Giustra- just needed to get it through the mills of government without
too much attention. Thus, the slow roll criminal investigation of the kickbacks, HRC's flip flop, and a flurry of lobbying efforts, where Manafort,
the Podesta Group, and many others worked to get the deal done.
As we all know, Russia eventually becomes public enemy number one, after their invasion of the Crimea and their aggressive military posturing in many
theaters around the world.
So now we come to the election. When Manafort becomes Trump's campaign manager, HRC already has Manafort by the balls on the Russian issue. Even
better, they now can slime Trump with a similar claim. They just need to shake some bushes. Accordingly, they hire Fusion GPS for the dossier, who
then hires a guy to do what? Investigate Trump on Russian connections, by going to Russian sources.
Now here is where it gets interesting. The Obama administration used Manafort's connections and the HRC/DNC ' opposition research' as the very pretext
to acquire FISA warrants to clandestinely investigate Trump and his campaign for Russian connections.This was a full court press, that as we know now,
included the massive amount of unmasking conducted by Susan Rice, John Brennan, and Samantha Powers throughout the election season and prior to
Trump's inauguration.
To me it's starting to look like the accusation that the Obama administration used its own government powers to interfere with a political opponent in
a US presidential election has much stronger legs than ever before.
The more you pull the threads, the more obvious it becomes.
edit on 24-10-2017 by loam because: (no reason given)