posted on Apr, 2 2017 @ 05:54 AM
Everyone is surprised that the CIA is into forging documents to frame others? No Surprise there. This is the kind of nasty things the CIA does.
Probably same silly spooks that forged Obama's birth certificate. I got a theory for ya, the CIA is creating a problem and offering the solution.
Easy right? Another tactic they just love. Right up there with false flags and inciting wars. I knew all this was BS from the get go. Why? Well the
government does keep track of all things coming and going on the internet highway.
Everything hits their monitoring networks. So it's strange
that some hacker wannabe got into their system all the way from Russia. Give me a break. Maybe they did maybe they didn't. I find it hard to believe
that a critical system with such information would even be exposed to the public internet in the first place! If they are, then they obviously
haven't learned their lesson from the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that.
It's probably some disgruntled CIA operative that's sick and tired of the way the CIA is running things and shafting it's citizens. Kind of like
another Snowden. How's that for another theory?
Now we have laws that take away our right to privacy. Yeah, that makes sense, take away 300 million US citizen's privacy away to catch one terrorist.
Pass a bill so advertising marketers can get info on anyone right from the ISP. You really want your underwear hanging out for all to see? Forget
about the CIA for intelligence. This bill will allow every Tom, Dick and Harry advertising company to get everything on everyone and it all sells to
the highest bidder from your Internet Service Provider. All you have to do is start a advertising business and you too can be a spy agency just like
the CIA.
Next, thing you know your kids will be stalked and up for ransom, and all because of a bunch of morons in congress decided your fate for you and your
family. Loss of privacy is also a loss of freedom and security, remember that.
Kind of defeats the purpose of securing citizens doesn't it? When your kids head is on a chopping block, right? This is a real living nightmare right
out the George Orwell's "1984". You may not believe me, but that's alright. However, I invite you to have a read of the
Washington Post and prepare yourself to be absolutely horrified.
Now, I normally don't get upset and post a rant, but this takes the cake. This one is a game changer folks. We're talking anarchy. The White House
will probably look like the ruins of Rome in a few years if this passes. Nothing good will come out of this.