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Oh what a night...

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posted on Sep, 3 2017 @ 10:29 AM
... oops. Wrong group.
Went into Toronto last night to see Alice Cooper and Deep Purple. What a show. We fed Alice's Frankenstein and he lost his head as usual BUT Deep Purple ruled the night. Hell there were people actually dancing in the aisles(outdoor venue). Those sitting were bopping and swaying. I thought it was a rip at first. Seems like they only played about 45 minutes. Zack(my 27 yo son) said, "Dad it was over an hour and a half". That's how into the show we got.

It was an older crowd. We were typical. Old farts with their 20-30 something kids. I've never seen so many walkers, wheelchairs, canes, scooters, etc at a rock show before. Starting with my wheelchair.
We rocked it though. And if you don't think that septuagenarians can't rock you should have been there. High energy.

I'm getting back to my old precocious self after that long illness. I was at the merch stand and a woman next to me said, "Oh, did I bump you?" I said, "No... but you could." She just looked at me and I continued, "I'm not paralyzed." She just stared but her mother(about my age) behind her split a gut laughing.

All in all a helluva good time. Not the best concert I've seen, that would be Queen in '78 but up there.

posted on Sep, 3 2017 @ 10:43 AM
reply to: intrepid

Music is the only universal language that knows no boundaries and is understood by all.

Rock on.

posted on Sep, 3 2017 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: intrepid


My very first concert was Alice Cooper. Trash Tour, Fox Theater Atlanta, GA, with my dad. He grew up with Love it to Death, Killer, Schools Out, etc, and so we went. It was pretty awesome, from what I recall, quite the theatrics.

She just looked at me and I continued, "I'm not paralyzed."

That's hilarious.

posted on Sep, 3 2017 @ 10:55 AM
Huge Alice fan. I enjoy seeing him in small venues, so his theatrical show can really be appreciated.
Last time I "saw" deep purple, I was told the show was great. Apparently I passed out before the AWESOME laser light show. Which would have looked really cool considering the reason I passed out.

Glad you enjoyed the show, though with a ticket like that, it would be hard not to.

posted on Sep, 3 2017 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: intrepid

That is how it was when the wife and I went to see Paul McCarthy. It was cool. There was young ones there teenagers and young adults and all of us old f#cks.
I seen deep purple back in the 80s. They rocked it then and I have no doubt they still can rock it now.

Glad you had fun.......

edit on 3-9-2017 by Tarzan the apeman. because: I need coffee.

posted on Sep, 3 2017 @ 12:48 PM
My first concert was the beach boys ! ..and then Huey Lewis and the glad you are out and about ! Enjoy life while you can .

posted on Sep, 3 2017 @ 10:17 PM
My friends and I saw the same show Wednesday night near Indianapolis IN. Great show. Alice still has the kick ass energy he's always had. I really enjoyed Deep Purple. They played a great set and the crowd was really into it. Edgar Winter opened the show with a nice set playing both the guitar and his keyboard strapped around his neck.

Glad you had a great time. Music makes the world go round.

A night to remember.


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