posted on May, 19 2017 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to:
Funny you should say that, I was going to agree with you, until I got into my first argument with a co-worker over some MSM fake news he was telling
me about that was in the news, in a news report that clearly revised history from the nineties, it was retold in such a way to make certain people
believe something is more possible today than it really is.
So yeah it's happening in our own lives.
I need to start to learn to not respond to the lies people regurgitate from fake news, but it's hard to let people around me believe such lying
propaganda, but for the sake of peace at my job I have to. If people want to stay blue pilled forever let them, people need to learn to deny ignorance
from there own personal research.
It's not my job to accelerate that process.
edit on 19-5-2017 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)