posted on May, 31 2017 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to:
I could print clothes that will disolve in water if I want, so they react with their environment
Well basically it´s not too hard. You just need a filler material that disolve in water and mix it with something like ninjaflex inside the
extruder-head or by switching the head every x mm to use both materials in different heads. It´s all doable.
3D printers are awesome and a technologic field in it self. It´s by far not a new technic but now it get´s a roll in public. By time you get to know
each printer and settings, it´s a little art, there are at least 200 major software parameters to be learned, understood and mastered.
Let alone calibrating the axis, steppers etc. I myself built two fused filament 3D printers. The first one was a Prusa i3 Hephestos kit for self
montage (I stopped time and did it in 4hours, with smoke breaks). The second one is my own design, similar to the prusa i3 but I can print endless
lenghts if I want, some more extras like auto-leveling and 4 print heads, trapezoids, bigger steppers, more print surface.
My current project is a selfmade pick and place 4axis arm that can place objects inside the print. The proof of concept is running and now I´m
working on the rotation mechanism for switching tools on the arm.
I´m basically able run prints with hidden basic electronic circuits inside, and I´m trying to market this printer in Germany.
little edit, sforgot to write "react with environment".
edit on 31-5-2017 by verschickter because: (no reason given)