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UK government adds National Action to list of proscribed orgs.

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posted on Dec, 13 2016 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

I understand where you are coming from on that. I really do.

But the thing is, that unlike Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other world religions which are NOT a threat to the human race as some might have you believe (or at least, are not a threat because they exist, but because people twist those ideologies to suit nefarious purpose sometimes), Nazi ethos IS a threat to the species, because it requires certain things to be done, certain situations to exist. It requires adherents to be opposed to everyone who is not precisely like them. It calls from time to time, for adherents to it to do violence to everyone that is not like them. It requires these things as central to its core values, not as a matter which arises when decidedly sick individuals gain power within its command structure (as occurred during the Crusades, many of the Papal administrations over the centuries, and has occurred within radical sects of Islam, although a lot of that has been driven lately, by the CIA and their asset recruitment preferences, but I digress...).

The fact of the matter is, that Nazi (which is what these individuals are) organisations should be proscribed because they exist at all, because their existence threatens the way of life of liberty, freedom, and justice loving people all over the entire world. We saw what happened last time fools like these were allowed to raise their heads above the metaphorical parapet, without having them instantly shot off their shoulders, and it was an ugly, disgusting mess! I know my history. It was the appeasement of these buffoons, the permission given them by the inaction of others, to behave as they fancied to, which lead to the holocaust. A huge trail of people, including Neville Chamberlain, were responsible for giving tacit permission to the Nazis, to do whatever they fancied to, without consequence. That had disastrous outcomes for people from all walks of life, and must NEVER be permitted again.

I am all for religious tolerance and cultural love ins of any kind, but there are people walking the world today who want to burn its surface clear of anyone who is not precisely like them. That cannot be tolerated. That is anathema to the human race, and those who stand before humanity as a whole, entire thing, as a species, those who threaten it, must be prevented from acting upon their ideology. That requires two things. Determination on the part of those who would stand against their fascist tendencies, and the will to act EARLY to prevent even the beginnings of a capable political movement based on their ideology. It must be crushed, spat on, crushed again and scattered to the four winds before even gestating to the point where it could be legitimately called a movement.

This is the only example of a movement that cannot be permitted to exist, the only example of an ideology that cannot be tolerated, and it must not be.

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