a reply to:
I dont personally feel this way....but I can see something like this happening.
There will be no friends.
If you consider friendship on any level you are as good as dead.
Your Survival Groups Leadership will be tested immediately internally and there will be changes based upon violence....people react differently under
stress and the cream rises to the top by going THROUGH the rest of the milk.
Nature has her ways.
I am just saying to not worry about it....no one will survive in a group with less than 50-100 people anyways....and believe me ,the second the last
can of beans I have to feed my kids is gone I am a hunter of man and beast until there is more food in the larder.
So YOUR group MUST be prepared and planning to integrate with another group....from the get-go.....like I said the pecking order will change as people
die.....it has to.
You handle family and friends who are not prepared by ENLISTING THEM immediatly with a clear understanding of this dynamic.
You come to the door with a hungry Family.....you are coming to work....that is all.You make a deal at the door....you surrender your arms and
alliegences and at the first sign of trouble which could undermine the safety or integrity of the group you are either 86ed or banished...and when one
of a micro-group goes they ALL GO....no traitors and internal strife.
Hard decisions will have to be made by hard people whose intentions are group survival at all costs.Simply because EVERY GROUP you encounter will have
gone through the same evolution yours has and you shall inevitably be dealing with HARD MINDS EXPERIENCED IN MAKING HARD DECISIONS.
We cannot have every Uncle Harry spouting off and losing his temper every time he feels stress or danger....sooner or later he will spark a bingo
which will get people killed with no returns......we cannot have crazy Aunt Bee who is bi-polar freaking out all the women and kids by projecting
immense levels of anxiety or oppositionally defiant intentions........we cannot have every male thinking in their heads they can be Alpha......we
cannot have Grandpa spouting off religous beliefs that everyone should simply fall to their knees and let the Lord take them to heaven when the going
gets toughest.....we cannot let the animal loving teenager freak out the littler kids by refusing to eat meat .....not even once.
If you cannot quickly check your self-centered intentions at the door you could be checked out ASAP.
People will have to quickly learn that the groups toleration of individuality and the fight to have and project it will be met with terminal
reply....you will be 86ed if you are a loudmouth liberal who wastes time debating your rights and undermining the group every time a decision has to
be made.
So I think you give-take-and -enforce peoples WORD....you say what you do and do what you say.When people come for help they come unarmed and
vulnerable and willing to concur to group needs.We all need each other in a SHTF scenario and no matter who we are our expiry date will remain
permanently fluid.....so the sooner you learn and accept and embrace the fact you are now only a stepping stone to basic immediate short term survival
for those younger than yourself the higher the chances you will in fact sacrifice all to act as a step to elevate your group.
I mean....I am only imagining this from what I have seen in so many movies but it could go down like this.