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My only (pathetic) paranormal experience

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posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:16 AM
I was around 16 years of age, running to my home with my best friend. It was the early 90's and we had thankfully our imagination still before the deluge of cell phones came.

Anyways, running on foot to my home, but I don't remember why. I do remember bring particular happy, though. Not high, just happy. Remember that young, happy feeling you had as a kid? It's almost like a care-free confidence, if that can even serve it justice.

With my best friend at the time we rounded a fence on Main St. and hopped into my yard. We used the side entrance usually, and being an old house it had a storm cellar attached to the outside, adjacent to the side door. Well, there's not much more to say except we were in mid-laugh-run and then we saw it.

It was a most beautiful, yellow/golden (swirled between the two colors internally, like a gaseous ball) orb. It was glowing and had a halo. It was also moving, fast! I literally pulled open my side door to the house and this thing came flying out, zipped around our heads for about 1.5 seconds, as if sizing us up, and the zoomed away parallel to the ground.

We turned to each other, my best friend and I, stunned. We swore to never forget it happened.

I've never had any other experiences like that,..... wait.... #, I'm getting shivers right now. INTENSE SHIVERS AS I WRITE THIS.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:20 AM
Holy #, had to hit post. I'm sitting here right now and just had massive shiver/tingles as I wrote that while here in the dark in bed.

I remember now.

It wasn't just that.

Another time, arouND the same age, my heard my sister POUNDING on the door for me to use the shower. The pounding was intense.....

.shivers coming back ...

The pounding got so intense I stopped the shower and came out in a towel. Nothing. Mom confirmed she wasn't there later that night.


posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:29 AM
Maybe you will remember more events as you think and write about it ...sounds like a ghost in your house !

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:30 AM
You should ask your mom or sister if they experienced anything back then too....maybe they just didn't talk about it to you because you were so young then ?

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:35 AM

originally posted by: Meldionne1
You should ask your mom or sister if they experienced anything back then too....maybe they just didn't talk about it to you because you were so young then ?

No, my sister specifically tells of a "little girl".

This was 22 years ago, in the 3rd oldest home in the town. I think at the time it was over 150 years old.
edit on 28-2-2017 by Tempter because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: Tempter

It's feasible that your sighting was a form of ball lightning although I can't say I've heard of halo's or wisp like effects?

Your second experience is down right weird.

For that all I can offer is the possibility that you heard banging and filled the gaps or had a very lucid dream... When I was 7 I was convinced I flooded the house having a bath, basically the bathroom was filled 2 feet with water and as I opened the door water gushed down the stairs, it was obviously a lucid dream as the water flow would never allow such circumstance and I highly doubt a 7 year old could open a door against 1000's of litres of water in weight.

Or you had a bona fide paranormal experience.

Is it possible your sister was so angry at waiting she left and left you to think what the hell just happened?

Strange things happen at that age... I had a bowl of noodles slide across a kitchen bench right in front of my eyes... Damn noodles got cold I was their that long in futile attempts to replicate what happened. No wind or water, still have no explanation either.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:40 AM
You could do some research on the property and see who lived there ... Who knows maybe a little girl died there . So,you still live there ,near there, or know the people who live there now ?.... What country or state was this in ?

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: Meldionne1
You could do some research on the property and see who lived there ... Who knows maybe a little girl died there . So,you still live there ,near there, or know the people who live there now ?.... What country or state was this in ?

I'd like to remain anonymous if poasible, but I live close still. The people who live their today and just ruined the old gal. Its a hideous electric blue FFS!

I should look into it.

Could ball lightning come from inside my house though?

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: Meldionne1
Maybe you will remember more events as you think and write about it ...sounds like a ghost in your house !

Now that I'm thinking about this I had another memory. The old house had horribly creaky wooden stairs. The children's bedrooms were upstairs. Because of the way my bed faced, my head lay looking out into the hallway. The lights weren't on in the house, but with moonlight you could see much. Anyways, I remember one night a silent figure (very opaque ) open the door to the upstairs hallway. It was a side-profike, looking at the right cheek as the faced poured through the door. It then backed away and was gone, but no steps heard at all, which was impossible on these stairs. Never pieced together that one.

But yes, my sister recalls two different times seeing a little girl Visage.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: Tempter

I read a case once where ball lighting came down the chimney, burnt two family members then left through an open window.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 06:21 AM
Does your friend still remember it as you do? I had an experience with two friends as a kid, they don't remember it. I know it happened and I'd feel better with conformation from them, they won't even discuss it.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 01:22 PM
The orangish orb sounds like some ETs others have described.

Orbs come in different colors. Most common (that I've heard about) are orange, white, green, and blue.

Some orbs are a conscious entity in themselves, while others are what a particular entity rides in.

I have heard good things about all the orbs except the orange one. They seem to be mischievous and sometimes even evil. You saw it, so it may have "tagged" you for some reason. It came back to bang on the door as a way to scare you.

I don't know if the little girl had anything to do with the orange orb; it could be a separate entity altogether. Some places attract bad things. Sounds like this house was one of those places.

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