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So the long-awaited 'The Russians Did It' report on US election is pure propaganda

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posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:50 AM
Well, if John Podesta was smart enough to not set his password as password, DNC would never have been hacked.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: daftpink
a reply to: banjobrain

I'm not a conservative or an American.

Have you read the report or have you just jumped on the word xenophobia and had a wee rant?

I did just read it.

You are practicing disinformation and ignoring a long list of reasons Putin and Russia did not want Clinton to become president, and conversely why they wanted Trump.

You whole thread is WEE

and a rant intended to make the soft brained Americans around here even stupider
edit on 7-1-2017 by banjobrain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Morrad

Thanks I didn't see it, was looking for threads about this. I knew there would be some. Hopefully this one can focus on discussing how legitimate the report seems and if it is just a propaganda piece or not.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: daftpink
a reply to: Chadwickus

Who are the cool kids and why should I listen to them over my own informed judgement?

Trump's opinion isn't the topic of my post either. It's about blatant propaganda and how we are all being duped.

actually, your statement doesn't make logical sense....if we are All BEING DUPED, how would you know it in the first place, if you are included?

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: daftpink
a reply to: Chadwickus

Who are the cool kids and why should I listen to them over my own informed judgement?

Trump's opinion isn't the topic of my post either. It's about blatant propaganda and how we are all being duped.

yeah you are trying to dup us with your propaganda

Russia stands to make serious money and geopolitical gains with a Trump presidency, no need to hide the obvious.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: banjobrain

originally posted by: daftpink
a reply to: banjobrain

I'm not a conservative or an American.

Have you read the report or have you just jumped on the word xenophobia and had a wee rant?

I did just read it.

You are practicing disinformation and ignoring a long list of reasons Putin and Russia did not want Clinton to become president, and conversely why they wanted Trump.

You whole thread is WEE

and a rant intended to make the soft brained Americans around here even stupider

My thread is small? Why?

I'm presenting no disinformation, just opening up a discussion on the propaganda style of this report. So what do you think of the report?

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:54 AM
None of Trump's or any RNC emails and twitters were hacked. And I'm sure many people, both foreign and domestic, tried to hack them. They had good protection. Gotta give them credit for that. If you don't protect your own accounts, it's nobody's fault but your own.
edit on 7-1-2017 by FanDanGo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: daftpink
a reply to: Chadwickus

Who are the cool kids and why should I listen to them over my own informed judgement?

Trump's opinion isn't the topic of my post either. It's about blatant propaganda and how we are all being duped.

actually, your statement doesn't make logical sense....if we are All BEING DUPED, how would you know it in the first place, if you are included?

Oh semantics. They are trying to dupe us, I should have said. Can we get back to the discussion?

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: daftpink
a reply to: Morrad

Thanks I didn't see it, was looking for threads about this. I knew there would be some. Hopefully this one can focus on discussing how legitimate the report seems and if it is just a propaganda piece or not.

the report cannot name specific names or sources because that would expose tradecraft secrets.

You are using that fact about intelligence gathering to obfuscate the entire issue.

It is clear Russia was having serious problems with the current US policy, and Putin even stated publicly that the two nations were on a course to conflict surrounding Syria just a few months ago. The report states that Putin feared a continuation of similar foreign policy that would result from a Clinton presidency.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: daftpink
a reply to: Morrad

Thanks I didn't see it, was looking for threads about this. I knew there would be some. Hopefully this one can focus on discussing how legitimate the report seems and if it is just a propaganda piece or not.

I'll believe our own American agencies, over Russia any day.....all you have to do is examine the harsh reality of politics in Russia. trump got played and so did his voters.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: FanDanGo
None of Trump's or any RNC emails and twitters were hacked. And I'm sure many people, both foreign and domestic, tried to hack them. They had good protection. Gotta give them credit for that. If you don't protect your own accounts, it's nobody's fault but your own.

First of all, how do you know Russia is not holding onto the information is has on the GOP or Trump?

The hubris you have is pretty A level

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:01 AM
Did anyone ever stop to think who would benefit most from the hack and who would have the capability to do it and mostly remain undetected? And don't lay any, 'Some patriotic dumbass trying to save the county BS' on me. They'd have been uncovered before the pixels had dried.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: banjobrain

originally posted by: FanDanGo
None of Trump's or any RNC emails and twitters were hacked. And I'm sure many people, both foreign and domestic, tried to hack them. They had good protection. Gotta give them credit for that. If you don't protect your own accounts, it's nobody's fault but your own.

First of all, how do you know Russia is not holding onto the information is has on the GOP or Trump?

The hubris you have is pretty A level

What dirt could RNC possibly have? That they rigged the primaries to make Trump win the nomination?

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:04 AM
Russia hacking is a minor player. There are MANY MANY domestic players who try to hack DNC and RNC. These are the big players.

If Russia wanted to hack DNC, it wouldn't have done so in St. Petersburg as stated in the report which could trace to them. They would have been more careful in covering their tracks. Hence, I don't think Russia hacked DNC.
edit on 7-1-2017 by FanDanGo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: jtma508
Did anyone ever stop to think who would benefit most from the hack and who would have the capability to do it and mostly remain undetected? And don't lay any, 'Some patriotic dumbass trying to save the county BS' on me. They'd have been uncovered before the pixels had dried.

Well Russia and Putin who is one of the richest men on Earth has the most to gain from a change of US foreign policy.

Namely they will be able to control a sizable amount of ME oil and ship it directly to the ocean to distribute it and cut the US
out of a huge market. Trump's son stated that the Trump organization has huge stakes in the Russian economy which makes him a better choice for Russia.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:10 AM
Regardless of whether Russia hacked DNC, Russia was not needed to hack DNC. Whatever technology Russia has, America has and more. RNC could have hired domestic hackers to hack DNC if they wanted to do so.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: FanDanGo
Regardless of whether Russia hacked DNC, Russia was not needed to hack DNC. Whatever technology Russia has, America has and more. RNC could have hired domestic hackers to hack DNC if they wanted to do so.

What does that point even mean?

You know, we have a country here and it is supposed to represent the people and not be influenced by cheating or fraud, especially not by a foreign nation.

I can't get over how so many people have so little respect for our own country

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: banjobrain

originally posted by: FanDanGo
Regardless of whether Russia hacked DNC, Russia was not needed to hack DNC. Whatever technology Russia has, America has and more. RNC could have hired domestic hackers to hack DNC if they wanted to do so.

What does that point even mean?

You know, we have a country here and it is supposed to represent the people and not be influenced by cheating or fraud, especially not by a foreign nation.

I can't get over how so many people have so little respect for our own country

yeah, I agree, I'm a democrat, but I'm a American patriot first.....there are a lot of foreigners on this website that don't have a clue.....this is our house with warts and all, the line has to be drawn and I pick the country I love and live in, screw the rest.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: DupontDeux

Moon of Alabama has a couple pieces up on the subject that are well worth the read . His latest has this bit

Kevin Rothrock (Moscow Times): I cannot believe my eyes. Is this really part of the US government's intelligence case? I'll say it: the declassified USG report "Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections" is an embarrassment. Susan Hennessey (Lawfare, Brookings): The unclassified report is underwhelming at best. There is essentially no new information for those who have been paying attention. Bill Neely (NBCNews): Lots of key judgements but not many key facts & no open proof in US Intell. report into alleged Russian hacking. Stephen Hayes (Weekly Standard): The intel report on Russia is little more than a collection of assertions. Understand protecting sources/methods, but it's weak. Julia Ioffe (The Atlantic): It's hard to tell if the thinness of the #hacking report is because the proof is qualified, or because the proof doesn't exist. @JeffreyGoldberg Have to say, though, I'm hearing from a lot of Russia watchers who are very skeptical of the report. None like Putin/Trump. When you lost even Julia Ioffe on your anti-Russian issue ... Clapper as DNI and Brennan as CIA chief should have been fired years ago. They will both be gone by January 20. The Intelligence Community will remember them as the chief-authors of this devastating failure.

The other piece "New Intelligence Report Adds No Evidence Of "Russian Hacking" (Updated)" better addresses the technical side and explains that the FBI had to use the IT firm hired to make a report that the FBI used . Its easy to imagine that that hell hole Clinton kabal didnt want any more prying eyes then was necessary

Three cases of paper releases have to be differentiated: The emails from Clinton's private basement mail-server were released by the State Department after various FOIA requests. Emails from Clinton's campaign chief John Podesta were released after someone "spear phished" his Gmail password and got access to his mail box. Such spear phishing - sending an email which asks to change one's password on a faked login page - happens thousands of times each day. Naturally prominent people with publicly widely known addresses are the preferred targets of such stunts. This has nothing to do with real hacking which defeats a system's defense by manipulating computer code. The Democratic National Council was probably hacked. "Probably" because it is still quite possible that a (murdered?) insider leaked the DNC emails and the hacking "evidence" is made up to conceal that. But even that "evidence", presented by the DNC hired company Crowdstrike, is thin.

posted on Jan, 7 2017 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: banjobrain

originally posted by: daftpink
a reply to: Morrad

Thanks I didn't see it, was looking for threads about this. I knew there would be some. Hopefully this one can focus on discussing how legitimate the report seems and if it is just a propaganda piece or not.

the report cannot name specific names or sources because that would expose tradecraft secrets.

You are using that fact about intelligence gathering to obfuscate the entire issue.

It is clear Russia was having serious problems with the current US policy, and Putin even stated publicly that the two nations were on a course to conflict surrounding Syria just a few months ago. The report states that Putin feared a continuation of similar foreign policy that would result from a Clinton presidency.

Lol data forensics is tradecraft secrets now I guess my knowledge of data forensics means i should have top secret level credentials because i can do data forensics.

Serously that report is actually worse then some of the projects I saw put together by students in their 2nd year of information security classes. It's a basic diagram of an attack without any details. It shows a hacker using an infected host computer to access a proxy then attacking a target lol. Thats it! They didnt show the proxy they didnt give any details on which proxy was used, it was probably Tor. They didnt have the infected hosts computers ip or mac address. The host computers infection was using what virus? Was the host computer a mac, pc or another different OS. How did they bypass security for the dnc did they use a port vulnerability scanner to access its network? And once they got on the network how did they access the files on a server without elevated privileges aka admin user? Was the system using CIA protocols "not government CIA" this CIA uses active directory and makes sure only people working there are allowed to see files based off there position if you work in accounting you cant access human resource files unless they permit you too.However even if your in the correct postion or premitted to see the files you cannot overwrite them unless your the author. why didnt anyone check the log files until way too late. Sooooo many questions

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