posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 03:25 PM
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this link i found has some great information on how the body carries electricity, and how our vibes/energy are sensed by animals....
Are all living creatures electric?
Like humans, all living creatures are electric beings and in many cases use their electroreception to guide them directionally and
instinctually—an electric sense. For example, the electroreception of the great white shark allows up to 8 Hz of frequency to be detected from
opposite sides of the ocean. This intense ability to sense electrical current is also why researchers believe the great white is difficult to keep
alive in captivity for more than 16 days, as the frequencies from electric devices such as radios, lights, filters, pumps and so on are simply too
intense for them at such close ranges.5
Ever feel like a person gives you a good or bad vibe, even though you may have only just met the individual briefly? Scientists believe this is
the human sense of electroreception; another sense that humans actually possess, but do not normally trust, as people have become increasingly
dependent on the logic of the brain through the evolution of sophistication. Although it is not typical for humans to depend on this sense or even
admit that it exists, there are some who have learned to utilize this gut feeling and trust it above logic. Mothers are notorious for this, and when
it is seen in action, it is seldom questioned.
Animals also have this sense. The friendliest dog, for example, can potentially pick out a person with bad vibes from a crowd of dozens in an
instant. And animals also have a way of knowing when the energy fields of the earth are changing, which is relative to natural disasters and severe
weather changes. - See more at: