Sorry - got called to a crisis. But I am back! Happy Friday Shedizens.
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szino9! Welcome to the Shed! I enjoy your writing, you'll find like minds here.
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Love the gif, shlaw!
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Honestly though, it's one of those things that needs to be talked about and clarified. If Christians are not willing to speak up and correct
misunderstandings about what scripture says and does not say, then who will?
For those who are confused what Jess & I are talking about, part of my study this morning was on the passage that says "Wives, submit to your
husbands." Obviously, this has caused lots of really fun discussions in marriages, right?
But here's the thing:
The wife is called to submit to her husband's leadership. Her husband is called to lead the household as Christ leads the church. So, let's look at
that quick. Christ washed his disciples' feet (that would be, getting a bucket of water and cleaning off the dirt, animal dung, and raw sewage that
was dumped on the street with his hands and a cloth). Christ spoke to a Samaritan woman, which, as a Rabbi in his culture would have been almost as
scandalous as having an affair with her. But he treated her with respect and kindness, to the point where she went to tell her entire village about
him. And then there's that whole thing about dying on the cross. SO, a husband is in fact called to lead as a sacrificial servant; to love and
cherish his wife, to nurture her, to help her grow, and to serve her, even up to giving up his life for her if necessary.
The difficulty is that yes, some men (and women too) get this wrong by thinking "submit" means "obey without question." Men will use this as a
bludgeon to enforce their will and dominate their spouse, and that's simply not what the scripture's talking about here. Show me one place in the
gospels where Jesus tyrannically dominated any other person. That's just now how he did things while on earth.
So, um, yeah, that's what we talked about this morning and how I started my day. Really light-weight, simple stuff - LOL.