posted on Nov, 27 2016 @ 09:18 AM
All the facts in the world will not change your mind when you are obstinate, there are only so many ways to prove someone wrong. One persons truth is
another persons lies. I can tell you the sky is blue because of a reflection and you can tell me the grass is green because of photosynthesis, but if
you choose to believe one thing and I another, does that really matter?
What either of us choose to believe is our choice.
Global warming or global cooling? Mini ice age coming or doomed by an asteroid? Chemtrails are normal? Trump won the POTUS election or stole it?
Aliens populated the Earth? We evolved or were created? Or Both? Or All of the above? Would gold, oil and diamonds have value without us putting
value on them? Would the Bible make sense if we witnessed those events in person?
9/11 happened exactly the way they claim it did? If I tell you you are delusional and you scream I am a truther, does it change the facts? NO.
Every single thing we believe can be challenged by someone else and all kinds of facts can be postulated to bring an argument and coerce a debate.
Time travel? Gravity? Polarity? Multi-dimensional portals? Black holes?
One persons dreams are another persons nightmares. One persons reality is another persons fantasy. For every action there is an equal reaction?
There are many subjects taught in school. Are they all being taught properly? It is in a book, so it must be true, right? Wrong. But question it
to the authority in charge and get a paddle on your backside.
We are forced to believe on the word of others? No. We have a choice, a brain, critical thinking, common sense that warns us to question certain
aspects of what we are being fed.
Right or wrong? When we were born into this life did we come with information already stored in our hard drive or were we a clean slate? If I tell
you reincarnation is real would you believe it? Have you ever felt a certain way about something and did not understand why?
Only one life to live? Dead and done? What keeps you alive? Animation? Or is there an energy life force? Where does it go? Up in smoke?
Do your actions have consequences? Is everything left to chance? Is there a plan or fate or destination? When you get on a plane are you just
flying for the hell of it?
Are there lessons to learn? Are we just wandering around aimlessly for no reason?