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U Of Washington Study Links ‘Microaggressions’ To Whites-No Whites included in study

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posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

And see?

That is the edge of insanity. You cannot look at them and judge visually. At least, as a straight woman, I am taught you are not to do that because you cannot know, and you honestly sometimes can't. There is no such thing as "gaydar;" that's just stupid.

So how are you supposed to look at a transgendered person and know what they want you to call them in terms of pronouns?

You can't; and even further you can't if they are "fluid" because that means their pronouns are going to be all over the map from day to day (OK, possibly not that radically, but they are going to change over time). So there is no way you can know what will make them happy, and how on earth are you supposed to recall perfectly every single person you ever interact with to the degree that you can recall that you should open your conversation with a variation of "What pronouns should I use this time?" and how do you phrase that tactfully?

Do they not understand that some of us still struggle with names after we meet you more than once?

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

This topic, in my opinion, is an actual example of the actions of genuine "SJWs" at work by the way (noting a recent conversation of ours.)

Thanks for that convo by the way. Do you mean, in this instance, that the microaggression discourse is exemplary of SJW excesses, or that some SJWs themselves seem to engage in microagressions?

The concept of "microaggression" as something we should act against is the problem. The idea that some of these universities will now take this study as a basis for opening a whole new can of worms that will accomplish nothing more than simply spreading more bad feelings.

At some point we just need to say to each other "Don't be rude; treat people like you want to be treated."
edit on 29-9-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

This topic, in my opinion, is an actual example of the actions of genuine "SJWs" at work by the way (noting a recent conversation of ours.)

Thanks for that convo by the way. Do you mean, in this instance, that the microaggression discourse is exemplary of SJW excesses, or that some SJWs themselves seem to engage in microagressions?

The concept of "microaggression" as something we should act against is the problem. The idea that some of these universities will now take this study as a basis for opening a whole new can of worms that will accomplish nothing more than simply spreading more bad feelings.

At some point we just need to say to each other "Don't be rude; treat people like you want to be treated."

Well, yes it is problematic to both measure and to address. It's one thing for crystal clear proven microagressions, for example if someone says something very stereotypical of some other person in some way. But all that then should be "don't stereotype people and don't judge a book by it's cover." Yes, getting back to basic respect like you say is a better approach.

Also, I agree that we don't need further laundry lists of social justice things to address and obsess over.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I would have disagreed with you on gaydar 20 years ago, but now ... who knows?

The way I would know would be to ask them. As long as I can pronounce the pronouns, I would probably try out of respect. But for someone who is (as I said to the young person in my story) "gender oscillating" there's no way to be correct. If I'm aware of their identity, I just usually call them by their name and try to smile and use a warm tone of voice a lot.

I admit I'm getting too old for this.

IF you're really interested in "doing your best" which is all I try to do, just ask them. I know it can be cumbersome and seems very artificial ... but until we see where these trends are taking us ... I guess we'll all just have to either hold on and ride or jump off and walk away.

Honestly, I'm also confused on interactions sometimes on an individual basis.

But the existence of a genderfluid person is a strong counter in my opinion to the validity of the microaggression argument.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Well, someone mentioned above "You're really pretty for a Black girl."

There is no scenario in which I can imagine this coming out of someone's mouth that isn't being INTENTIONALLY rude.

If they are, they get what they get. I pretty much agree with the Hannibal Lector school of thought on that score.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
Funny grandma was raised in South El Paso. She learned how to cook from some of the ladies on the reservation, and could make amazing Mexican food from scratch (i mean real scratch...grinding her own corn in the mocajete).

When she first met my wife, she asked, "Where do you guys get your green chiles from". My wife said, "um...the store". My grandmother was looking for some tips on where to buy better chile's without having to drive back to El Paso. My wife just thought she was a racist old bat. Which, to be fair, she was (she once told my wife and I she was happy to see us in the waiting room at the hospital because she was "getting run out by mexicans" wife is as "mexican" as it gets).

Nonetheless...that isn't racist. That is an opportunity to share your culture with someone who doesn't know anything more than "tacos" about the culture.

I'm not so sure there's not a concentrated effort to prevent that sharing and understanding from happening. It's where the concept of "cultural appropriation" comes from. Division is necessary for these conflicts to continue per the desired agenda, thus any searching for middle ground is painted as racist by them as well.

I grew up in the NM bootheel on Chihuahuan food, eating it and learning how to prepare it, taught by friends' parents and grandparents. I'm a Mexican food snob, which has caused some issues up here in Alaska. We had a work lunch at one of the places up here a few years back, I said afterward the food wasn't Mexican food, it was from a can crap... enchilada sauce far too sweet, chile verde made with the wrong chiles, rellenos with the wrong cheese and too thin a batter, and what they called tamales were an atrocity to the food... more like sausage meat sprinkled with some manner of dry corn meal and swimming in more of the sugary crap they called enchilada sauce. I passed on it the next time the office went there and a couple folks took offense to my opinion, saying that I'm not a Latino, so what do I know about real Mexican food...
Now days we even see news stories from places like Portland about boycotts against gringo owned and operated Mexican restaurants and taco carts because: cultural appropriation. Sorry, good food is good damn food. If you have the background and, even more importantly, the passion for it, you can do great honor to any culture's cuisine. Hell, look at Bobby Flay.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

OR just hit them...HITTING DOES work if done once they throw or hit first(THEY are easier to goad than hard assed BULLIES, but not as fun at all).
I 've hit people that have LEARNED a great deal about what NOT to do in the spur of the moment ...SOME sobered up and thanked me others call me MONSTER or NAZI ,then drop what they hit me with first,YOU know the usual.
OR I just growl at them and we separate,but HIPPIES see that CAV STETSON,long gray hair with a braided beard and can't help it.
THE GOOD thing is THEY CAN'T fight back!
ALL at once they RUN to tell on you from a safe zone on the cell phone, as the red state, FLYOVER, primary populace of the country, laugh at their weird hippy ways....
edit on 29-9-2017 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

Honestly, I'm not sure what to say in response Cav.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Well, someone mentioned above "You're really pretty for a Black girl."

There is no scenario in which I can imagine this coming out of someone's mouth that isn't being INTENTIONALLY rude.

Between strangers or casual acquaintences, I absolutely agree with you. Among friends, particularly close or romantic relations, I can see a lot of room for it being said as a shared joke. My wife has commented "for an engineer" or "for a redneck" at the end of many compliments directed at me.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

It would indeed HURT inside if I was to strike a college kid as I would a soldier.
IT ISN'T at all required.
THEY may seem like retards but they REALLY don't know.
MY targets are whom is behind the money,,,give me a slot and I will take mine out..

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

I recall growing up in the 1980's and can recall being grabbed and removed from my neighbors lawn. This is after many warnings of getting the F off his lawn.
I did not tell my dad that our neighbor removed me, I would have gotten worse from my dad for not listening to our neighbor.
Yes ultimately force works as a last resort. And college students seem about as balls stupid as I was in at 12 years old.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Ironically enough, one of the local talk shows was talking about this topic to a tangential degree this morning.

They were talking about how cultures get knitted into the American fabric and then celebrations of their culture become American celebrations ... like we embrace Oktoberfest and have variations all over, then there is St. Patrick's Day which is an Irish heritage celebration the way we do it, then there is Cinco de Mayo which they barely bother with in Mexico but is huge in the states now, Chinese New Year celebrations are a thing in many places too.

We need to have days/festivals that get broadly embraced be the country as a whole that celebrate each cultural facet/group of the states. They don't have to be days off work or anything like that just big parties that celebrate this or that culture that's here and part of us now.

Of course, now people would get upset and cry about cultural appropriation like they do about frats and sororities having taco feeds with people wearing sombreros.

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 02:26 AM
I was brought up with a very simple saying... "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!"

Bring this back please, thanks.

In the UK "banter" is very important, we love making fun of literally everything and everyone including ourselves! It's practically a language here or a form of communication. I can call my friend a see you next Tuesday no problem! XD

I am tall, 6'4", people have asked me how the weather is up here and if I get the rain first etc... I also wear glasses so I am a foureyes too! Oh and I am skinny as well! Used to be called "Mr muscle" from the adverts that showed a nerdy looking skinny guy, does actually look a little like me! XD

I also have big ears that stick out, I am wingnut or Dumbo...

Jeez people need to get a damn grip of themselves and stop being bloody victims all the time and grow a back bone!
edit on 30-9-2017 by Meee32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

My wifes family prefers my cooking over their own. My mother in law tells all her sisters (8 in total left alive) about her daughters guero husband that makes her tamales.

The mexican version of "he cooks pretty good for a white guy".

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 08:07 AM
I'm known as a "lefty" around here, yet, I'm glad to go on record that the concept of the "micro aggression" is simply going too far.

I'm also not a big fan of considering people guilty of racism, sexism, etc-ism, when they "don't even know they're doing it." That's another load of BS.

Also, the claim that minorities can't or don't participate in discrimination against others. BS Claim #3.

ON the other hand ...

Just because some academics, actual SJWs, and other "activists" take a concept too far as has been done ridiculously here ... that doesn't mean, per se, that we should simply abandon all awareness of how our words and actions can affect others.

There is middle ground; that's what some want us all to forget.

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

I understand your point but the problem with that mentality is brought to us by this very thread. Because "if you give people an inch they take a mile", another great saying I grew up with. XD

From my point of view it's like this, freedom of speech is there to protect horrible things that people say! It's not there to protect all the lovely fluffy stuff nobody gets offended by. It's there so everyone, no matter how twisted their logic or reason, can express themselves.

I find socialism and communism to be very very offensive, ridiculous and dangerous! But I still think people should be able to talk about it just so I know who to avoid! It's funny though, because under communism we wouldn't be able to talk about capitalism, now would we? XD

I think PC non-sense has caused way more harm than good and has led us down a very slippery path.

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Meee32

Freedom of speech is not intended to protect people from the results of things they say TO OR ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE.

Freedom of speech and expression are natural human rights that we possess because we are thinking, breathing human beings. In the US, our Constitution restricts government interference in our natural rights. We have the right to say what we think and believe.

As with all freedoms, there are also natural limits. We don't have the right to assault others with our speech.

Since you enjoy platitudes, I suggest you consider "Your rights end where mine begin."

Vague generalizations and empty rhetoric don't seem to do a lot to move the discussion forward, IMO.
edit on 30-9-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

edit on 30-9-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Sir, it's not possible to "assault" someone with words. It doesn't move the conversation forward being dishonest either.

You do not have the right to not be offended, I'm sorry that right just does not exist. If you are offended by me, just avoid me! It's that simple.

Because as I pointed out it's a very slippery slope. I am offended by talk of communism and socialism, so ban it as hate speech?

What I said wasn't "empty rhetoric", it's just called common sense.

Say for example someone came to me and was very nasty verbally to me, maybe he even bad mouthed my mum, I would just laugh in his face. I have thick skin and people should learn to grow some, it's much easier than tip toeing around trying not to offend someone.

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Meee32

Of course it's possible to damage others with words.

Perhaps you should review the legal definitions of fraud, libel, and slander for example. Look up the concept of "fighting words."

You're spouting your beliefs and garden-variety platitudes.

I've never claimed I have a right not to be offended; while you're looking things up consider "straw man argument."

Nor have I said anything about calling communism and socialism "hate speech" (in fact, didn't even mention hate speech.)

People "should learn" to handle things the way you do? Right, you're our standard of behavior.

Look. You want to prattle on about the standard BS arguments about not being offended by speech, right?

Yet, here you are reacting to my words in two posts now ... gee, what does that prove about your "theory"?


edit on 30-9-2017 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: seasonal

Assuming Asians enjoy rice is a micro aggression. And according to this study (of only minority students) white students are the problem.

My wife is racist then, as is her whole family.

Oh they're Asian by the way.

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