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Anyone feel like sharing easy healthy recipes?

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posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: Tardacus
it`s not about what you eat or how much you eat it`s ALL about how much physical activity you get.

don`t worry about what you eat or how much you eat worry about what you do and how much you do it.

if you sit on your ass and you do it for 16 hours a day then eating a head lettuce everyday will make you fat.
if you cut down trees and do it for 16 hours a day,eating a 7 course meal everyday won`t make you fat.

there`s only 2 ways to lose weight, eat less or burn more calories.

I`m really lucky in that I need to keep mind occupied and staring at the T.V, or the computer, or the walls doesn`t occupy my mind I need to get out and do things so I get a lot of physical activity.

So you mean to say that eating only lettuce all day while sitting on your ass, as you so eloquently put it, will make you fat?

Have you any knowledge of what a Basal Metabolic Rate is?

Or the fact you'd have to eat about eight and a half kilos (almost 19lbs) of lettuce per day to even make 500cals? Good luck to you... You'd get skinny quick but you'd also be very ill.

You can't out - train a bad diet! The only part of your comment I agree with is that you have to create a caloric deficit to lose fat.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: Domo1

It catches up on ya without even realising doesn't it? I've managed to lose about 50lbs over the past 18 months just making simple changes on a day to day basis.

In regards to food and recipes - absolutely fill your kitchen with dried herbs and spices. They are virtually calorie free and can add so much to a dish. Especially garlic, dried/fresh and even frozen (it's really handy). I'll generally stick to chicken, turkey and lean red meat as protein sources (about a 3oz serving). White and sweet potatoes, pasta, rice and legumes for carbs and fibre, olive oil, coconut oil, butter, eggs, cheese and whole milk for fat sources. And then I treat non-starchy vegetables as 'free foods' (within reason). Not really into fruit.

Here's one or two recipes I like that I've created and these are all staples I keep in the kitchen:

Stuffed Chicken Breast with Mixed Salad:

• 1 Uncooked Chicken Fillet (Defrosted & no skin)
• Palm-full Sized Bunch of Baby Leaf Spinach (Raw)
• Small Handful of Frozen Peppers
• Thumb-Sized Piece of Cheese
• Seasoning: 1tsp Garlic Powder, 1tsp Mixed Herbs, Pinch Salt.
• Mixed Salad (I'll leave the recipe for this at the end of the recipes)

Butterfly the chicken fillet and lay it on a baking tray lined with either parchment paper or foil and pre heat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
Give the spinach a rough chop and put it on the right half of the butterflied chicken fillet. On top of the spinach put the frozen peppers and place the piece of cheese on the top of these. Sprinkle half of your seasoning over the ingredients on top of the chicken and then fold the left side over to cover the ingredients.
Sprinkle the rest of your seasoning over the top of the chicken fillet and wrap in foil so the chicken will keep the ingredients covered & place in the oven for 35-40 mins. Serve with mixed salad.

Egg Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms:

• 2 Portobello Mushrooms, Stalks Removed
• 2 Eggs, Beaten together in a dish
• Handful Frozen Peppers
• Thumb Sized Piece of Cheese
• Seasoning: 1tsp Garlic Powder, 1tsp Dried Basil OR 5-6 Leaves Fresh Basil Bruised and Chopped, Thumb Sized Piece of Onion – Diced.
• Mixed Salad*

Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. Pre heat your oven to 180. Place the mushrooms ‘face up’ (the inside of the cap will face up to form a ‘cup’ shape to hold the egg.)
Beat the eggs together in a dish, add in all of your seasoning, peppers and onion. When all of the ingredients are well incorporated, carefully split the mixture between the two mushroom caps. Cut the piece of cheese in half and place each half on top of each mushroom. Place in the oven for
20mins (or until the egg is cooked through to your liking). Serve with mixed salad.

Tossed Vegetables and Honey-Soy Chicken:

• 1 Fillet of Chicken (Defrosted)
• 1 Chopped Bell Pepper or a Handful of Frozen Peppers
• 1 Scallion, Chopped
• Handful of Frozen Green Beans
• 3-4 Large Button Mushrooms Cut in to Bite-sized Pieces
• You can bulk up this meal with more vegetables that aren't starchey
• Seasoning – 2Tbsp of Honey, 2Tbsp of Soy Sauce or Tamari Sauce, 1 Clove Garlic – Minced/Chopped, 1Tsp of Wholegrain Mustard (Optional)
• 1Tsp of Coconut Oil for Frying

Prepare your seasoning in a separate small dish and prepare your vegetables for cooking.
Slice the chicken breast in to thin strips so they will cook quickly.
Turn on your frying pan on a med-high heat and add the coconut oil to the pan, let it melt.
Add all of your vegetables to the pan and toss them so they begin to cook and after 5mins add all of the seasoning to the pan, tossing the vegetables to coat them in the sauce and leave them to cook for a further minute or two.
Add a tablespoon of water to the pan and then add your chicken, tossing the mixture until thoroughly coated in the sauce and the chicken is cooked through, keep an eye on the chicken and be sure it does not dry out.
This can be served with salad greens if preferred but it should be enough to fill you for the afternoon.

Recipe for mixed salad:

As much salad leaves as you like. Few diced tomatoes and onion to your taste. I'll use 1tbsp of full fat mayonnaise with 1 tablespoon of Ballymaloe relish (don't know if you can get this where you're based. It' s an Irish product but any low cal/low sugar relish will be fine. It adds a nice acidity to the salad as vinaigrette can be high in cals and sugar.

Anyway I wish you all the best on losing
if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask or send a message.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 12:07 PM
I like to replace normal long grain rice in our dishes with cauliflower rice. It tastes better and a lot less carbs.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 02:25 PM
The simple formula to easy cooking:

- choose a meat, a veggie, an herb, and an aromatic (garlic or onion usually)
- put them all into a parchment pouch (just fold parchment into a pouch
- add a couple teaspoons of oil or butter
- bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes

The trick is to use meats that aren't as thick so they'll cook in that time (a butterflied chicken breast works)

Another easy formula

On a cookie sheet lay down a layer of foil. Spray it with cooking spray. In the middle put the protein (chicken in your case). On one side put some potato, on the other side put a veggie. Salt/pepper/olive oil the whole thing and bake for 20 minutes

I like to eat veggie dishes that are made into a meal. I usually just add bacon, some pecans, some dried cranberry, and some mushrooms (my favorite is brussel sprouts split in 2) and roasted in the oven until the bacon is cooked

Nothing specific here...just some ideas for quick, easy, and tasty.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
I like to eat veggie dishes that are made into a meal. I usually just add bacon, some pecans, some dried cranberry, and some mushrooms (my favorite is brussel sprouts split in 2) and roasted in the oven until the bacon is cooked

Nothing specific here...just some ideas for quick, easy, and tasty.

One of the simplest, and tastiest, Brussel sprout recipes is just to toss some halved sprouts with olive oil, salt and pepper and then roast in a pan at 425* until they start to get slightly charred. Excellent texture, good flavor and so simple.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Domo1

I always struggle when I go on a bit of a health kick as there is nowt I detest more than bland food and tiny portions. My solution for the past 10 years has been Thai food.

I realise this isn't true Thai but it's the best I can do with what I can easily get and it's really tasty.

The key for me is the combination of garlic, ginger and chilli. All of which aid digestion, blood pressure and naturally raise metabolism. Add to that plenty of fresh lime at the end and your onto a winner.

I literally dice a large onion and soften in a pan in a splash of oil, when softened add the chopped chilli, garlic and ginger (I just blitz to a course paste) and fry gently for 5. Use loads minimum half bulb garlic, couple of finger sized chunks of ginger and loads of chilli. I make this in batches and store in fridge for a few days in a Tupperware box.

Turn up to a medium heat. You can add any meat at this point as long as finely sliced/diced Beef, chicken, pork all work well. Equally prawns, fish or even turkey mince. Fry for another 5 or until cooked.

For the sauce I keep it simple - roughly it is:-

Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce 1.5 Tbsp
Soy sauce 1 Tbsp
Fish Sauce 1 Tbsp
Oyster Sauce 1 Tbsp

I just glug it in!

Now stir in your fast cooking veg, peas, mange-tout, sliced pepper, bean sprouts. Cool for 2-3 mins, add juice of a lime and sprinkle of fresh coriander.

Serve on salad, rice or noodles.

Takes 20 mins tops and cheap.

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 06:18 PM
I don't know if this is easy enough for you, but it is good.
It serves four, and could be halved....or leftovers!!!!!

Roast Lemon Garlic Drumsticks

12 chicken drumstick, [about 3 pounds]
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves, finely chopped
1/4 cup lemon, rind finely grated, juiced
3 garlic cloves, crushed [or garlic granules, to taste]

1. [400F]Preheat oven to 200°C. Place drumsticks into a lightly greased shallow roasting dish.

2. Combine oil and 1 tablespoon of butter. Drizzle over drumsticks. Season with salt and pepper. Toss until well coated.

3. Roast drumsticks for 45-50 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Remove from oven.

4. Combine remaining butter, parsley, lemon rind, 1/4 cup lemon juice and garlic in a bowl. Spoon over chicken. Cover. Stand for 10 minutes. Serve

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 01:02 AM
I can only tell you what I know from real life experience, I eat what I want when I want and I`ve never been obese or even overweight in my entire 57 years on this earth, but I`m also extremely active, and I don`t mean going to a fancy gym and walking a tread mill or any of that nonsense. I get out there everyday and do stuff, whether it`s splitting wood, fixing cars, etc etc etc, I`m active everyday for at least 8 hours a day and often more than 8 hours.
The word diet is for fat lazy people,my grandma told me that hard work will cure anything and so far she has been right, I don`t have any problem sleeping I don`t need sleep drugs, I have no problems with stress or eating I don`t need drugs for that either.fat folks make excuses for why they are fat , fit folks know why they are fit.
you can either make excuses for why you are fat or you CAN be be fit, it`s entirely In your control, but since this is America,land of the obese, I expect folks to make excuses for why they are fat.what you are asking is how can you eat a lot of foods loaded with fat and crap and not get fat,well you can`t unless you burn all those calories off can eat less calories and not be fat or you can burn more calories than you eat and be fit, it`s up to you.

edit on 31-8-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 09:10 AM
I'm not much into preparing elaborate meals, but I consider myself a healthy eater.

I do a lot of cycling so my diet is high in carbs.

Breakfast is a mixed concoction of Bob's Redmill steel cut oats, muesli, extra thick rolled oats, raisins and goji berries, topped with Ceylon cinnamon, Paleanola, and sliced almonds. Then three large Eggland's Best Cage-free eggs.

Mid morning (pre-ride) is either a Mom's Munchies On-the-Go Goji-Pistachio bar or a Lara Bar with green tea.

Lunch, post ride, is either Nikishi white rice (prepared in a cooker) mixed with a Praeger Super Greens burger, chopped spinach and kale, and ground pork, topped with a small can of Bush beans, or just the Praeger burger and spinach kale mix topped with pulled pork. Non-ride days (post workout) is gluten free ronzoni pasta and mushroom past sauce mixed with a Praeger mushroom burger, chopped spinach and kale, and ground bison.

Mid afternoon is either an RX bar or Bobo's Oat Bar with Yogi Super Antioxidant green tea.

Dinner is another bowl of slop. I like to crush up a Hillary vegetable burger and mix in some frozen vegetables, some fresh chopped zucchini, a few baby golden potatoes or a chopped sweet potato, and three Applegate Sage sausages, all tossed with a spoonful of Earth Balance soy free spread.

At night before bed is usually another protein shake.

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