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The anti-Christ's airplane described in prophetic hadith

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posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: firefromabove
The anti-Christ's airplane

Air Force One?
Thank you for the laugh! *__-

Seen better arguments for Trump as the white rider from the first seal (who is not the AC only paves the way with the other three).

You know, a few short years ago, I might have laughed at all this...
All this Prophesy happening.
I can see the 'Millennium', Universal unconditional Love/Enlightenment in only a couple short centuries, but between 'now' and 'then', it is very spotty.
I guess that is a mercy, and I don't want to Know, because it is going to get much worse before it gets better.
So, I regret that I cannot hold an intelligent discussion of Revelations because, of all the bible books, that one interested me the least, and is certainly one of the most irrelevant.
Even IF some Prophesies are manifesting.
Living in 'Grace', we be unconcerned with the passing drama... *__-

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: firefromabove

Hee hee hee a flying Ass. LOL

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 08:23 PM
the 12th Imam as described in the Quran and Hadiths matched to the Anti-christ of the Old and New Testament Bible. I'll see if I can get the lins from a Christian site that had it all compiled.
edit on 26-4-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2017 @ 04:23 AM
Islam is the militant antichrist religion. And its so obvious how the religion works... You say 2+2=5 and whoever nods their head is allowed to join. Or better yet, its the shady garage in Chinatown selling Bat Hero and Robert Cop action figures.

I am plunged into deep mire, and there is no standing. Ps 69(68):2

When Christ came into the world, he said, […] a body hast thou prepared for me. Heb 10:5

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: firefromabove

"Indeed, the height of the Dajjal is forty cubits, based upon the original cubit. Beneath him is a
bright white donkey; the length of each of its ears is thirty cubits. The distance between each of
his donkey's hooves is the distance of a day and a night's travel. The ground will be contorted
into a watering hole for it. He will touch the clouds with his right hand..."

Though the Hadith is considered weak there's possibly something to it also.

The Height of Dajjal is 40 Cubits (Based upon the original cubit = around 18.288 metres)

- Not the literal height of the Antichrist as he will be a human like us when he appears so this is symbology. What it actually means right now I'm not to sure but that's not what I want to focus on.

Beneath him is a bright white donkey; the length of each of its ears is thirty cubits.

- This is obviously some form of aeroplane or craft. 30 Cubits is around 13.76 metres and this is roughly the width of the wings of an F-15 fighter Jet. Yes it's a stretch but the next part of the Hadith may verify it.

The distance between each of his donkey's hooves is the distance of a day and a night's travel.

- This is a large distance and I tend to believe it's talking about the world and if we move back to the F-15 which countries have the Jet?

USA-Israel-Saudi Arabia- South Korea-Japan (From one end of the Earth to the other).

The ground will be contorted into a watering hole for it.

- Aircraft carrier but could have many meanings.

He will touch the clouds with his right hand...

- Again pointing towards the sky but not sure as to what it means.

Remember this is only one description of Dajjal. Other Hadith touch upon Kafir written across his forehead (Israel Jets have Kafir written on them), the horn of Satan coming out of Saudi Arabia (Saudi Royals are a branch of the Dajjal) and the Dajjal appearing between Syria and Iraq (The USA and allies are currently occupying this land).

When it comes to the varying widths provided in your OP, this even makes sense as Aircraft come in many shapes and forms.

Everything points to the West and it's clients across the world in the overall context which can't be proven through this isolated Hadith. Maybe you've gone on and worked some things out for yourself but don't be discouraged about the people who don't understand, they don't understand for a reason...

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

But the Antichrist within both Books is a Jew, not a Muslim or a Christian. The Book of revelation confirms Jews who will come from the 'Synagogue of Satan'.

posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 07:45 AM
Isn't this the plot of Damien: Omen 2 ?

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: maxey

What's interesting is the mention of Revelation 13 in that movie. Revelation 13 is a direct link to the Islamic version of the Antichrist also. I tend to believe that if one understands the Islamic eschatology they will know for sure who revelation 13 is speaking about because when it comes down to it they're speaking about the same thing.

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