It is critical to maintain control over what your senses are apt to indicate while
awakening to the digital rain. Too much adrenaline will wreak havoc on your health,
just as too much ignorance of the storm we are facing will unwittingly allow you
to suffer non-point specific physical ailments.
Hmmm. Sounds like incipient orthostatic hypotension. Now this can be caused by....
Naturally, both scenarios are a flat out boon to the 'healthcare' industry.
Few among us are going to want to discuss the rain, and I believe we are well past the
point of discussion on this matter. The elephant is stomping where the ants were found,
between the wall
where the 'smart' meter
metes out justice as best as it's little digital component ass can master.
As soon as I mimic a sleep state, the beast
begins to buck. Buck, like a Mustang in the stall, all night. Am I supposed to keep my butt out of this
slight conundrum? I wish at times I were allowed respite, even in the form of attempts at humor.
I chose to confer with the only one who can help me. The Universe is
anything but non-sentient. But then, I have no phone, no bias, and only one choice.
Would you prefer to be stitched up in a straight jacket, or in surgery?
At either extreme, these are indeed the choices.
# 720
edit on 17-3-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)