posted on Mar, 7 2017 @ 09:44 PM
Through the ages, the most important thing was to protect the children from the outside world, no matter the cost, it was always a priority.
Is freedom of speech more important to teach, than protect them from the horrors of today. It doesnt matter if you lock your doors, close your windows
nor build castle walls, those demons will still come through and you will welcome them to your home, with the words;" I will make america Great
again ".
The fear they feel, you call patriotism.
The spiders web has expanded to fast and to far, without anything to hold it back. I know the liberal words;" Its evolution to be able to make my own
choices "
Im not here to promote a censorship, one of my mentors believe it will make things much much worse, instead embrace a solution with compromises thats
in the best interest to all..
But one important aspect is however, do not go to war if there is nothing to gain.