Nigel Tuffnel, legendary guitarist and virtuoso, explains to Marti DeBergi that his amps are better than other guitar player's guitar amps because
they get stuck on "10" and "where do you go?" Nigel can go to "11" which is one more than ten, aint it?
Those crazy cats at Florida's National High Magnetic Field Laboratory decided that being second best to China's 38.5 T resistive magnet (regular,
continuous running magnet) was not good enough. They were tired of being stuck at "10" with no where to go from there.
Lab officials said Tuesday they tested a 41.4-tesla magnet. That beats the old mark for resistive magnets which was held by a 38.5 tesla
magnet in China. A tesla is a measure of magnetic field strength.
The push at the Florida State University facility to create a record magnet was called "Project 11."