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I wrote an Essay about Trump for my sister in law's class

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posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:11 PM
I would love if you can comment. My wife is Portuguese and her sister is doing a final series of
presentations for her degree in Journalism and asked myself and my
wife to write some essay about what we think:


Love and Hate, or

Make America Great Again

If one sees the name 'Trump' there are definitely some automatic strong and emotional reactions. In some segments of the population these will be negative and hateful reactions; in others, they will be hopeful and optimistic reactions. One thing is for sure - this name has torn a country into two pieces even more-so than the names Bush, Obama, or even Clinton.

Speaking as a US citizen who did not vote in this election, I still have some things to say about what I am observing. On the one hand I see that we as a society now have an almost pathological fear of espousing our opinion in public, unless it fits with the official media narrative, which is pro-globalism, pro-disregard for laws, and pro-elite over the common man. In a word, pro 'Democrat'. On the same hand but as an even more vehemently viral symptom I see so called 'Social Justice Warriors' who claim to espouse tolerance, liberalism, and openness, but who instead are shutting down free speech, causing actual violence and damage to people and property, and disrupting public discourse under the generic and mis-named banner of 'Antifascism.'

Those of us who support the rule of law, such as a strong nation state with its own interests, strong borders and border control to keep the integrity of the nation's economy, its culture, and the wellbeing of the people of the nation, are ostracised and seen as 'racists' and 'xenophobes,' while the so called liberals are anything but liberal. They spew hate and venom at every turn such as masking their faces and disrupting and stopping peaceful marches. They throw explosives at old men and women in the street while saying 'The Revolution has no qualms about violence.'

Even forgetting about so-called Antifa (who obviously use fascist tactics), we have the mis-informed and naive portion of the population who are usually college-aged or retirement aged people, who support whoever the media persuades them to. They are the people that go on marches such as the much televised 'Woman's March' in Washington DC because 'Trump is evil and misogynistic' even when all of the so-called evidence of wrong doing never really occurred because it turned out it was by women who lied for pay.

When many reporters asked the women what they were marching for, many of them could not even form a proper response. They simply said 'Because we need to stand together as women,' or 'Because Trump needs to be stopped.' These are the same vague and random sentiments that a constant brainwashing by the major media will produce. It turned out that after the event, a major organiser was one Linda Sarsour, who finances terror, under the group HAMAS.

About the younger group of the naive population, they are mostly indoctrinated into a so-called liberal mindset by their professors. I went to a university called CU, Colorado University of Boulder, and I could see first-hand the workings of this subtle and pernicious public indoctrination and brain-washing. At every turn you would find bandana-ed 'revolutionaries' handing out propaganda about Marxism and 'diversity' while loudly denouncing the 'System' as evil and corrupt.

One would see and hear their very own professors of 'education' who are supposed to be impartial arbitrators and purveyors of 'facts' spewing obviously recited and programmed speeches and classes about how a global government, diversity, and the minority is more important than the majority opinion, and common-sense of the country, simply based on arbitrary categories of race and background, instead of the more rational categories of virtue, accomplishment and conduct, instead of appearance.

The majority rule of CNN and college 'education' will have you thinking that human beings have to bow down to the minority of the US such as Muslims, 'transgenders,' and even more pernicious and ridiculous, so-called 'Safe Spaces'. The whole POINT of an education is to have your ideas challenged, so that you can learn and grow! But now we have these people who call themselves liberals, setting up special spaces where you can cry and be indulged in, like an infant, because no one can challenge your world view. Heaven forbid that anyone make you learn due to proper debate and discussion!

Even though such minorities make up less than 5% of our population, the rule of the government under Obama was being based on that. If that is not bad for a nation, then one doesn't know what is. As soon as one person bows to another for arbitrary reasons which do not really reflect real healthy national and personal interests, but try to make one check their speech, check their behaviour, and check their appearance, then we know that someone is controlling one's life under the banner of 'Diversity,' even when the target minorities are undermining, stealing money due to tax use to 'support' illegal immigration and dictating (dictator) the majorities opinions because they are 'unique' and 'special'.

All the while the average brain-washed Joe is believing that a nationalist like Trump is evil because he supports saving the same, average Joe money, by less taxes because he would no longer have to pay via tax for the illegal immigrants living off the government, or pay for the 'disenfranchised' 'religious' groups to spew hate and propaganda under the banner of 'Islam is a peaceful religion' while their youth routinely beat up women because they are unaccompanied even in the United States.

In summation, the country is obviously polarised. We are in a situation where one segment of the population says 'NOT MY PRESIDENT' because they are brainwashed by a lying corrupt media and Soros-funded culture of university corruption on the one hand, and the other side is villanised because they support the government trying to (finally) fix our nation's problems while the hate-machine wants to stop national sovereignty. It is all about globalism versus nation states. If we want to be controlled as a people by a 'Global Government' then we can believe what the ridiculous media is telling us, or we can try to reform our countries on the small scale, such as I believe Trump is trying to do.

He is foiled at every turn by the moneyed, corrupt elite that rule our news, our banks, and especially our courts (California) and who are trying to rule our very behaviour. It is up to each one of us to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to think about what we would like our countries to be. Not places full of division based on race or income such as the politically correct media would like it to be, with its headlines based on hate and division, but based on our own innate thoughts of who we are as a human race. When one man tries to bring us together, the powers that be villain-ise under false pretences like Trump, or they outright assassinate them like John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Let us look beyond the flashing small screen and think about why such hate has been spewed in public. Those that shout the most, are the most afraid.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Trump is in over his head and he's been swimming with the sharks.

Trump show is about to get cancelled.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Seemed very partisan and just another rant against the leftys. Not very original, but if your intent was to continue to divide the country....Good job!!
edit on 13-5-2017 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: D8Tee

Thanks for contributing
I don't view it as a show, so if you would like to post something more substantial I would love to read it. And I am truly non political. I just want what is best for my country. Which hasn't happened for ages.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Thanks for responding; it truly was not my intention to divide even more. I was just posting what I felt and what I was viewing. i am not really trump supporter, I am a supporter of national sovereignty, so if that was not implicit in the essay I am sorry and I guess I failed.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Well written! I am interested in seeing the responses you recieve

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: onthedownlow

thank you very much! I also am curious that's why I posted this here. I have been a long time mostly lurker on this site but I do know that our members are largely well writ and well read so I appreciate their feedback. Long live free speech.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Accused of being partisan. No debunk.

Keep doing what you're doing.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Wow a love fest you do realize he is mentally unstable. millions have told me he very very crazy. People want to believe hes going to be amazing but his mediocre at best. The only plus is he wasnt Hillary

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Wow a love fest you do realize he is mentally unstable. millions have told me he very very crazy. People want to believe hes going to be amazing but his mediocre at best. The only plus is he wasnt Hillary

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:36 PM


posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: olaru12

"Continue to divide the country" Pft. Because you guys are all about working together, right? long as we follow your ideas.
Divide the country my ass. You guys have done your best to keep up the division and still just can't figure out why you lost. Your ideas of "working together" being so great and all.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

i am not sure what you mean by love fest. And by 'millions' I am not sure who you mean. I have no 'millions' of friends. I operate in the real world, not hear-say. So I would love to hear what you say but so far it seems like you are not even thinking.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:37 PM
thank you for your reply that wasn't my intention. a reply to: olaru12

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: dragonridr

i am not sure what you mean by love fest. And by 'millions' I am not sure who you mean. I have no 'millions' of friends. I operate in the real world, not hear-say. So I would love to hear what you say but so far it seems like you are not even thinking.

Read it with a trump accent and youll understand

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: dragonridr

i am not sure what you mean by love fest. And by 'millions' I am not sure who you mean. I have no 'millions' of friends. I operate in the real world, not hear-say. So I would love to hear what you say but so far it seems like you are not even thinking.

Read it with a trump accent and youll understand

thanks for the logical response. sarcasm
but I like your avatar. That's what counts right? Appearances.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

The Economist talks to the President of the United States about economic policy.
Read the following and see if you think the guy is fit to lead the country.
He's waffling on most everything he said, if you can even make sense what he says.
Add to that the people he surrounded himself with like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Flynn.... The list goes on.


No, it’s not, really not a negotiation. It’s really not. No, will I settle for less than I go in with? Yes, I mean who wouldn’t? Nobody, you know, I always use the word flexibility, I have flexibility. [Goes off the record.] [Our] relationship with China is long. Of course by China standards, it’s very short [laughter], you know when I’m with [Xi Jinping], because he’s great, when I’m with him, he’s a great guy. He was telling me, you know they go back 8,000 years, we have 1776 is like modern history. They consider 1776 like yesterday and they, you know, go back a long time. They talk about the different wars, it was very interesting. We got along great. So I told them, I said, “We have a problem and we’re going to solve that problem.” But he wants to help us solve that problem.
Now then you never know what’s going to happen. But they said to me that on the currency manipulation, “Donald Trump has failed to call China a currency manipulator”. Now I have to understand something. I’m dealing with a man, I think I like him a lot. I think he likes me a lot. We were supposed to meet for ten minutes and they go to 40-person meetings, OK, in Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach. And the ten minutes turned out to be three hours, alone, the two of us. The next day it was supposed to be ten minutes and then we go to our 40-person meeting. That, too, he was, no…because you guys were waiting for a long time. That ten minute meeting turned out to be three hours. Dinner turned out to be three hours. I mean, he’s a great guy.

Now, with that in mind, he’s representing China and he wants what’s best for China. But so far, you know, he’s been, he’s been very good. But, so they talk about why haven’t you called him a currency manipulator? Now think of this. I say, “Jinping. Please help us, let’s make a deal. Help us with North Korea, and by the way we’re announcing tomorrow that you’re a currency manipulator, OK?” They never say that, you know the fake media, they never put them together, they always say, he didn’t call him a currency [manipulator], number one. Number two, they’re actually not a currency [manipulator]. You know, since I’ve been talking about currency manipulation with respect to them and other countries, they stopped.

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 06:53 PM


posted on May, 13 2017 @ 07:04 PM
Short answer because I am tired of this so called rhetoric: Just because he speaks like a hard New Yorker, and a rich one, doesn't mean that you can turn his manner of speaking into what you want it to mean. He is saying this in country-simple: ' I would like to work with all the countries of the world, regardless of what previous administrations have said about how they are "evil". '

a reply to: D8Tee

posted on May, 13 2017 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

It's not even his manner of talk that is alarming, it's his constant lies.

Look, he said he was going to label China a currency manipulator, and now he says this?

You know, since I’ve been talking about currency manipulation with respect to them and other countries, they stopped.

It's lies.

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