posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 09:55 AM
So quite a while back, I took advantage of Microsoft offering Windows 10 for free for those of us using other Windows operating system. Me, my wife
and my youngest son were all using Windows 7 on our desktops at the time.
After getting our upgrades, and turning off things that we found evasive, I, and my wife and son, found that our computers ran better, and that all of
our games showed marked improvements on performance.
The only thing that really bugged me was: being unable to shut updates off. I can reschedule, but eventually it happens.
Turns out, you can only completely shut Windows Updates off with the Pro version of Windows 10. The free copy we all have is the same as Windows 10
Home version.
So not really that big of a deal, updates happen, but over all we've been pretty happy.
A few months back, my wife decided she wanted Fallout 4 to play. Yay! Welcome to the fold my wife! (Evil laughter....goot! goot! Another addict!).
Well, at 24 GB to download, it was going to take a couple of day. On day 2, our power blinked.
No biggy.....Steam just resumed the download after the computer rebooted. And it did, and everything seemed fine....or so I thought.
I noticed that her desktop icons were not the same as before, and her Windows got upset if I tried to open up just a picture or video, it didn't
understand the file association.
Worse: Windows 10 went to update, and instead, hung. I sat there and sat there and sat there for hours and hours, but the update would not go through.
I'd have to force a reboot and get it to roll back, which took a long time too.
I did a lot of research on this, but the only thing I could find was people talking about the update from Windows 7 to 10 hanging up. I tried
contacting Microsoft about it.......they were about as helpful as a turtle helping a bird to fly. None of their suggestions worked, and finally it
boiled down to: Reinstall Windows 10.
If I do that, I have to reactivate it, right?
Yep, but should not be a problem since this is considered a legal copy of Windows 10 Home Edition.
Or so they said......guess what?
Windows reinstalled without a hitch. All the little bugs that I had noticed went away. It even did an update just fine, didn't hang up this time.
Ah! But now you have that pesky message in the lower right hand corner of your screen constantly reminding you to activate your Windows.
Except, when I go to do it, it claims that the product key isn't valid.
Okay, so long on to her Microsoft account that I had to create when she got her free copy, right?
Wrong: according to Microsoft, she doesn't have an account, which I personally made for her.
So what's left? What's left is: I have to spend $99.00 for a product key.
Oh you evil our money anyways I see. So who's computer is next? Mine? My son's? I went and checked, we do have valid accounts
and showing us we have valid product keys.....but so did my wife many months ago.
And no: before any of you start jumping up and down and going on and on about Linux, I do like Linux, but until Linux is at the point that it can run
games...every single one of our games and third party software, it's not an option. You have to jump through so many hoops to make things work, it's
not funny.
So yah, the evil dragon known as Microsoft wins again. Butt heads........