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Pope Francis: "It is the Communists who think like Christians

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posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: SpongeBeard

He is a puppet, like many others in power, of the globalists who want such a regime to control the world.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: Lucid Lunacy
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Communists are Atheists Right ?

Atheism means a lack of belief in god(s) and nothing more and nothing less. No political affiliation is mandated. There are atheists that subscribe to every flavor of political ideology. If communism espouses godlessness it doesn't mean atheism and communism are synonymous. Lots of people around the world in different political climates, even in certain religions, are atheists. I don't believe communism suggests everyone should be atheist, although that might be apart of marxist communism specifically.

Ah , We are talking about The Pope of the Catholic Church here ? Atheism is Diametrically Opposed to Catholicism . He Is a Heretic .

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: tikbalang

"If we can just get the RIGHT people in it could work".

It gets really old hearing this. Collectivism is not good for people. There's no ideal in the world that pools people together just to work for a "common goal" that never existed in the first place, that is good for individuals.

That's kind of a confusing post the way you worded it but I absolutely agree with the point you're making here. Collectivism always scares me.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: tikbalang

"If we can just get the RIGHT people in it could work".

It gets really old hearing this. Collectivism is not good for people. There's no ideal in the world that pools people together just to work for a "common goal" that never existed in the first place, that is good for individuals.

There have been a lot of communist christian sects throughout history. They were one of the bigger groups that came to settle the US during colonial times actually.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 05:29 AM
There is nothing new about this. "Liberation Theology" was very big in the late twentieth century, especially in Latin America, and I would imagine that a Latin American cleric of the present Pope's generation will have been saying things like that all his life.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Being that he is of the Jesuit order and the first Jesuit pope I find it extremely hard to believe he is a puppet. This is also a man who chooses his words seemingly very carefully and is known from time to time to speak in Very cryptic language obviously attempting to hide his true meaning.
It has been argued they represent the most powerful organization in the world.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Somehow you got all this wrong...

Firstly, every ideology, including this one we live in is based on idea that it is the best and is the answer to all of our problems. Yet, world we live in is by contrast build on very unfair grounds, where small group of people control more then half of wealth.

As for Communism, in my opinion it was wrongly executed version of socialism that turned into cult of a leader.

On the other hand, with progress of socialistic ideas in west (excluding USA), idea that everyone should have health care, all basic human rights etc.... we are stepping closer to different form (not sure what to call it), that is not exactly where we started, but neither is Communism.

And when you talk about human rights, close to half of USA is siding with party that does not want to give everyone equal right... it is easy to talk about it, if it does not effect you...

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Jesus gave freedom so no one was forced to follow his will, just that those that indulged themselves here have already had there reward so they can expect nothing in heaven unless there were good the poor anyway.
The first christian community's held all in common, they were commune's and house church's.
Jesus told the rich to go and sell what they own and give it to the poor, he told them to so that is god's will, god own's the earth and the fullness thereof so therefore God is the True state but the Devil promote's greed and love's to see the poor suffer.
Jesus said if you have two coat's and your brother has non go and give the one you are not using to him.
As you treat the least of these, the poorest and the most downtrodden, the slaves and the poor so do you treat me.
Those who serve those around them shall be served, those that oppress and thrive off the suffering of other's shall find themselves in service to them whom they have in this life robbed.
The first shall be last (in heaven the elite and the wealthy are at the back of the line) and the last (on this earth) shall be first at the head of the line in heaven.

There are those that even claim christ was a capitalist making spurius claim's based on cherry picked passage's, he did indeed give all a choice and did not tell people to impoverish there family but to come with him, one family in him and shared labour and communal living as in the first christian community's before the religion was rewritten/interpreted in order for it to be used as a state religion by Constantine, indeed many TRUE christian's saw greater persecution at this time than they had for over a century before as the NEW state church forced them to abide by IT's interpretation's, interpretation's which were intended to twist the religion into a tool of power and statehood.

Now communism but more fair socialist ideal's and wealth distribution among the extended CHRISTIAN community, but not just christian's as remember he said Love your neighbour as yourself and forgive them any wrong they do (god is the Government, Christ is the king and if they are too be judged it is Christ that shall do the judging).

Overall I agree with Francis on that point with one caveat, had the Communist state not idolized it's leader's, had they adopted Christian moral's, ethic's and belief rather than the Twisted version of them which the 19th century Atheist's had purported to invent but actually stole from true and litteral Christian morality then they would have been free society's, within limit's of course but far more free than they were and no stalinist secret police or mauist cultural revolution's to cause million's of death's, also every citizen would have been given a choice, Join the christian state and share all in common as one family or don't (but since the earth and the fullness thereof belong to God you can not run the country or dictate to the body of christ on earth what you rich folk's and self serving money idolator's want).

Of course you can find still even today working model's of those early christian community's, they are not actually christian in the usual sense though as they are the Jewish Kibbutze and the model of shared labour, benefit and reward in which all people work together as a single family for the good of the whole.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: projectvxn
It's like this idiot missed the last 80 years.

Good god.

Just to correct you, Stalin was Evil, Lenin was not so evil actually, it was the Bolshevik's that murdered the Tsar and his family not Lennin whom wanted to keep them alive but HE was misguided in that he wanted to make Atheism the state norm and this became communism's achiles heel, you know how religious and devout orthodox russian's really are, they would put half the bible belt to shame believe me.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

All the popes have been false prophets. They are not agents of God. Agents of God do not protect those who harm the defenceless, do not amass for themselves gold and financial power of such magnitude as the Catholic Church does, do not claim that Jesus would want his Fathers house to be bedecked in gold, expensive velvets, rich woods and marble, or his priests in the finest cloth.

He would not support the judgement cast upon mortal men and women by mortal men and women of faith, in direct divergence with his edicts.

I think using the term communist might have been unwise, perhaps socialist (real socialism, not the evil lie that was the Nazi party, but actual socialism) might be closer to the mark. But as Popes go, Francis is the first I have ever heard of who actually had any Christian values at all.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 07:58 AM
You'd be hard pressed to find any nation thats a shining example of Christianity or decency for that matter.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Great point's, Communism was too severe and denied democracy by ignoring it's people, literally the party became the new upper class and of course attracted those of like mind so that it took less then a generation to become utterly corrupt.
Socialism was best realized in the Labour movement of our own nation Britain in the 1950's and 60's before suffering a concerted and dirty trick campaign to destroy it and undermine it from the extreme right of our political system, AKA the Tory's and there backer's (often not even British including in the past teh Family of Saud, Rockafeller and several other international gangsters).

Nazism AKA national Socialism was not even remotely Socialist once it gained power, under it the weakest and poorest were deemed subhuman and euthenised and the ideology then led to mass murder and genocide, other than the road building and infrastructure construction of the 1930's which put million's of unemployed german's into job's there was nothing at all socialist about NAZI'ism, indeed there are many in the Tory's today whom idolize the NAZI ideal's though not publicly of course.

But today we face two side's alien to our own nation, Eastern europe see's socialism as evil having been brainwashed by the Communists into thinking that Communism was socialism on the one hand and by the history of the NAZI's into thinking that was Socialism on the other hand while in western europe and Britain those of us old enough to have experience Western european socialism have a completely different point of view based on our own experience of a more fair system in the past.

Right what did we gain from a proper labour government in the past, Free Library's, Public Swimming Bath's and other Facility's, State ran and reliable transport and infrastructure (until militant derailed it and gave the Tory's a propeganda gift), fair and free education system with school meal's for the poorest and free open access to education up to university level - abused by foreign student's whom came to the UK to exploit our free education and also did the same to Sweden but that is another matter, Free (not really we paid and still do pay for it in the form of our National Insurance contribution's) comprehensive health system the NHS.

Other benefit's, state buyout's and ownership of vital infrastructure including north sea gas (Thatcher destroyed that and started the fire which has almost destroyed all the good the work), State subsidies (paid for by tax redistribution) which payed private company's to keep them above the water line in time's of economic uncertainty and helped them to be more competitive internationally thus ensuring job security for million's.

Welfare for the poorest (which was never envisaged to exceep pay, that was another act of Thatcher whom removed the legal requirement of company's to ensure wages rose with inflation and undermined the welfare system as the system meant the state had to pay ENOUGH to live on, by removing this requirement wage slavery was returned to the UK from the 1980's onward with the innevitable decay of our society).

State subsidised and owned rented accomodation in the form of modern housing and new town's (these were coupled with new industrial estate's and new employers were attracted to these location's through generous grant's and subsidie's, these not only ensures homelessnes WAS once a thing of the past in the UK but that through the Rental system the Council's (local government) had both a steady income and a fall back portfolio, Thatcher once again did away whith this but there was once again a method to her right wing madness, on the one hand people THOUGHT they were getting to own there own home (they already had it for perpetuity so long as it was occupied?) but she and her team knew that by aboloshing wage inflation indexing that those that owned there own home would one day have to sell it to pay for there rising cost's thus moving the formerly state owned property back into a small and elite group of hand's over a period envisaged as no more than 45 years.

The threat these Neo Tory's Nazi's now face is the like's of Corbyn whom is not militant or extreme left but simply Good old fashioned labour so they have drawn every gun in there arsenal from the NEW labour plant's they inserted to destroy and take control of the labour party to there media tycoon friend's whom launched into a vile and concerted propeganda against the labour party, they are currently quiet as they consider there next move and ponder if they have done enough so that there Tory puppet's can keep privatising our nation into there greedy hand's.

edit on 16-11-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 09:41 AM
If you were to think beyond what the MSM spoon feeds the masses regarding communism you would begin to think clearly. Communism by definition is a shared cooperative in which all people have equity in the system. USA is way too big to ever entirely convert to such a lifestyle, but many self-sustaining communes have been thriving within the United States.

Christ absolutely advocated this sort of communal cooperative living - if you read the acts of the apostles this is exactly the type of community they were promulgating after they began following the guidelines of Jesus:

"The congregation of believers was one in heart and soul. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they owned." -Acts 4:32

Stop believing the divisive media - they demonize whatever threatens their malignant self-interest: the more communes that exist, the less fiscal slaves they possess.
edit on 16-11-2016 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 09:55 AM
The pope make sas much sense as pat robertson these days. And thats not at all.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: cooperton
You seem to be ignoring this part:

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 05:11 PM
The difference between the ideal communal Christian community the Pope thinks he's thinking of and Communism is the degree of force. Those early Christian communities every talks about as communist were freely entered and people freely shared. There was no overbearing, all powerful state that forced people to join up and took everything away and kept people in the commune by strong arm force.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: SargonThrall

You mean, you were hungry, so I told the government it could not donate money you were taxed to charities that had anything to do with my name?

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 05:19 PM
Seems to me that folks aren't reading the story to understand what Francis said. Rather, they see the word "communist" and check it against whatever confirmation bias it matches up with.

What he says is true in its most academic form. Communism is a government for the little people. Communism as practiced by humans, however, is a tyrrany that pisses on you and tells you its raining. In light of the former, Franis nails it. In light of the latter, its no wonder everyone is horrified.

But what he says, in an academic sense, is true and correct.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
The difference between the ideal communal Christian community the Pope thinks he's thinking of and Communism is the degree of force. Those early Christian communities every talks about as communist were freely entered and people freely shared. There was no overbearing, all powerful state that forced people to join up and took everything away and kept people in the commune by strong arm force.

THis is why communism cannot, and will not, deliver us to utopia. Somewhere along the way, sooner rather than later, ego's must be groomed and possessions become attached to status again. Once this happens, markets occur, which undermines the Communistic concept.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: ketsuko
Do you honestly think private charities are lacking in corruption? If we relied on charities to take care of the infirm we would be even worse off than we are.

Taxes are a fact of life. Health care should be the utmost priority. We are far behind socialist nations like Canada in quality of life, despite being far richer. Moderate socialism is far closer to the Christian ideal than the opposite. See cooperton's reference to Acts above.

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