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Blood Type / Abductee - Connection?

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posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 01:32 AM
Does being the majority blood type give them a higher probability of contact than the actual blood type itself? O type, 46%. The probability that they would be picked would be greater, would that be common sense?

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 10:46 AM
Interesting read however I have yet to read anything concrete about the connection between the negative RH factor and abductees.
It is however an interesting theory and if were true then that leaves me open to ride the mother ship. I am O negative and also have extremely low blood pressure, light brown hair and green eyes. Never noticed any extra ribs or anything like that and have never had any encounters although I am extremely interested in science/space and medicine.
Cruel people sicken me as does negative energy because and I don't know how exactly but I can "feel" peoples energy so to speak.
My question would be this...if there is something to the RH Negative factor and the hybrid theory then why only a small percentage? With all of the people in the world you would think they would want more options?

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 11:50 AM
The O negative type is by far the less advantaged and weakest blood type of all, since it is more subject to disease, infections and viruses; and is a universal giver, not receiver. THe correlations that the original poster makes between blood type and physical traits and characteristics are just old rehashed white supremacist theories that date from Gobineau and Mme Blavatsky and that were politically supported by Adolf Hitler in Germany. Eye, hair and skin color is determined only by environmental conditions over the span of a few generations. Bring a family of black people from Africa to Norway and after 10 generations or so their descendants will be just as white and blond as the other folks around.

If there's a blood type that has somethign special in any way, it is the AB type, which is very rare among the population. AB+ are universal receivers and are known to have better resistance to disease.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Echtelion
The O negative type is by far the less advantaged and weakest blood type of all, since it is more subject to disease, infections and viruses; and is a universal giver, not receiver.

what proof of that have you?

THe correlations that the original poster makes between blood type and physical traits and characteristics are just old rehashed white supremacist theories that date from Gobineau and Mme Blavatsky and that were politically supported by Adolf Hitler in Germany.

they were not my created traits but others i gathered from many other sources.
and im far from a white supremisist thank you very much.

Eye, hair and skin color is determined only by environmental conditions over the span of a few generations. Bring a family of black people from Africa to Norway and after 10 generations or so their descendants will be just as white and blond as the other folks around.

thats extremely incorrect, races do not change via location! lol
absurd! the races of men are genetically different fyi

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 03:44 AM
Just thought Id add something since I saw it mentioned and not sure if anyone really wanted it clarified. Im 0- and my husband is 0+, cause for concern when having a child. Now days at 28 weeks in pregnancy a shot called RHogam is administered to make sure the baby will be alright during delivery. Another shot will be administed within 72 hours after delivery if the baby is rh positive. Also, 85% of women today do not have to worry about this for they have positive blood types (according to what to expect when your expecting by murkoff, eisenberg, and hathaway). Like I said, dunno if anyone cares, just interesting facts. I had this shot with my child so I know.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 04:09 AM
Didnt Hitler try to create a pure race, based on Lizards theories. Maybe hes onto something, sounds interesting and worth a second look.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 09:43 PM
lizard theories with hitler?
ive never heard that one......

FYI O- doesnt = aryan can be any race almost.

[edit on 20-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
lizard theories with hitler?
ive never heard that one......

FYI O- doesnt = aryan can be any race almost.

[edit on 20-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

You are incirrect on that.

RH negative is almost exclusively confined to Europeans and Caucasians. Iys near absent in any other race, except amongst people in Asia who have traditionally had contact and intermarriage with Caucasians, especially in certain areas in China where ancient Caucasian mummies have been discovered.

O positive is found virtually through all races. But any RH negative blood type is almost exclusively confined to Caucasian/European peoples. The only times you find RH negative outside is where there is a strong possibility of Caucasian ancestry.

This is why I dont believe in a link between negative blood and aliens. It would mean only whites have alien DNA, and this would be untrue, since all of humanity is this same species.

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 10:31 PM

FYI O- doesnt = aryan can be any race almost.

You are incirrect on that.

no im not! even you say other races have O- blood, its a fact so you stand corrected!
O- does not mean aryan at all......

RH negative is almost exclusively confined to Europeans and Caucasians. Iys near absent in any other race, except amongst people in Asia who have traditionally had contact and intermarriage with Caucasians, especially in certain areas in China where ancient Caucasian mummies have been discovered.

actually the basques have the most O- blood and are european but not aryan! they have olive colored skin and brown hair.. so there eat them facts.....and get over the racist stuff geeeeez.

O positive is found virtually through all races. But any RH negative blood type is almost exclusively confined to Caucasian/European peoples. The only times you find RH negative outside is where there is a strong possibility of Caucasian ancestry.

ill agree with that.

This is why I dont believe in a link between negative blood and aliens. It would mean only whites have alien DNA, and this would be untrue, since all of humanity is this same species.

I think you are jumping to many conclusions here, let me offer another possibility with that logic......
what if everyone but O- are tampered with and O- are first true humans, using your logic that would make more sence...

how ever i would not jump to those conclusions myself.
i would see it more as the red cross sees it, maybe the aliens need the univeral donors too?
maybe its tasty blood for the greys?
there could be many possibilities you see.....

[edit on 20-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 20 2005 @ 11:13 PM
Um lizardsamok, reread the post.

I specifically said Europeans/Caucasians. Nothing about aryans.

Basques are European Caucasian. You are coinfusing Indo European with Caucasian. Indo Europeans are a subdivision of the Caucasian race.

Aryans are a sub-division of Indo Europeans. They are almost gone as a people, but their descendants live in what is now modern day Northern India, Iran, and Afghanistan.

re read the post please. And use a little judgement.

O Positive is the most universal blood type. O negative is not.

Read again. RH negative exists almost exclusively within European/Caucasian populations, or those with some Caucasian ancestry. Outside it is virtually absent.

O negative is not the first true human blood type. RH negative is a recent mutation that appeared relatively recently.

But human fossils, fully homo sapiens, have been discovered before Rh negative factor ever appeared. We have the fossil records for that.

posted on Feb, 21 2005 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
O Positive is the most universal blood type. O negative is not.

Read again. RH negative exists almost exclusively within European/Caucasian populations, or those with some Caucasian ancestry. Outside it is virtually absent.

"virtually absent" ,thats why i said "almost" but still exists in other races....

But human fossils, fully homo sapiens, have been discovered before Rh negative factor ever appeared. We have the fossil records for that.

If only 5% of world have O- and all got fossilized at once,
there would still only be a 5% chance of finding one....
so the fact they havent found one does not suprise me,
It does not mean it appeared mysteriously....

however i remember "bog man" found in ice with red hair maybe some O- people could be found in ice instead of stone.....

Whats an ice mans bloodtype?

[edit on 21-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:46 PM
Whilst Trying to find information about rhesus negative I came across this discussion forum. I found the posts most intriguing. I'll tell you why. Firstly, I am A -, both my brother and Father are O-. I am not of European or Caucasian ancestry, or at least not that I am aware of. I am of Afro- Caribbean descent My parents, grandparents and great grandparents come from the Caribbean. Further than that I cannot trace, due to slavery. An interesting notion though, I do note that my father as I, have a Scottish surname, passed down by the Scottish slave owner (The plantation and his grave are still there to this day). The name/clan has its own family crest hence tartan, land and castle. Who knows maybe the slave owner gave more than just his name. In any case, The doctor was stunned that I was A- 1 because it is a rare blood type, he explained and, 2 because of my ethnic origin.

1. predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color, also blue eyes
No I have dark brown eyes

2. reddish hair , brown
No I have black hair

3. low pulse rate

4. low blood pressure

5. keen sight or hearing
Both. At the moment, I'm a medical wonder. For the past ten years, I have had acute optical nerve swelling. However, my eyesight has not deteriorated. I still have 20/20 vision, despite the damage to the optical nerves.

6. ESP

7. extra rib or vertabrae
No not that I am aware of, quite the opposite, I have a hollow part at the top of my spinal column (another rarity, not many people have that, definitely not many people of African or Afro-Caribbean decent.) another reason why I have shocked the medical community!

8. UFO connections
Once saw an orange ball hovering whilst in my back garden, stayed there for about 20 mins and then just disappeared.

9. love of space and science
Definitely love both

10. a sense of not belonging to the human race

11. piercing eyes

12. para-normal occurrences

13. physic dreams

14. truth seekers

15. desire for higher wisdom

16. Empathetic illnesses
Not yet

17. deep compassion for fate of mankind

18. a sense of a 'mission' in life

19. physic abilities

20. unexplained scars on body

21. capability to disrupt electrical appliances

22. alien contacts

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 07:46 PM

"virtually absent" ,thats why i said "almost" but still exists in other races....

Thanks for proving my last point - bona_fide_f !
and i salute you distant relative, ive been to the carribean its beuatiful there.

I too am scotish decent i am one of these clans...

Alot of us O - or - people are of scotish decent it seems.....
perhaps you might have some scott background other than just the name.
do you have light skin or moles/freckles ?

[edit on 24-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 02:54 AM
I found these wonderful color charts on bloodtypes and RH types.
Below is RH NEGATIVE dispersion in EUROPE. (red area is BASQUE)
BASQUES are belived to be the origin of RH negative blood types.

Race based blood type dispertion chart(no indians?)

Distribution of Blood Types




[edit on 27-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 12:10 AM
I have many of the traits listed... as well as my sister.

Last year my sister took me out to eat for my 50th birthday On our way home as we were engaged in conversation we both discovered we had the same weird
experience happen to us prior to our meeting. We both heard our name called twice by someone. No one was present when we heard this voice. Both of us couldn't distinguish if it was male or was spoken in a neutral voice.

That's not all that happened. While traveling home there were about 4 vehicles ahead of us and in front of them was a flatbed with a large bulldozer on it
being hauled. A random thought came to me that a car was going in the ditch. I didn't say anything to my sister until we made the next turn. I said I didn't know what kind of vehicle, but it just came as a random thought. A few minutes later we turned on my road and just a little way down was a car in the ditch. my sister said:
"Looks like there's a car in the ditch".
I replied: "Isn't that what I just said "? She turned and looked at me with her mouth dropped open. No one was hurt...just a couple people standing by the van.

[edit on 10-7-2006 by Southern Belle]

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 12:34 AM
I have the RH negative blood. I had to have the shot to counteract my 3rd son's positive blood.

Street lights go out sometimes when I'm around them. I have high 'electricity' in my body...I get shocked by things when I touch them when no one else gets shocked. I have dreams where something happens to me, but the next day it happens to someone else. It's like I'm in their body having the experience and can detail to some degree what happened as a result of the dream.

I've had 3 ufo encounters I can recall...the first was in 1973 when I was with my parents, although we didn't actually see the ufo, yet we were enveloped by a bluish/white light while in our car and I believe we had missing time.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 01:01 AM
Yikes, I just read this thread

I don't believe in aliens but have had many encounters with ghosts and demons.

I have O positive blood.

I have striking light green eyes. Everyone and I mean everyone comments on them. Thewy think I am wearing contacts, but I don't.
I have blonde hair ( with help LOL), but am a natural strawberry blonde
I have better than 20/20 vision
I have ESP
I have abnorminal low blood pressure
and a very low temp, my daily normal temp is 96
and most of the other traits listed, Except the alien connection
My tail bone is very pointy and I have a hard time sitting all day. I usaully sit on my feet, LOL even at the office...I'm very thin though could be why.

[edit on 10-7-2006 by MauiStacey]

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 01:35 AM
This anonymous post is in response to ATS thread: Blood Type / Abductee - Connection?

RH negative is not a white blood type. The second highest concentration of it is found in Morocco in the muurs(moors), who, by the way conquered spain. I am a Muur, have 0- blood, as do my father and brother and two sisters. So many wrong statements on this thread I just had to jump in. Races don't change over a few generations either(ever heard of Mendel's Law?). As for this White's being the oldest and first race, you better do a little more research. You might want to start with a google search of BockSaga.

I am racist in the fact that I am proud of my race and sad that more of us don't research things like this. I feel that everyone should be proud of their racial heritage no matter what it is. O- is not any better than any other to me, we all have "missions" on this earth and ours is just ours.

Blood typing is something that is very important at this time in our current evolution. In the bible the word blood is found less only to the word "God". Remember it was a blood covenant. The reason why moses was look down upon was because he married outside of his tribe(blood group) not because he married an Ethiopian because they were all black(ref. 18th dynasty).

The purposeful ommission of the aboriginal black race in history will be the downfall of America(IMO). I went through the whole I'm 0- and special thing too...also lefty, and both brothers and mom.

When we get past the real reason for the hush-hush up until now about blood types and such then maybe some people will ask why these scientist don't talk about the other un-clonable trait. MELANIN. They don't even know the chemical make-up or the molecular arrangement. This is the real secret when the blood is activated that is going to be something special. Sorry for venting but I'm tired of read so much crap on the net. I guess I might be posting more in the future under a name because I come here often and read threads, and I'm pretty sure there will be responses to this one too.

OT: If anyone is interested, research Empress Verdiacee of Muur Nation. You will find out that she proved that this land USA belonged to the aboriginal Muurs in court against the U.S. and that the LA purchase was illegal. If I sound like a supremist then that's how some on this board and others sound to me.

T.I.B.S. the Muur

posted on Jan, 2 2007 @ 05:17 PM
Interesting discussion

I would fit about 80 to 90% of the traits in the first post - including affecting electrical apparatus, but no ufo contact or abduction. I'm A positive btw. My mother's sister is Rhesus negative, but would fit very few of the traits to the best of my knowledge.

Thanks for posting this article:
I found it fascinating to discover that my blood type is the most common among the Blackfoot Indians, Australian Aborigines and the Saami. I'm English myself, with some Welsh and Irish ancestry.

One thing I would suggest is that there may be a need to take into account two other factors in researching this subject alongside the distribution of blood type - the varying prominence of ufo lore within different cultures (this affecting the interpretation of the nature of an experience) and the difficulty in acquiring comparable information from different parts of the world (the frequency of reported abduction in China for example.)

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 06:58 PM
Why is everyone being catty on this site? I thought this was a place for people who have O negative (that's negative people, not positive!). If you don't agree with it, move on to the next site and don't post, because I completely agree with every one of the traits....every single one to a "tee." And I'm only the daughter of an O negative mother and I have positive blood, but I still agree with these traits...I think it is true even for those of us who have had the positive blood type be dominant but have the negative one in there as the recessive gene that just didn't show up. If I have positive blood but my mother has O negative, then my mother had nothing to give me but that recessive negative blood gene to which I could pass on to children. Neither of my mother's parents had negative blood, yet she has negative blood, so you can never tell who is a carrier for this gene.

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