posted on Mar, 16 2017 @ 12:07 AM
So we went by the Mojave Air and Space Port twice today, and both times proved to be rather interesting. The first time, I couldn't get pictures,
but the Virgin Galactic Hangar, where they're building their super large launcher aircraft had the center door rolled up about 20 feet or so. Not
really enough to see into the hangar sadly. It also looked like the Model 400 was out on the ramp, by Scaled Composites.
The second time by, I got pictures, and things got more interesting. I was randomly snapping pictures of the planes stored there, and found a couple
visitors. And they're actively playing with something, because one of them was preparing to fly. Not long after we passed Edwards, after it was
full dark, two aircraft were flying over the area East of Edwards, one was pretty brightly lit, the other was pretty dim. They were circling each
other, with a couple miles between the aircraft.