posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 09:55 AM
I looked around a bit on YouTube and also just Google searching to see if anyone had said my opinion on this issue and I had found nothing and so out
of both frustration and respect I give my honest worried opinion on what the missing YouTube watchmen Puritan Pictures or his given name jared
He was reported missing off of all internet sites awhile ago and he was very active In the Christian YouTube community with a good few, and made
to My understanding very good videos that had strength to them. Videos that many would watch over and over again and that had messages of conviction
and reprove along with much encouragement, all things that the powers at be despise, especially if he was making "waves" which I think he did often.
Also the amount of videos he had for there quality, was A lot along with a backup channel and I also believe a Facebook, some said these were taken
down but I think that's bad wording, I would said dismantled or destroyed because the former implys to some that it could be that He himself took
these things down which to my gut and feeling seems like absolute trash he didn't take them down and he has not surfaced since this occurred for any
comment on the matter.
This in my eyes is serious because I don't just believe his videos and accounts that where seen my tens of thousands and that is a understatement
where the only thing that was tampered with, I truly tell you that if you are a Christian to Pray honestly for God to bring what happened in darkness
to The light in this matter with Jared and also for his safety.
I will tell you now why I didn't say the latter first to Pray for, and that is because I think in my mind there is much more than a healthy
chance that Jared was Killed and if you don't want to take a leap that far (which I'm not afraid of) then he was imprisoned or detained somewhere (I
really doubt that though but I say it for you) Now any Christian that has a head on his shoulders knows the times we are in and that it is not a joke
and also that other Christians know the same I believe strongly that if his account where the only thing that was tampered with he would have made
noticeable efforts to make contact(s) with the thousands of people he spoke with and videoed for often to tell of his situation and also that we
should not worry for his safety but because he did not and has not I expected some Christians should have taken the initiative and posted on his
behalf (I must say that a few have but they far understate the situation and say things like "maybe he just left YouTube or became tired of it all"
which I find sad and a bit ridiculous) so I came to say a more realistic idea of what happened and to ask for your prayers so God brings what happened
to light and also to pay a sort of respect to the missing Jared. That is all
edit on 18-3-2017 by CollectSecretHistory because: