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Non Americans . Who do you hope gets in . Trump or Clinton .

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posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Non Americans . Who do you hope gets in . Trump or Clinton .

I am not for Trump per se, but I am against Hillary.

She scares me.

I really fear that her cold war rhetorics will push the world into just that; a new cold war. The constant vilifying of Russia and the character attacks on Putin - whether justified or not - seems so very, very dangerous a tactic to garner votes.

If you know a little bit about the insanely macho-oriented political culture and power hierarchy of Russia, you will know, that appearance means so, so much to them. Some might say that Trump praises Putin, but the reality is that be recognizing Putin as a strong leader, Trumps puts Putin in a position wherein he (Putin, that is) can make a lot more compromises.

"One strong leader to another", Putin can negotiate pragmatic deals with Trump. That he cannot with the disrespectful Hillary.

And that is why I, as a European, hope that Trump gets in.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:01 AM

I'd rather not have Clinton the warmonger and her extreme xenophobic views against Russia calling things.

Quite like to avoid dying in a nuclear war, especially with a daughter due soon.

Not to mention Hillarys treasonous actions would warrant life imprisonment or execution under normal circumstances, and that's just scratching the surface.
edit on -050005am10kam by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:07 AM

Mainly for his anti-establishment stance, his foreign policy views and his anti-globalist economic views.

It's important to mention that the mainstream media here in my Western European country is just as biased towards Hillary as US msm is. Most of our US news is just regurgitated from CNN.


posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: soulwaxer

Interesting that not one person so far has said Hillary . A couple have said neither . As outsiders are we seeing something that the US voters arent .

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:29 AM
a reply to: DupontDeux

I am not for Trump per se, but I am against Hillary. She scares me. I really fear that her cold war rhetorics will push the world into just that; a new cold war. The constant vilifying of Russia and the character attacks on Putin - whether justified or not - seems so very, very dangerous a tactic to garner votes. If you know a little bit about the insanely macho-oriented political culture and power hierarchy of Russia, you will know, that appearance means so, so much to them. Some might say that Trump praises Putin, but the reality is that be recognizing Putin as a strong leader, Trumps puts Putin in a position wherein he (Putin, that is) can make a lot more compromises. "One strong leader to another", Putin can negotiate pragmatic deals with Trump. That he cannot with the disrespectful Hillary. And that is why I, as a European, hope that Trump gets in.

Great reply , i had not thought about it that way .

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:29 AM
Canadian here.
All I have seen is a most comical farce of a soap opera passed off as a presidential election. Mudslinging is for the playground not the White house. Neither candidate is qualified to run a country in my opinion because their faults vastly outweigh anything good they could bring to the table.
I actually cannot even fathom how the American population must be feeling in having to make a choice between two evil puppets. Either way, it ain't gonna be pretty.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:31 AM
I'd be willing to vote Trump, simply because he is NOT chosen by the establishment, who are fighting tooth and nail to remove him at all cost.
In the US, as here, the only way we are ever going to stop the madness, mass wars for profit and sheer criminality, is to have people from outside the established elites running things.

I see all to often people saying Trump has no government experience and that Hillary Clinton does. I am sorry, but looking at the track record of establishment figures and crime families running things, it's hardly a shining endorsement of their abilities, unless criminal activity and mass murder are considered just fine and dandy!
The division and wars they create, although profitable for them, are ruinous for the rest of us who are expected to finance them, through more taxation, and also expected to go fight while they sit it out watching their stock portfolios soar from the comfort of their bunkers.

Time for a change then and it sure would be nice to see someone get into power and start jailing the criminals.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:34 AM

Cause hillarys bat # idea of a syria no fly zone could kill us all.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: hutch622
a reply to: soulwaxer

Interesting that not one person so far has said Hillary . A couple have said neither . As outsiders are we seeing something that the US voters arent .

We can see the USA picking its final fight under Hillary that wont just take the US down but the entire world.

Many American seem so full of hubris, glee for violence and warmongering chest beating they forget the 5000 odd nukes russia has pointed at them....

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Non American here -
as this must be the 300th Trump thread I don't really think we'll learn anything more, no offence. As an Aussie myself I think we're screwed either way. We are a US lapdog

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Non American here - as this must be the 300th Trump thread I don't really think we'll learn anything more, no offence. As an Aussie myself I think we're screwed either way. We are a US lapdog

Yes but im pretty sure this is the first thread asking what the rest of the world thinks .

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Sanders. Basically the election was an irrelevance once he was knocked out.

Pretty much the only candidate who was not about to make the entire world a worse place to be, was not intent on increasing the surveillance state culture, was not about to place even more power in the hands of those who already possess it.

Its a done deal no matter which way you slice it now.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: hutch622
I would expect to get much more entertainment out of a Clinton defeat, from the shock and indignation of the astonished politically correct. It would be like Brexit all over again.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: DISRAELI

I would expect to get much more entertainment out of a Clinton defeat, from the shock and indignation of the astonished politically correct. It would be like Brexit all over again.

The most entertainment quite possibly would be the MSM editors back peddling .

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 06:08 AM
I'm really hoping one of those demonic CERN portals everyone on YouTube is talking about opens up and swallows both of them.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Clinton but i can't say i am particularly happy about that!

The sad fact is that both are appalling candidates. Clinton is a liar and linked to too many scandals for there to be nothing in those stories. That said, i believe her to be less of a loose cannon than Trump.

In all honesty, if you weren't the worl's only superpower i may be tempted to go Trump for no other reason than he is completely different and would (hopefully) bring a bit of reality back to the gilded elites. However, as you are the only superpower, Trump is potentially too dangerous. That is the unfortunate thing in a way for America - you have a respnsibilty to the rest of the world also because of your superpower status.

No offence to Canada (love the country) but if you were, say, as powerful as Canada then no one would give a jot either way. Because you are the number one power though, America affects the rest of the world.

That said, Trump seems to share similar views to Wahabbis on women so it may not all be bad!

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: hutch622
You may say why does it matter to non US citizens but lets face it American foreign policy and its economy effects the whole world . Keep it simple please , who and why if you feel the need to go that far . For me its Trump . Why , i just dont trust Hillary , i guess its her smug look . Oh i am Australian .

I wish you guys would start thinking for yourselfs, instead of thinking that voting every 4 year will ever change a think...
"I just need a new leader to tell me what to do, and i will stop destroying the world" ...Yeah right...

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 06:14 AM
Sorry to intervene on the circle-jerk, I suppose I'm the only foreigner here who'd vote Hillary over Trump. I don't like either of their characters, so it either comes down to a third party candidate (throwing away your vote in my opinion) or voting on policy. In such a case, I'd be voting based on the two parties' platforms.

Before I begin, I'd like to state that my views on policies tie most closely with the Libertarian Party (fiscally conservative, socially liberal - apart from Libertarians being pro-guns [something I also support]). However, voting for the Libertarians would be akin to throwing my vote away, as I've mentioned. So I have to pick between the traditional Democrat or Republican platforms (as I said, I can't stand either of these candidates so I'll be voting solely on the platforms).

It comes down to whether I value my fiscally conservative ideals or the socially liberal views more. In today's day and age, I'd have to say my social views trump (no pun intended) the fiscal climate. If the economy was worse, I'd vote Republican, but I think the economy is quite healthy contrary to what some want you to believe. And the job market is improving adequately enough for my liking. Despite the overblown talking points perpetrated by Fox News, the debt isn't a big deal if you understand the basics of economy. As explained below, the raw number of national debt doesn't come close to telling the whole story:

National debt doesn't take physical assets into account. Land, infrastructure, technology. The legal rights to collect taxes on 300m inhabitants. Natural resources. Whenever people talk about the deficit they forget this.

America has ~270 trillion in assets and ~150 trillion in grand total debts. That is what they call the US' "financial position". It also leaves the US with a net worth of 130 trillion. It doesn't mean that they'll suddenly sell California to settle a debt with China; but the earning power of a country is in part predicated on assets. A country which is large, geographically isolated and secure, with high technological development and many ports and rich natural resources is always going to have a strong earning potential.

It's like looking at a man with 50k in credit card debt and only 5k in the bank. But he has a mansion worth 1 million that he owns in its entirety. 1m in equity, well in excess of its debts.

And to the OP, I don't know why you're acting surprised at these results: Yes, if you come to a right-leaning website and ask this question, you should know the answer before even making this thread. Go and ask the Daily Kos this same question and you'll get the opposite answer.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 06:20 AM
Cruella de vilary is everything that's wrong with the USA !

Trump can be a bit like biff out of back to the future.

Go trump !

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 06:21 AM
Yeah, yeah...I'll play!

I wouldn't choose either, personally I have never seen such a debacle as is the current state of US politics.

I would have chosen Bernie, he should have been the democratic nomination as far as I'm concerned, much like our Corbyn I believe he has true concern for the state of play and truly wants to make a difference.

Trump is an ill-educated mouth with legs, apparently believes if he shouts loud enough in a crass enough manner that somehow equips him for the presidency.

Clinton, whilst if you stuck a gun to my head and made me choose I would go for her, sadly isn't going to take the country in any new more equal there is the question of just what is true that she says and does?!

In all honesty there isn't really much worth supporting over the pond, then again it is the same in the UK, the Tories shouldn't be in power...with racism more overtly on the rise and the whole Brexit thing, all I want to do is jump ship to somewhere without all this nonsense!

Bet you're glad I don't live in America eh?!

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