Hello friends of Trump. I am so sick and tired of these liberals saying WE are not politically correct. I'm so sick of these liberals saying WE
are prejudice. They say WE are the hate mongers. No, the LIBERALS are the real hate mongers! All they do is criticize us because we do not think
like they do. I'm sorry but when someone burns the flag I am going to stand up and punch them in the nose!
Check out this episode of The Twilight Zone from 1963. This how the liberals criticize us. Look how the Hollywood liberal elite treat us. If you
don't want to watch the whole think just watch 17:45 minute though 22:00 minute. Now you will understand why the liberals are destroying this
And they say we're prejudice! And they say we're hate mongers! The liberals are destroying this country! We need to unite and fight for what's
right before it's too late!
Meanwhile in California, the Liberal Coastal Elite have been screwing over the working class and middle class by raising the price of the standard of
living so that only mostly the rich can live in California. Come to LA and you will see signs of class warfare waged by the Liberal Elites.
In fact many of us Californians hated the Liberal Coastal Elites.
Also they are very racist. I had a friend is Guatemalan and he told me that Beverly Hills residents (They are white liberals btw) looked down on brown
Also in my ultra liberal Californian University, I once have a professor who said to me and a friend that he will lose his job if he criticized
Radical Islam. What's interesting is that he was almost killed by radical Islamists when he was in Iran during the Iranian Revolution.
In addition, I have another professor who although is not a conspiracy theorist (Will laugh at you if you deny climate change) and hates Trump
admitted that the Liberal Coastal Elites are dangerous.
He acknowledged that they pandered to minorities and that they seem to hate working class whites.
He also admitted that Political Correctness is a problem.
Like my other professor, he will lose his job if he openly expressed his views.
edit on 4/22/2017 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason
I think what the OP should have done is say Liberal Coastal Elite rather than Liberal. The real problem are the Liberal Coastal Elites screwing over
the middle and working class and perpetrating racial tensions between working class whites and other minorities.
Too many people are commenting without first watching the 17-22 minute of the show. The show is just perfect with the false flag murder of Nick.
This is what those damn liberals think!
Trump Lives! MAGA!
edit on 22-4-2017 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)
I think American liberals are very different than Cdn liberals. Somehow the division and polarization of the people down there has mucked up all
things political. It's just a mess now.
I think judging from the OP mentioning Hollyweird Celebrities, he is preferring to Hollywood Elites and other Liberal Coastal Elites and believe me if
you live in California , they have a smug attitude toward the middle and working class and support policies that will screw over them over like
gentrification which means displacing lower income residents and their homes to make way for expensive luxury condos.
While it may seem to be a racial issue since the majority of the low income residents are blacks and Latinos but it is also a class issue too.
Me and you
God only knows it's not what we would choose to do
"Forward!" he cried
From the rear
And the front rank died
And the General sat
As the lines on the map
Moved from side to side
Black and blue
And who knows which is which and who is who?
Up and down
And in the end it's only round and round and round
"Haven't you heard
It's a battle of words?"
The poster bearer cried.
"Listen, son,"
Said the man with the gun,
"There's room for you inside."
"Well, I mean, they're gonna kill ya, so like, if you give 'em a quick sh...short, sharp shock, they don't do it again.
Dig it? I mean he got off light, 'cause I could've given 'I'm a thrashin' but I only hit him once.
It's only the difference between right and wrong innit? I mean good manners don't cost nothing, do they? Eh?"
Down and out
It can't be helped but there's a lot of it about
With, without
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?
Get out of the way,
It's a busy day
And I've got things on my mind
For want of the price
Of tea and a slice
The old man died
originally posted by: dfnj2015
Too many people are commenting without first watching the 17-22 minute of the show. The show is just perfect with the false flag murder of Nick.
This is what those damn liberals think!
Trump Lives! MAGA!
We have to watch an old twilight zone episode to get a point you will not make on your own?
It's funny how I spent time trying to understand your threads but you do not take just 3 minutes to watch a section of video that I think you might
find enlightening. I just thought the video had amazing insight into our present day. It's kind of cool to think something created in 1963 on a
stupid TV show would actually be relevant 50 years later.
Really nice insight on how the left is actively dehumanizing conservatives so they don't feel so bad when committing acts of violence against 'evil
trump nazties!'
edit on 22-4-2017 by GodEmperor because: original smiles