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Software Providers accountability if collaborate with big brother, case mission critical damages

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posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 05:20 PM
How can this be accomplished?

I imagine the big internet players like Google, Apple, Amazon etc. could provide, for money, on lease, each of them a version of Thin Client software (OS and desktop applications). This is downloaded and refreshed at each boot of millions of clients. If corrupt secret services mole cells have planted a hack or a virus in the Thin Client software, and bonafide legal companies that try to make a honest buck, have damages because they were victims of some kind of mafia shakedown scheme by the mole cells, i.e. if Google was the provider of the Thin Client software Google is liable for the damages, because they need to provide clean software.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 05:44 PM
You would have to convince everyone that a thin client with a corporate OS was a good choice...
With no storage you'd be giving all your data to the cloud providers to mine themselves.

If a US government court compels Google to do something, they probably will. I think better security and antivirus tools that catch state sponsored malware may be a solution.

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: Elton
You would have to convince everyone that a thin client with a corporate OS was a good choice...
With no storage you'd be giving all your data to the cloud providers to mine themselves.

If a US government court compels Google to do something, they probably will. I think better security and antivirus tools that catch state sponsored malware may be a solution.

You could have thin clients with only local storage, the providers are liable for that they do nut pump the local storage into the cloud, I mean should they do that sneaky in a stealth background process and connection, if they are caught in the act so to speak they got to pay the biggest penalty ever in the computer business

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