posted on Oct, 19 2016 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to:
First start by hammering home wikileaks findings
1. Public vs private position
2. open borders totally free trade
3. Hillary being aware Saudi Arabia and quatar is funding isis - but clinton foundation took millions from each.
4. Talk about email where they admit to having a thumbdrive of emails but that they are going to claim it does not exist.
5. The email that admits hillary gave stand down order on bengazi - and that the embasy sent out hundreds of requests for help but they were
6. Talk about her statments in her banker speaches where she admits she is on their side - and they should regulate themselves
When the women's accusations are brought up say they are totally false - and quite frankly after watching the project veritas videos he would not be
surprised if they are just more paid agents of her campaign to make up a story, just like her operatives started violence at his rallies in chicago
which almost became a full blown riot, and shut down a highway in arizona for a paycheck.
Then say Hillary you had the nerve to go on tv after the chicago riot and condemn me for starting violence when you knew your operatives started it.
That is all the American people should need to know about you - you are a ruthless liar who will do anything to get elected.
Also bring up fbi release that shows state department tried to bribe the fbi to change email classifications.
Say All of the documentation for all of these claims will be on - and say if you have any integrity and are going to vote you need to
see this evidence.