posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 11:28 PM
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We already know that Assange is given refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in London thanks to the good will and support from Russia. That is not free.
Assange is working for Russia. Assange can not hack anything from the embassy. But why is Russia hacking the DNC? Supposedly, Republicans and Trump
are stronger and more effective leaders than Democrat Hillary Clinton. It does not make sense that Russia or Assange would support the authoratative
Trump. But, Trump won't release his tax returns because he does not want anyone to see that he owes China tons of money and that Russia is the
We already know Trump is a big fan of back room deals allowing him to avoid paying his debts. He had the bright idea to sell his Top Secret
Presidential briefings in exchange for a release from his debt to China. Sounds ridiculous, but is it really? I'm sure Putin has known Trump would be
a candidate at some point, and that Putin has had this in the works for a very long time. Trump would be an easy man to blackmail. Trump does not mind
bending the rules, but he hates being exposed.
Why else would only the DNC be hacked? Why else would Russia choose the stronger candidate? We know Putin has no fear of Clinton! The brilliance of
this arrangement is that it is so obvious that it seems absurd. That is exactly how it is succeeding.