posted on Mar, 20 2017 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to:
And I see your point maybe you see physical-reality as immutal , a stone is a stone in a single universe. That what's rendered out for you must have
existance and therefore cannot change am I right.
But also maybe not... Maybe Like a game , a game of hide and seek so to speak. With we the player unconscious of the fact that physical-reality is in
fact one of many.
Like stephen-hawking likes to use path-integrals. We are in this case the particles stumbling around in that larger dimensional space. Every time we
think there is movement or a passing of time it's just illusion.
Being unable to escape our prejudices. Programmed to think 3 dimensional and deemed to worship all the Einsteins of this simulation.
Eventually we start to repeat what we think is true and then...
...There are 'Zero ways' because , because If it weren't Zero our inner world would break apart.
So it's unthinkable for the so called 'enlightened' to understand that the above is really the below.
But Indeed Zero can be a sum of infinite vectors , infinite forces.
Although Math and science teaches us there is nothing but in reality
Well try to see and to feel it because eventually that's all there is...