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The Trinity of Being

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posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 01:39 AM
There really is a holy trinity - holy in the sense of constituting the conditions of our existence.

The triangle has often served as a great mystery to ancient humans, but it's interpretation went in different directions - not everyone seeing it in the same way.

What would be the most basic way to consider what we are? Consider the elements. I am a body. My body has a brain. Why do I and everyone else insist on saying "have", instead of "am"? The Phenomenological reality casts a large shadow on eliminative materialism: what is this consciousness that we experience ourselves to be? I am a mind. First and foremost, I can be aware of the qualities and motivations of my conscious experiences.

But what makes up these experiences? On one side, I have a body, with feelings. I feel changes in my stomach and chest, fluctuations in temperature etc. But these feelings are largely related to some social reality. Thus, other people - or the other person - is the third element.

1. Mind
2. Body (brain/nervous system)
3. Other Person

What am I? I am a flow of 50 trillion cells, organizing 10 octillion atoms - a field of organized energy that correlates a monstrously large number of dissipative processes - all of it, moving towards the path of least resistance - to coherence.

The body and brain "weaves" within itself the communicative qualia of the intersubjective now. Do you get it? We are born in between the spaces between us - in the neurogenic flow of positive social evocations - facial cues, vocal tones that stimulate an energetic response in the self and its desiring. Can you imagine how complexly integrated these flows are? We have 86 billion neurons, and a good 16 billion of them are cortical - related to the most complex control of lower layers, in particular the frontal cortices control on instinctive emotional processes. Each neuron is itself a massive structure - with hundreds of mitochondria and vast highways of axon that extend thousands of times further than the cells size. Each factory responds to the stimuli of other factories, together, in their massive coordinated behavior - what we call consciousness, and science would associate with the default network mode - is a complex orchestration that is usually thought a mystery.

But it isn't a mystery. The cells project a person - and one person is dynamically integrated with the affectivity-intentionality of another person. What does this mean in physiological terms? Think of your heart. We're told this thing is merely a pump - but the physiologist - a biophysicist by training - knows that the heart electromagnetic output is too great not to have a orchestrating function on the self-organization of cells throughout the body - in effect, a pace maker, not just of the blood's pumping, but the biodynamical behavior of cells throughout the organisms structure.

Furthermore, what of the brain? Is it not meaningful that the heart has 40 million neurons dedicated to generating a massive electromagnetic field, itself permeating any body within 3 feet of a person? Could it be that the heart not only regulates the body, but also reacts to the dynamical fields of other body's - in other words, is it possible that the mirror neurons that become activated in empathic scenario's are neurologically decoding - or becoming quantuamly entangled - with the gestalt state of the perceived situation, via the dynamical activity of the heart's dynamics - perhaps helping to mediate one brains entrainment to another brain?

The point to remember is that dynamical systems tend to produce symmetry. Symmetry is not just a conceptual idea - but is likely also related to the geometric configurations of the physiological dynamics of the brain. Something of intense complexity occurs within us - and between us - when we apply our attention to relate to one another with a sense of a common origin - a common first cause inhabiting the same sort of substance. I - what I am - is a structure designed to pick up the psychodynamic reason for your behaving - to not just empathize, but to construct a logical and rational understanding of why I act this way.

Constraining you experience towards flows that avoid generating conflict would therefore be "selected" because it supports the inter-subjective complexity of the interaction. People feel good about being in control of themselves - in being "masters of their body and their relationships" Thus, natural selection, operating within the brain as the accumulation of neuronal and glial elements in the construction and conduction of a consciousess that flowed in terms of how the way the 1. Mind existed in its relationship to its 2. Body and the relationships it has with 3. other Humans. These are the sources of the nature of the flow: impersonal dynamics of body regulation, and the interpersonal qualia evoked by the expressive presence of relevant other Humans.

And so an obvious trinity is there: I am a mind that was created over Human evolution as a function of the positive experiences we have in the interpersonal encounter. Notice the epistemology and ontology: its whiteheadian - the genius polymath who understood that the human had to be understood from bottom up as a continuous emergent - both synchronically and diachronically - process in space-time.

Can the human be broken a part? It doesn't seem possible. Take away other relationships, and you becoem autistic, and so without constant materialistic input, the system will degrade and devolve to a simpler organization.

Even talking this way is strange because evolution of evolved brains has been inextricably linked to social emotions. To remove the social part is to produce entropy - to asininely work through the stubborn egotism of consciousness against the natural stresses that emerge between body and relationships - a fighting within the brain itself - a separating of the social self from the individual self, superficially separates mind from body, and self from other.

But what would humans do, for real? If you were to put a hundred kids on a desert island, do you think there would anarchy? Possibly. On the other hand, dynamical systems theory would predict that Humans would spontaneously begin to form laws to regulate relationships so that people don't mistreat one another. And why? Because the human being is vulnerable - feels vulnerability, and only learns how to deal with vulnerability by witnessing the way others do it - an intuitive internalization within their own Self-Other object relations. A feeling relation is born that stipulates a certain form of knowing.

Its pretty well certain that evolution is animated by a spirit of coherency - establishing coherent forms that produce order - what we feel intuitively as beauty and orderliness. We ourselves are the most complex creation - and so presumably, the most advanced expression of this coherency. Our job, it has been said, is to 'tend to the garden' of the Earth. The matriarchal value - the chief flow of being to the female mind, is a connection with their bodies - hence the thicker corpus collossum of their brains. This deeper connection mediates a deeper sensitivity to motions within and between - between faces and feelings, fear and shame, or joy and excitement.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 01:43 AM
The matrix means mother. The background - the informal dynamics passing through hidden fields - the higher water? The biblical term has me hypnotized, as the work of Gerald Pollack and Mae Wan Ho describe the wondrous powers of water - H20.

It's crystalline intermediate - not quite liquid, not quite solid - but somewhere in between, has a helical structure - an intertwining of off-centered hydrogen-oxygen molecules to produce a negative charge of -1. The negative charge comes from the perturbing effect of the positively charged wall of the container. These helical structures are durable enough to be stacked millions of layers thick - millimeters, or even meters in length.

Ho - this unacknowledged genius - believed the organism was one large computation that organized its dynamics through the medium of water - so the activities of molecules a certain distance away would be coordinated through the electromagnetic properties of waters crystalline phase - thus, in effect, rendering the living creature into a living crystal.

Ho's imagination made her likeable. She also believed that some of the crazier things - levitation, teleportation, and all the other legends told to us through asian culture, could be realities related to the coherent organization of our minds, in relation to the coherent organization of our relatedness to the world around us. It is through attunement - through sensing into the observed other - through feeling - that a cognitive construction lands upon a coherent and accurate organization.

But whats truly wondrous - and blame Teilhard De Chardin for putting this idea into the noosphere, what if our ontological relationship to the emergent qualia of existence regulates the strength and coherence of the minds relation to matter - whether its own or the space between i.e. the physical world? Living coherently - and in tune with others and the natural world - would thus be about suffusing the Human environment with a sense of connection to a larger whole - a bigger and more meaningful picture - to the larger puzzle picture to which each of us represents but a smaller part.
edit on 10-12-2016 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 03:12 AM
Is it also a coincidence that the building blocks of matter are 3: electrons, protons and neutrons? The Hegelian dialectic- thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis or action, reaction and interaction?

How about from the ancient perspective of holy trinities?
Hindu- Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Sumerians- Anu, Enlil and Enki, Egyptian- Horus, Isis and Osiris, Shinto- Hoderi, Hosuseri and Howori? Why is it regarded as sacred?

Again, from a different perspective, what better way to examine the trinity than from the point of view of a doctor in Patristics, the alternative researcher Joseph P. Farrell. Farrell calls it the topological metaphor of the medium, It's a metaphor of a metaphor. Ever wondered why the ancients spoke in metaphor? Could it be that it's the simplest, most effective way to explain to ourselves and to others a complex or even profound concept or experience?

This may not be your thing , but I'm posting it here for those who might be interested.

Published on Apr 8, 2016
Dr. Farrell discusses the Topological Metaphor, the origin of the Trinity and the hidden mathematical reasoning behind many theological concepts. He explores the way in which the Topological Metaphor can have profound effects on science and philosophy, depending on how one interprets it.

Published on Aug 7, 2016
Today we take on one of the largest philosophical mysteries; what Dr. Farrell refers to as the Topological Metaphor. In a roller coaster of a talk, we touch many aspects and derivatives of this fundamental structure of existence - historically, esoterically, theologically & politically. What is this fingerprint of Creation? Where do we find its traces? How is it best grasped through symbolism, numbers, music & geometry? Was it part of a prehistoric understanding? How does modern science relate to it? How is this open abundance system opposed to the closed scarcity system? And we learn about the first Unified Field Theory in known history!

edit on 09 11 2015 by MaxTamesSiva because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 04:03 AM
Trinity, divinity all man made hogwash that has plagued this planet for long enough and will be the end of mankind if not turned away from. Mankind has to evolve (in addition to being tweaked already) from pathetic crutch dependent beliefs that have foster greed, division and evil for thousands of years! There is hope but not while you have a Pope!!!!!! We only know half of history and that half should tell us enough!! Respect, love, empathise and help your fellow man not the stupid beliefs he created!!

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
The concept of trinity is not exclusively about religion. Have you tried to delve deeply about it's origin? How can we understand what we are today if we don't look back and study our past and maybe try to find out our mistakes?

edit on 09 11 2015 by MaxTamesSiva because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: MaxTamesSiva
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
The concept of trinity is not exclusively about religion. Have you tried to delve deeply about it's origin? How can we understand what we are today if we don't look back and study our past and maybe try to find out our mistakes?

It appears to me that the past hasn't been that successful and we don't appear to learn from the past so what value is it really! Focus should be on the here and now in order to foster a better future for mankind!

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
You may be right but I beg to disagree, how can we solve a problem if we don't know it's origin or cause? How can we learn about something that we don't fully understand or at least make an attempt to understand as far as we can? Maybe the problem lies in our past, that's why we haven't learned to change for the better?

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: MaxTamesSiva
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
You may be right but I beg to disagree, how can we solve a problem if we don't know it's origin or cause? How can we learn about something that we don't fully understand or at least make an attempt to understand as far as we can? Maybe the problem lies in our past, that's why we haven't learned to change for the better?
Its origin or cause is simple! Weakness and flaws of the mind/brain which is open to suggestion regardless of the truth or rationale and often easily fooled or convinced that what the senses perceive is or maybe true. Fatally flawed, hence why humans go to their deaths following a nonsense or ridiculous cause!

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: MaxTamesSiva
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
You may be right but I beg to disagree, how can we solve a problem if we don't know it's origin or cause? How can we learn about something that we don't fully understand or at least make an attempt to understand as far as we can? Maybe the problem lies in our past, that's why we haven't learned to change for the better?

What is the problem?
The problem lies in relating. If you relate to someone from an image from the past - it is a dead image. Take sex for example - if you read a book or see a video about sex - you may believe that will make you a better lover - but the person you have sex with wants you to respond to them - not bring with you a how to manual.
edit on 10-12-2016 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
If it's that simple why can't we do anything about it or could it be far more complex than that? Does it mean that this weakness and flaw is being manipulated through the ages? Why? What are the intentions? Can we identify it? An answer generates even more questions.

edit on 09 11 2015 by MaxTamesSiva because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain
My apologies, I cant relate to your metaphor... I think I have a problem.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: MaxTamesSiva
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
If it's that simple why can't we do anything about it or could it be far more complex than that? Does it mean that this weakness and flaw is being manipulated through the ages? Why? What are the intentions? Can we identify it? An answer generates even more questions.

The mind asks questions that have no correct answer so it will never bring peace.
But when the mind stops asking questions - peace is here.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: MaxTamesSiva
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
If it's that simple why can't we do anything about it or could it be far more complex that? Does it mean that this weakness and flaw is being manipulated through the ages? Why? What are the intentions? Can we identify it? An answer generates even more questions.

We cant because it has become institutionalised and brainwashing works because of the inherent weakness and flaws, thus will continue to be exploited to maintain status quo. Its called CONTROL through the influence of POWER which is driven by another weakness/flaw of the mind/brain, EGO & GREED!! So if mankind is to do better in the future he needs to stop looking back because dwelling in the well of history is no foundation for fostering effective change for the better future. A clean sheet of desired values and perceived outcomes that plans and acts upon testable fact is what is needed to be able to implement a better future!

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain
'He in his madness prays for storms, and dreams that storms will bring him peace' -Mikhail Lermontov

How can we know if an answer is not correct? Could peace be just a state of mind, an arbitrary condition or descrpition, a state in flux?

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: MaxTamesSiva
Seeking for answers to questions may bring answers, that bring more questions. Seeking and searching is not peaceful - there is a mission to solve the puzzle.
But what if there is nothing to solve - the mind would be redundant - it would lose it's seat on the throne.
Would you not enjoy a rest?

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

We cant because it has become institutionalised and brainwashing works because of the inherent weakness and flaws, thus will continue to be exploited to maintain status quo. Its called CONTROL through the influence of POWER which is driven by another weakness/flaw of the mind/brain, EGO & GREED!! So if mankind is to do better in the future he needs to stop looking back because dwelling in the well of history is no foundation for fostering effective change for the better future. A clean sheet of desired values and perceived outcomes that plans and acts upon testable fact is what is needed to be able to implement a better future!

That's revolutionary, but then again, the idea of a revolution is not even revolutionary anymore if one is a student of history.It's history's perennial game of musical chairs, some might even say only a cosmetic solution. Maybe a better question is what is the cause of this inherent weakness and flaw?

a reply to: itsnowagain

Seeking for answers to questions may bring answers, that bring more questions. Seeking and searching is not peaceful - there is a mission to solve the puzzle. But what if there is nothing to solve - the mind would be redundant - it would lose it's seat on the throne. Would you not enjoy a rest?

I find it therapeutic and I'm giving it a rest. My apologies to the OP, seems like we drifted from the main topic- trinity.

edit on 09 11 2015 by MaxTamesSiva because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

This here is just opinion and feeling, and not meant as fact nor truth:

Trinity doesn't sit right. Not feeling it. Feels like a convoluted extension of duality.
Is it possible to discuss this, or any trinity, without accepting duality?

I am not my mind. I am not this body.
Not my name; not my career; not this employee number; not these emotions; not these thoughts; not this hair color; not "that guy"; not this guy; not dad; not son; not husband; not musician; not anything or anyhow, that others use to differentiate this, from that.

Those are some of the roles we play. Different hats we wear.

I am nothing.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

The "field of organized energy", the field of all fields of organized energy, is the Spirit, and the whole of the field is the Spiritual body, while a unit of organization, like an eigenstate, that is within the Spirit, is a spirit or a spiritual body. Think sets within sets or a single color of a full spectrum colorwheel.

What we're all doing is taking in the Spirit and translating or quantizing (with our souls) the body.

The trinity is:
--Father (Soul / quantization / what you're calling mind / translation / measurement)

--Son (Body / quanta / qualia / image of measurement)

--Holy Ghost (Spirit / energy / will / what is being measured)

p.s. Don't stop at emotions - those are just like measurements as well - like first respondent measurements - you have to keep going further in. (Though, that is not to say that emotions don't come from the Spirit, because they do - they're just not the emotions we speak about in a biological or physical sense - they exist in a more pure spiritual sense, like the will of feeling emotions.) Also, the mind is actually more like the body of the soul. Like the seat of the soul, where physicality or the world out there is like God's mind, and the world inside your head is your mind or the body of your soul, while your soul itself is the awareness or measurer producing your mental images / qualia, or your physical image / quanta.

And not to sound too patronizing but I'm kind of happy that you're starting to get there. Good job, man.

edit on 12/10/2016 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 01:41 PM
God is love
Jesus is Peace
The Holy Spirit is Happiness.

True Love exist in the presence of Happiness and Peace.

It also presents that emotions at some orientation (i.e. Heaven) take up space while what we consider normally objective,in such an orientation to reality?

Is what their is subjective.

posted on Dec, 10 2016 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Kashai
God is love
Jesus is Peace
The Holy Spirit is Happiness.

True Love exist in the presence of Happiness and Peace.

It also presents that emotions at some orientation (i.e. Heaven) take up space while what we consider normally objective,in such an orientation to reality?

Is what their is subjective.

Respectfully speaking. B.llocks!!

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