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Neighbours, who needs them.

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posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 08:33 AM
Last week I had to unfortunately complain to my neighbours about their barking dog and screaming kids. I took advice from a council website by writing a polite letter stating my concerns and how it is affecting me.
I laid down the problems and offer advice to help train their dog to stop barking in the garden. So, I then had to endure shouting over the fence about my complaint and the kids now on a daily basis make dog barking sounds in the garden.
They have very helpfully stopped their dog from barking so much ,which I really appreciate their efforts, as this has been going on for 4 years, morning, noon, and night. I am also noting down any other incidents in case I need them in the future.
I have a dog too that never retaliates to their dog barking or even makes a sound when he is out in the garden but my concern is when he is on his own. He will bark at the postman or when deliveries arrive. I'm concerned now that they will start complaining about my dog when I am out. Which was conveyed to me when I was being shouted at in the garden.
Why can't people just accept that they have upset someone and just get on with it and respect the others wishes without resorting to playground bullying.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 08:40 AM
I feel your pain.

Currently renting for the first time in my life- I don't regret selling my house in the city, but I can't wait to buy land and build one far away from the nearest human.

They should all be shot.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: lordcomac

I want to live in Wales, where the birds sing, the cows moo and the sheep baa. Then my dog can be like Lassie and run wild over the mountains.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 08:49 AM
Having bad neighbours is a nightmare.

Sometimes the only way to solve a situation is to do the unthinkable.....

Turn up at his/her front door with a bottle of wine/beer and invite yourself in to get to know each other - or get them round for a BBQ. It's so much easier to tell someone to shut up if you are friends with them

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 08:50 AM
People suck, then they make dogs suck. They say there's no bad dogs, only bad owners. I believe that, humans can be ugly creatures. I like living off this planet, but when I'm here I stay away from neighbors, especially the helpful ones.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: lordcomac

I lived in the woods almost all my life. I have great neighbors, maybe because we live good neighborly distances from each other.

Having said that, I can assure that nature has just as many or more inconveniences, noise, and discomforts as the city.

The country is not quiet by a long shot. It is plenty noisy, just not the same kind of noisy you have become accustomed to.

Dogs are supposed to bark in the country, that is what they get paid to do. After a while you will welcome those sounds and even be able to tell what they mean.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: and14263

They have been neighbours for 10 years in the late 60 and 70's now. They have their children and grandchildren every day over to the house which isn't my gripe. I asked for it to stop and it has but now getting the bullying.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: sussy

My neighbours are annoying too. Arrogant, selfish and entitled.
They had an irritating little rat dog that used to yap yap all the time but thankfully it died a little while ago.

Don't misunderstand. I love animals. More a cat person than anything but the neighbours just ignored their dog. They are the type of people to just smile at the yappy dogs "cute" noise.
Everyone round here dislikes them because they would never, never in a million years think that it might annoy someone else. In fact, they are the type who just do not understand the concept of OTHER PEOPLE. As long as they're OK then the world is OK.

Anyway, the replacement for the dog is....wait for it....a bleeding cockerel!!!!!
Its not a farm.
Its not remote.
Its not a town centre but there's other houses around and the blasted thing sure likes to make a lot of noise at all and any hour of the day.

They probably think its "charming", and haven't the faintest clue that maybe the rest of the street might not want to get up at five or six every morning to that squawking din.

Anyway, I have a collection a nice catapults I used to use just for fun and target shooting and an even bigger collection of ball bearings. The neighbours go away fairly often so I'm biding my time.

But soon....


Oh. You have my sympathy by the way. Selfish, ignorant people are part of the worlds biggest problem.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Tulpa

I'm so sorry but I really laughed, snorted and giggled at your post. Looks like you had the exact same neighbours and we call it the rat dog too. Why are they always deaf to their own dog? pet?

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Tulpa

My neighbours are annoying too. Arrogant, selfish and entitled. 
They had an irritating little rat dog that used to yap yap all the time but thankfully it died a little while ago. 


That is soooo wrong, funny but wrong.

I once lived in an apartment and somebody owned a hippy little dog that barked constantly. Fortunately I didn't live near the building but anytime I walked by I could hear the dog barking. I would have choked the damn thing, or the owner.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Tulpa
Anyway, I have a collection a nice catapults I used to use just for fun and target shooting and an even bigger collection of ball bearings. The neighbours go away fairly often so I'm biding my time.

Be careful. In some jurisdictions, that will get you imprisoned.
I see advertisements for devices that will emit a subsonic sound, very irritable to dogs, in reaction to every bark.
"A way to train your dogs- or your neighbours' dogs".

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: Tulpa
Anyway, the replacement for the dog is....wait for it....a bleeding cockerel!!!!!
Its not a farm.
Its not remote.
Its not a town centre but there's other houses around and the blasted thing sure likes to make a lot of noise at all and any hour of the day.

Not complaining about the 'rat dog' they thought they would be OK to go one

step beyond!

Anyway, I have a collection a nice catapults I used to use just for fun and target shooting and an even bigger collection of ball bearings. The neighbours go away fairly often so I'm biding my time.

But soon....


Chicken dinner

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 10:23 AM
But seriously folks...

I would never harm an animal (maybe the owner) and my little fantasy keeps me sane.
They are just really awful people.
Absolute, total unawareness.
My guess is that, one day, they may need help from someone in the area and after getting a few doors shut in their faces it may dawn on them that maybe they might have, you know, done something wrong???

Mind you, I'm not holding my breath. They're about my age and still utterly unaware so its probably too late for them.

God knows what type of adults their kids are going to grow into.
edit on 24-7-2017 by Tulpa because: Didn't look right

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: sussy

Me too! Pembrokeshire coastal area. Familys ancestral castle and gardens estate used for weddings still remain near Carew Castle.... Time to get out of America I think... Sadly

The Cotswolds sound peaceful... and not too far west of Stonehenge..... Ah, perchance to dream! *

*Thank you William Shakespeare!

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: sussy

Why in hell did the town tell them who the complaintive is? Here you can make a complaint of noise but the city does not tell the person who made the complaint. I guess if it went to court but the city has codes and compliance for a reason. Anonymous complaints. You can call and say someone needs to cut their grass.
It has to be pretty high for them to act though.

Ok never mind. I thought OP sent a letter to the town.
My mistake.

You should have left it anonymous...
edit on 7242017 by Sillyolme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 11:23 AM
Have you simply knocked and got to know your neighbours?

My old neighbours used to mind me as a child and knew my mother and father well.
My new ones don't know me yet. When my house is in order I will invite them over for dinner and discuss how we can look out for one another and improve our area.

This brings people together. People are less likely to feel condescended if they're spoken to face to face and nicely. A letter....... To your neighbour? Why? They live next door......

NEVER ask an official how to deal with someone on a human level. Ever. They think we're automaton. They'll sanitise and take all humanity out of the interaction - maybe that's why they advised a 'letter'.

Even now. Just knock and say "listen, we're neighbours acting as though there's a barrier between us. Can we talk about this face to face?

Maybe getting the council involved was the mistake.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I remember one camping trip by the lake. A lovely sylvan place far from the smog and noise. Peaceful tranquil and relaxing until I was awakend at the crack of dawn by some screaming loud large bird. It almost sounded human.
I never saw it but I cursed it and it's progeny to the end of time.
So much for back to nature lol.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Tulpa


Don't misunderstand. I love animals.

And this

Anyway, I have a collection a nice catapults I used to use just for fun and target shooting and an even bigger collection of ball bearings. The neighbours go away fairly often so I'm biding my time. 

But soon.... 


Don't quite jive.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: sussy

Prepare for a war sir, because that will happen.

People are stupid.

posted on Jul, 24 2017 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: sussy
OOOh, what a lovely thought, move to Wales and let your dog fun free. What they don't tell you is the farmers shoot dogs off the lead as they say they are "worrying" their sheep.
As for the cockerel, if you don't know you have to have council permission to keep a cockerel in a built up area. Hens ok, but as you know it's cockerels that crow every dawn, hens don't.

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