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Audio from the shootdown of VEGA-31 (The F-117 shootdown)

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posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: Woody510

This is what people are talking about when they say "pieces" usually.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: FredT

There's a pretty good F-4 out there too. There are a couple that people have been looking for and haven't found a single clue that I'd love to find too.

That may be a ATS trip for the aviation nuts here. A trip to Edwards, Nellis, Rainbow Canyon, and perhaps hunting down a fallen bird!

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: FredT

Next summer, Sam and I are spending at least most of a week at Palm, Edwards, and Mojave. There's a site or two there that we can get to. At least three or four days. Maybe we can swing at least Jedi into that too.
edit on 8/26/2017 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 07:50 PM
Much less interested in digging up on old F-117 site though they put stuff in that skin that is no bueno for health

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: FredT

There are a few out there. You can get some instruments and bits of cockpit stuff from what I hear.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: FredT

There are a few out there. You can get some instruments and bits of cockpit stuff from what I hear.

I'd be more worried about the toxins used in the RAM coating that are pretty toxic having leached into the ground

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: FredT

Pfft. Who wants to live forever.

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Conan.....KRUMM!!! you want to live for ever????

tell that to the bats on the runway

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: penroc3

i have heard that bats and other night creatures using sonar were dying on the runways with the 117's im not sure if thats allegory or a real story.

i assume it was from them running into the jets because the sonar couldn't see the jets, like birds hitting windows. or if it was some emission electrical or other wise

posted on Aug, 26 2017 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: penroc3

i have heard that bats and other night creatures using sonar were dying on the runways with the 117's im not sure if thats allegory or a real story.

A few F-117 pilots have written about the dead bat phenomenon on the tarmac in one book or another. On the other hand they were seldom parked out in the open with a few notable exceptions.

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