posted on Dec, 1 2016 @ 10:06 PM
So I've been getting sappy "breakup" letters in the mail every month for a while now. It's Mad Magazine asking me to re-subscribe. My subscription
expired months ago, but they still send the letters haha.
They come off as a jilted lover desperate for another chance.
I first discovered MAD when I was a cancer patient. I was about 13 years old and the only thing to keep me from going nuts while hospitalized was my
monthly Madness. I used to pluck them from the hospital gift shop.
I kept the tradition for the 2-3 year fight. Had a stack of Mads to come home with and started subscribing. I'd always buy the 3 year subscriptions.
Since Mad changed their formats in the last couple of years going from monthly, to quarterly, and now I think it's every 2 months?--well my 3 year
subscription ended up lasting a lot longer due to the weird adjustments they were doing.
I even wrote in to complain that I was still getting issues that I hadn't paid for in years haha. Sadly, they did not publish the letter!
One of the things I really appreciate about Mad is that they cram jokes into every inch possible (as I discovered in their breakup letters.) They also
send issues in the mail with a protective cover that naturally has marginals and cartoons on it; another opportunity to joke around.
Well done, Mad. Well done. You've earned another credit card payment.
edit on 1-12-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)