posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to:
Hmmm... I'll need to see him in full costume before I make up my mind. If they do it with the flair given to movies like the Avengers series, then
I'll probably love it. But if it's like the crappy "non-super hero" looking style that's usually done in the X-Men movies, then heck no. I'm talking
about the screwed up non-costumes, the lame version of Gambit in the Wolverine movie, the weak teen angst Rogue instead of the beautiful powerhouse
version, & the old wrinkled up Magneto in the early movies (my brother and I say "that's not Magneto, that's Magnetar hurr hurr hurr").
I was a big reader of most of the X-Men related series back in the 90s & Cable's clone "Stryfe" is one of my favorite comic villains of all time. So
when I see Cable, I automatically imagine Stryfe as well. In other words, they better not screw this up. Cable needs the full oversized guns, the
flame thingy glowing around his eye, and all. hmph!