posted on Nov, 30 2016 @ 11:16 PM
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Thanks. I am just pointing out that the system stinks. And that insurance companies get to do what WE cannot, namely negotiate a lower cost.
As for preventative care: I literally just learned (this week) how to properly take my BP at home. In less than 3 mins I went from 146/95 to 128/83.
I MOVED to a different chair. That's it! The arm must be relaxed, not hunched, with the hand relaxed and curving outward, and feet well supported.
For years the docs had been yipping about my BP (until I quit doctors). Now they got nothing. My point: had I listened to the doctors instead of
eating better, taking kyolic garlic, moving more, and taking my BP correctly, I would be on the da*n drugs, bumping into things (I tried them 20 years
The doctors all too often need to find something to treat you for, so they can give you a drug.
We have to fight for our health. And when we get sick, we need someone to fight FOR us.