The American genius Charles Sanders Peirce said that there are 3 sciences to which reason should look to for its principles: mathematics,
phenomenology and ethics. Amazingly, Peirce goes without noting that these 3 sciences correspond to 3rd person objective knowledge of the universe
(mathematics); 1st person objective knowledge of the quality of self-experience (phenomenology); and 2nd person objective knowledge of intersubjective
experience (ethics). Each of these fields give rise to essential patterns and ‘habits’, and Peirce, in his genius, assumed a continuity between
the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st – which there undoubtedly is. His opposition towards relativism i.e. moral relativism, stems from his conviction that
scientific claims should not contradict facts from any of the above modes of knowing i.e. self-experience, interpersonal interactions with others (and
the effects they produce) and the nature of physical reality itself, as revealed by mathematical modelling.
Peirce was on the nose when he recognized the objective significance of each of these subjects, but what he couldn't speak about was the way doing
and development conspire to make the mind the way it functions. In short, the human mind is a 'culture' of the various interactions it has had (and
continues to have) with the world, which means that human minds come in a 'variety' of very different forms, and by no means are they all
epistemologically or dynamically equal to one another. Some are more correlated to facts which obtain in the objective world, and so, their body-mind
may be conceived as more coherently entrained to the self-organizing vectors of body and world (which form a continuum).
This got me thinking about all the things people do with their time, which goes far in explaining how
46% of Americans believe the news media makes up stories about
Trump, despite all the overwhelming evidence contradicting that position - Trumps own voice, words and continuously pathologically mendacious
behavior - a large chunk of the public doesn't even know how to coherently relate to facts about people, and how those facts are important because
they help keep things "coherent". Indeed, that same poll showed that 28% of Americans would "be ok" with Trump taking away the licencing of media
outlets, despite the fact that the first amendment insures the right to a free press.
What is remarkable about this is that there seems to be an absence of a knowledge that motivated the system that currently exists in the united
States, and that is the significance of a free press to counter the propgandic powers of the centralized government. Of course, the press could be
corrupted, but in the absence of a critical voice, which necessarily implies some de-centered 'outside' perspective, there is a simple singularity
of power - that is to say; the people who currently profit from an existing system will seek, as elites have always sought, to increase their
control/hold of the system.
How does this exist? Why do we live in a society where people do not recognize the one-to-one relationship between political vigilance and the things
we do? If people, for instance, are knee-deep in T.V, Movies, video games, sports, and other constant intellectual distractions, why is it not
admitted that such preoccupation renders the human mind unable to keep coherent track of its own activity/behavior, and furthermore, if the person is
fed delusions about having an opinion that is "just as good" as people who read books, even conversing about the way activity and neuroplasticity
shape awareness around a particular function or mode of being will not even be recognized as a significant argument, that is, human minds are so
utterly dissociative in the societies we live within, that people are prone to experience intellectual conversations as confusing, uninteresting, and
full of "too much detail". The issue for mind-brains like this is representational complexity - to which their brains are simply too undeveloped to
accommodate. Indeed, republicans and other conspirators love this situation; stupid, idealistic and dissociative minds trust the very people who
routinely screw them over, precisely because they are not able to metabolize the semiotic methods of the politicians in question i.e. to link it to
the larger complexities related to our biological evolution and the financial incentives strewn throughout the international capitalist system that
maintains an elite class who profits - and controls - at the expense of the rest.
Literature, Art, & Film Studies
It's not that I do not appreciate these fields, but it cannot be denied that they relate to intra-cultural realities, and so, do not actually relate
to the objective natural world which underlies how our bodies self-organize within a larger ecosystem. This is a problem, as many people who are
studied in these areas oftentimes subscribe to idealistic philosophies which have absolutely no basis in actual fact, and the only reason they are
able to maintain the illusion of this truth is precisely due to them "not knowing what they do not know"; in short, you won't experience dissonance
if you don't know how epistemologically invalid and faith based your position is.
The beauty of science and the reason we have the world today with computers, toilets and cars is that humans decided to "cool it" with the
superstitious circular reasoning where "believing something" to be true was taken for granted, which oftentimes led to superstitious and retarded
beliefs that circumvented psychological and technological progress. Indeed, the biggest sponges are the businessmen who don't much subscribe to
science, but rather, to a "secret esoteric philosophy" which their pretentious story-telling mind needs to believe because it affords and allows
them to maintain a control and power over a system which they indeed have much competence to manipulate, but at a cost which no sane human being would
ever think is worth it.
Just as an aside, but reflective of the dissociative and confused thinking which animates so many minds, take the rapper Azealia Banks, who before the
election of Donald Trump wrote:
"I have no hope for America...I think Donald Trump is evil like America is evil and in order for America to keep up with itself it needs
him...politicians are inherently evil, I trust the one who is most transparent
She later retracted her support for Trump (not even noting that it conflicted with her support of black rights..aye) writing,
"i made a major mistake endorsing toupey-toupee. Womens rights are important and we must protect them."
And yet this dissociative - yet influential - creature switched sides yet again when Trump won
He is my #ing hero right now. I am elated."[
One second she seems to identify with being evil, inasmuch as she considers "America evil" "trump evil" and in "order for America to keep up with
itself", they have to elect the most evil guy.
A few weeks later, this enormously irritating human being (who is currently in the process of making herself whiter via skin bleaching) writes, with
regard to having a miscarriage:
Has anyone else had this same experience who cares to share some words of wisdom or words of anything regarding this topic?"[70]