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Question on crashed UFO's

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posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

No its not accurate.

Theyre not producing gravitons although mechanisms for producing gravitons has been suggested in the past.

They chirp a superconductor so the collapsing E field converts to gauge bosons which are then converted and matched up to retrograde fluxlines of an external magnetic field unwinding the poynting vectors of the mass which alleviates the perceived, to the outside universe beyond such effects, the test masses framedragging effects which reduces inertial mass.

A refractive index correction to match impedance to the EM vacua (virtual particals and EM waveform) of the vacuum alters the value for C thus exponentially increasing the speed of light in a vacuum and allowing a method of circumventing einsteins relativity issues and problems when approaching the speed of light. This is achieved using plasma as a PPWG to induce a kerr effect tapped into the frequency of the doppler shifted compton wavelength/debroglie frequency in the EM vacua via a created bubble of dielectric.

Making the field that creates this effect less powerful on one side forming a gradient intills quantum vacuum pressures unequally which pushes the vehicle into a direction thus supplying thrust and a vector.

Once understood its all very simple, although inherently dangerous to do. fTL travel is not likein star trek. Folks are holding in to dear life when the vehicle does its thing. Occasionally the vehicles field will hit a patch of non homogeneous vacuum (more EM vacua going on ) and the computer cant calculate the correct impedance match fast enough and the vehicle and its occupants go boom in a flash of light created by cerenkov radiation or the optical boom of FTL light/particles crossing through the barrier to normal vacuum metrics.
edit on 24-9-2017 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2017 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

oh nice
im asking this because the user that uploaded that video made some analysis suspiciously like yours in some videos

so i thought it was you in real life

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

No other than ats i keep a low profile. I dont post elsewhere even when ive felt compelled to write podcast folk explaining things to them.

Infact in two months ill disappear to a rural farm land in Australia to focus on being a good husband and try and raise a little boy to the best of my abilities. I wont be on ats or spouting off anymore. Somethings are more important and being a better man and serving my family is one of them. So no thats not me on some other website.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
a reply to: BASSPLYR

oh nice
im asking this because the user that uploaded that video made some analysis suspiciously like yours in some videos

so i thought it was you in real life

Who knows maybe ive got a fan out there. Or theyve done their homework and coupled with due diligence come to the same conclusions

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

f#ck i need to be fast!

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:22 AM
Btw i enjoy your threads. Keep em coming. Even if im lurking ill still read them. Lots of interesting things to consider in them. I especually like the recent japanese reports.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

yeah likely just an coincidence, but damn did he look like you!
heres an
(scroll down to the user named kenneth)

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

hahaha! yeah, i wanted to do original research in an site where politics are everywhere
do you have an opinion on the japanese one?
edit on 24-9-2017 by humanoidlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

his username is ken Behrendt

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: humanoidlord

Interesting commentary by the guy but. Im much younger than him. Ill comment more on his posts once i reread. But thank you for supplying a link. Hes got some interesting stuff to say.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

indeed the similarity is bizzare!

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Cropper

I'd love to know where that guy got the idea we can reach Proxima Centauri in 40 years with today's technology.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

I think given Jessy Marcel's statement of the time that is actually very unlikely but as a cover story goes it did it's job perfectly well.
For a start material that was bulletproof, light wooden I beam's that were also immensely strong and had unknown hieroglyph like writing (what was the mogul program being supplied by foreign contractors or something), memory metal like skin material not fabric like the mogul skin would have been.

So the Mogul account is just disinformation, another layer on a cake of disinformation like the cream on top of a moldy old trifle.

Jesse Marcel's statements were told nearly 30 years later after being filtered through interviews with UFOlogist Stanton Friedman. Mac Brazel made a statement to the Roswell Daily Chronicle a day after the newspaper story and a month after discovering the debris himself. This is the only firsthand recorded account of the debris at the time we can rely on. Of course those selling the alien spacecraft tale want to get away from Brazel's interview and create military coercion because what he describes is undoubtedly from a balloon and radar target array. He described finding "smokey gray rubber, tinfoil, paper, tape, and sticks." He said he found no metal in the area but saw considerable Scotch tape and tape with flowers printed upon it that was used in the construction. He also found eyelets that seemed to be used as some sort of attachment. Brazel handled the debris picking it up and bundling it together, yet never describes any amazing properties in his newspaper interview. Searching for metal and propellers as he noted shows Brazel was actively searching for something anomalous. He would have certainly noticed "memory metal" of the tinfoil while bundling the debris together.

If thoroughly researched, you'd see Mogul isn't disinformation. It was a program that existed in June/July 1947 that launched balloon arrays 80 miles southwest of the crash site.

So the military in 1947 used pretty flowers and nice pretty colors, and scotch tape to make weather balloons? Okay! They classified it so no one would laugh at the pretty flowers?

That's the best one I have ever heard besides 3-4 foot tall alien bodies being mistaken for 6 foot tall crash test dummies 3-4 years before they invented crash test dummies.

How many lies from AFOSI do people need to hear before they get it?

Using Mogul which was a real project, in place of what actually happened is the lie. How many truckloads of balloon material does it take to equal a crashed saucer?

edit on 24-9-2017 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

So the military in 1947 used pretty flowers and nice pretty colors, and scotch tape to make weather balloons? Okay

Mac Brazel:

Part of the construction of the updated ML307C radar targets required Scotch/cellophane tape to help secure the supporting sticks to the heavy foil backed reflective material. This is noted on the revised ML307C blueprint which is in my thread I linked. This is a small side notation from that blueprint:

So yes, radar targets in 1947 used Scotch tape for support. As for the "pretty flowers and nice pretty colors," if you researched any of this for yourself you'd understand the military didn't construct the targets. They were farmed out to toy companies that used available materials which were in short supply because of the war. The "pretty" designs were remembered by both Mogul's balloon flight engineer Charles Moore and Project officer Capt. Albert Trakowski who worked on the project in 1947.

That's the best one I have ever heard besides 3-4 foot tall alien bodies being mistaken for 6 foot tall crash test dummies 3-4 years before they invented crash test dummies.

The "alien bodies" tale didn't come about until 30+ years after the crash. Solely based on stories with even less evidence than the alien spacecraft portion of the tale. The Air Force felt pressured into coming up with an explanation for alien bodies. An answer that didn't need an explanation because it was fabricated. Because of this, the response given of displaced memories is as ridiculous as the nonsense of alien bodies being found. What this does demonstrate is that the Air Force didn't lie, create false documents, or a "cover" story for the bodies as some claim with Mogul balloon crash. Why not do it here as well?

How many truckloads of balloon material does it take to equal a crashed saucer?

What factual data do you have to back up truckloads of material was taken away from the site? More stories? Mac Brazel, only a month later, describes the debris was scattered about the property in small pieces.
This is his statement in his interview:

That doesn't sound like even a single truckload of material. And how is it possible for this indestructible material that can't be folded, cut, burned, dented with a sledge hammer, or broken, break apart into many pieces? Doesn't add up.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 05:33 PM
Anything Mac Brazel claimed after the fact isn't credible because of the tactics used by the military back then to squash their own screw up of telling the world they had recovered a flying saucer.

The pressures involved in some kind of implosion or explosion on board an unknown craft, and crashing into the ground would be much greater than just taking a hammer to the material and being unable to dent it or break it. There are lots of reasons it could have shattered before coming to rest, even if the pieces were later found to be very strong.

If you want to believe in military coerced testimony of a private citizen that discredits the original and official military testimony claiming to have captured a flying saucer, that is your own prerogative.

edit on 24-9-2017 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: added

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Anything Mac Brazel claimed after the fact isn't credible because of the tactics used by the military back then to squash their own screw up of telling the world they had recovered a flying saucer.

How convenient. We're to toss out everything Mac Brazel says a day after the incident is reported in the paper, but we're to believe every other story 30+ years later? Stories told through UFOlogist with an agenda to $ell a story? Are we really supposed to be that ignorant and naive?

The pressures involved in some kind of implosion or explosion on board an unknown craft, and crashing into the ground would be much greater than just taking a hammer to the material and being unable to dent it or break it. There are lots of reasons it could have shattered before coming to rest, even if the pieces were later found to be very strong.

Now we add to this fantasy a claim that the "craft" possibly imploded in on itself with a force strong enough to rip apart this indestructible material but leaves no evidence of an impact site and doesn't drive any material into the ground? Or the alien spaceship explodes in mid air with that same force which would scatter debris across a huge area of the desert, but doesn't? I think you need to stick to relying on UFOlogists to fabricate your explanations for you.

If you want to believe in military coerced testimony of a private citizen that discredits the original and official military testimony claiming to have captured a flying saucer, that is your own prerogative

That's not my claim, it's part of the believer explanation. Brazel being strong-armed by two military men he was seen in town with outside of the KGFL studio.
His interview describes a Mogul service flight to a T. The only way around this is to create nonsensical explanations, or better yet - oh let's just ignore what he said.

If you have issues with any of my theories/explanations you should do so in my Roswell thread.

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