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Reality... Is Too Confusing

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posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:00 PM
As I'm sitting here contemplating one of the topics on a nearby forum, It dawned on me... Reality is just too damn confusing. People are confusing. Why is there so little consistency in the world, in what we say and do? Confused? Join the club.

Just 16 years ago, people stood on two different sides of the political fence, just as they do today, based on their supposed ideals and upbringings. At that same time, half of the country and possibly half of the world believed that the masters of the 'other side' were responsible for atrocities, totally ignoring any details of the lost lives that came from it. We ignored the people that died and only turned our focus on the murder itself and pointed finger after finger of blame.

In that day... Republicans were guilty and the Democrats were there to make sure they knew about it. After all, it was the Republicans that pulled us into war over some "wag the dog" scenario, when really the whole issue from the start was an "inside job".

Republicans were war mongers. They hated everything around them. How DARE they go to war without the consent of the people and for total BS reasons with no proof at all!!! The criminals MUST be brought to justice. When this wasn't done, they were with fierce anger. Criminals! All of them Criminals! ...and they were free to do what they wanted. The republican people wouldn't hold them accountable and there was hatred and anger and much sadness... Oh, but not such anger and hatred as today...

Fast forward (or snap to) the present and look around and you see the same thing... Corruption, lies, and pardoned criminal activity abound! Leaders not following the rules and making them up as they go, criminal activities going unpunished as though they were immune from law and order, the same laws imposed on the people but not for the powerful.

Once again, we focus on the wrong and we point the finger from one end to the other but we forgot all of those who were harmed. Hell... we didn't even care. We just knew that people were affected by it all, yet we didn't give a damn of who... unless it affected us and our own family, of course.

But... The confusing... The oddity of it all is... It's all the same people but we all simply just walked to the other side. We didn't switch sides, we simply changed out minds to the other side... all of us.

Today it's the same as 16 years ago. The only things is... Democrats aren't protesting wars... They're begging for one. Democrats aren't trying to stand against corruption and illegal activity, they're trying to pardon the guilty for it and ignore the issues.

Republicans are pointing the finger of blame.... Can't anyone see how the roles totally reversed here in only 16 years? Everything said then is said now but by the other side. Everything done then is done now... except by the other side. The only difference this time around...

The hatred is SO MUCH MORE! We're hating long time friends for their side in this presidency. We're unfriending long time friends for posts displayed against their own candicate or for the opposition. It's sad! But the Hippocrates! Man... The madness of it all.

Am I the only one seeing this? Why do I feel that so many people are blind to their own BS? It feels like people are against a person because of a person and not for the purpose or ideals of that person. There is no sharing. No one remembers why democracy is the way it is or why it functions the way it does. Now it's all about "My person didn't win so the system is broken... SCRAP THE SYSTEM!".

...and yet, I think the worst of it all is that so many people are ok with cheating so long as their side wins! We're so ok with corruption because it's not the other guy and our person can do no wrong, yet still, we'll just go ahead and say something against the other person that applies to our own candidate even more so than the one we're tossing the crap at.

Some days I look around and say to myself... "People just can't be this damn stupid and childish"!

...or am I just that bloody confused?

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

When it comes to politics in the west ,its a two sides to the same coin and if necessary a 3 sided coin ,but they like to give us 1 of 2 of their choices .The politicians that know this are willing to do and say what ever it takes to get there and stay there .

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

The beauty of creating a social/politcol dialectic to hornswaggle the sheep and keep them arguing amongst themselves. Funny how nobody seems to care about the 2 trillion, the 6 billion from the State Dept. The Clinton Foundation...none of it, we are all to busy square dancing

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:16 PM
Well there are much more than two sides. Unfortunately for the US only one of a certain 2 sides ever has any power but, at the top of those sides it's so blurred red and blue become purple. Both sides look ridiculous from the middle, it's actually pretty simple. They obfuscate as much as possible to try and make people confused.

Now reality at a sub-atomic level gets pretty crazy!

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

yeah but the point I'm making is referring to the people itself. The political heads are just the icons/idols at the head and really do nothing for us. The people ourselves are the issue.

It's kind of like Wal Mart. It'll always exist, no matter how much you hate it, as long as you keep going back to buy their junk.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

I know what you mean. It's very confusing at times, making me want to wish it all away in an instant.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

16 years ago, I used to watch NBC and thought that they told the truth.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:28 PM
It goes farther back than 16 years my friend.

The guys that wrote our constitution wrote the articles of confederation first. A complete flip and change in ideals...

They left the old kingdom because they weren't being treated fairly by the king and his taxing practices.
The king said they'd better change their tune and continue paying taxes or face perpetual war.

Even after going belly up the nation is still locked in perpetual war.
What's the prize in winning wars if it's not stealing people's money?

Every man has their price...

(Only the good things in life are free)

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

To give you something to chew on and consider and help put into perspective your confusion , We are talking Geo-politics and I find F. William Engdahl one of the better writers that keeps his eye on the pea .

ETA ..OK so I read your reply to me and understand what you are getting at better .I guess it boils down to us humans not being complete in ourselves and we are a target for division . I don't just mean as a group but also within the human individual .Call it cognitive dissonance or double mindedness and we all have that small bit in us .We all have that inner narcissistic part we have to keep in check . Some are more successful then others but we all got it . That part is exploited and used to help divide us and keep us looking and challenging one another . Not saying there is or isnt but do you know anyone you completely agree with on every point ? I know I sure don't .

edit on 9-1-2017 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 06:00 PM
The Hegelian Dialectic is a powerful tool.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

16 years ago I was experimenting with shrooms, now I know how confused "sober" folks actually are. The only consistency is the inconsistance in our world. But you'll get over that pretty soon the moment you reconnect with the one, which is actually pretty awesome and incomprehensibly complex.

Just dive into the flow and don't mind the confusion, it's a special form of luxury if you can afford to do so.

edit on 9-1-2017 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: StallionDuck
Am I the only one seeing this? Why do I feel that so many people are blind to their own BS?

In one word, pride. It doesn't really go much deeper than that. You can camouflage it however you like but that doesn't change the source of a lot peoples reasoning.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

There definitely is some bad juju going on right now in this country. It's really hard to pinpoint exactly what is going on or what is wrong with our country. But the five links below and videos in my opinion help give insight into what is going on in this country. It's not a perfect representation but it seems to cover a good amount of what is going on.

Edward Bernays and the Art of Public Manipulation:

The Money Masters (4 hours long but very good):

Rich Man's Trick (a really good history of power in the USA):

Manufactured Terrorism (start at the 6 minute mark):

Metanoia Films (slightly left-wing but good history):

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

The politicians are not the ones writing the story. They are there to hide the hand that holds the pen, that writes history the better that we forget it, that holds the coin that ought to be ours, that prevents our societies from being enriched by the virtues of our works and toil.

They are nothing more than facades, there to control thought, attract attention. They are not the power, but tools of those who wield it.

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