a reply to:
I don't know your spiritual persuasion, & I'm not one to push my beliefs on others, so I will only tell you what works for me!
I have to keep reminding myself, because I get mired in stress & tend to forget, but I try to remember to put everything into God's hands.
So far, He has amazed me with how he takes care of things, things that I thought were impossible! As soon as I say, "Lord, I can't do this anymore. I
can't do it by myself. I'm putting everything into your hands. You know best. Show me what to do."
A complete feeling of calm comes over me!
Nowadays, I say it so often, that it's just, "Into your hands Lord!" It's amazing how quickly things have turned around, or answers have come to me.
When you get rid of the stress, your mind is able to function again & regain clarity. We waste so much time worrying about things that we really have
no control over! If we could stay focused & calm, we might be able to see solutions sooner to the things that we do have control over!
Hubby used to get S.A.D. every October. Since the time only changes in November now, it's not as bad. He does sleep longer though! One of those
special lights helped him. It was really bad when he used to work nights & sleep days!
Good luck with all your challenges!
First, try to get enough sleep. If you don't take care of yourself, you can't help anyone else. Maybe try some natural supplements or herbal tea.
Couldn't hurt. If you aren't on any other medication that is!
Second, concentrate on your degree. Then everything else in order of priority. Could you do some job & house hunting online in the meantime? If you
found some prospects to work from, it might help you feel more positive & at least give you a starting point. At least look & see what is available.
Do you know of anyone who has been through some of the same things that you are facing?
Any military 'message boards' or Facebook sites, where you could ask for advice or suggestions?
The best advice is from people who have already been through something similar.
All the best to you & your family!