posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 04:18 PM
Found in the most unlikely places and within the most unlikely people...
Moments of greatness, expressions of talent, kindness, compassion and more...
I've lived a long life, too long perhaps and maybe you will disagree with my unique perspective but I have come to know the pure human spirit as the
most beautiful thing in the universe.
If you look for it you will find it almost everywhere, in the eyes with a wave, smile or hello. In people who's circumstances in life have left them
with little to look forward to, in people that seemingly have no reason to smile, but they do and their spirit reaches into your soul. I've seen it
in people from all walks of life, found it in songs, works of art and a multitude of other forms of expression. I've seen it in people of faith and
people with none.
Despite all of our flaws, evils and atrocities the pure human spirit always finds a way to shine through to inspire, uplift and motive others
positively. It is always beautiful. Random acts of kindness will often be an expression of the pure spirit reflected back from those receiving
It isn't more difficult to find, you don't have to go far, it is within you, it is everywhere if you choose to see it.
There is nothing more beautiful...
Happy holidays ATS