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The JFK story of the Netherlands. Political murder in the Netherlands. Van Gogh and Fortuyn.

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posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 06:56 PM
Dirty politics are everywhere.

The film that had van Gogh killed.

It's has English subtitles;

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Wasta

can you expand upon what the plotline includes? OP has a certain level of responsibility to explain what they are presenting, not solely relying the content of a film/article/other source. Thanks

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: Wasta

Is this just an advertisement for a YouTube video? If it is, I can't tell what its about.

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: dogstar23

This is the full length film from Filmmaker Theo van Gogh. It is Titled 06/05; the day Pim Fortuyn (a Dutch politician, Right-wing) was murdered in the street.

What would OP like to discuss regarding Theo and Pim?

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: Wasta
Dirty politics are everywhere.

The film that had van Gogh killed.

It's has English subtitles;

Dear Sir, this is not the film that made the Islamic terrorist kill Theo. The film you refer to is actually "Submission."

edit on 3-10-2016 by StarlightNine because: re-phrase

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: dogstar23

The Political Murder of Pim Fortuin who was a threath for the old boys political network.
A danger for the nation.

The killing of Pim Fortuiyn is direct linked to the killing of Theo van Gogh.

Both Killings are blamed on Moslims, but were carried out by our own secret service.

The killer of Theo van Gogh had in his home the police tabs printed out on paper.

He claims to have Theo killed for his words against the prophet Mohammed.

It's media scam, de killer is not in prison anymore, while he had to do live in prison.

Our minister tels us he is ¨somewhere¨ where he can not influence other prisoners.

So he is out, enjoying his reward.

As with the Murder on Kennedy, this murder on Pim Foryuin can not have happened as the media does want us to believe it happened.

The killer shot and ran right in the arms of the police who were 10 miles away buisy with a dril.

The police was withinn 2 minutes at the murderscene, while the roads were stucked with a traffic jam.

Itś inpossible to travel 10 miles in 2 minutes in rushhour time.

More empty shells were found then the killer had fired.

The police knew and let it happen, they made even sure there was a second killer who fired the other emthy bulletshell.

As a son of a secret agent Theo van Gogh knew the killing on Fortuin could not have happened as was claimed.

He made a film about the killing on Pim Foryuin, pointing at the real killers and was killed for it.

Not by a Muslim fanatic, but our own secret service.

If you are Dutch it's simple, if not a little harder to understand.

But as with the murder on Kennedy, to story can be right and this murder has multiple shooters too.

Fortuin was killed from bullets fired from infront of him, while the killer shot his bullets from behind Foryuin.

Our secret service had it's patsy, but Theo van Gogh revealed the real truth and was killed for it.

Again blamed on a muslim fanatic, who is now somewhere where he is no danger and can not influence other prosoners.

In my view if het ain in jail, he is free!

So much for live in prison.

One big psyup, the killing of Theo van Gogh id linked to the killing of Fortuin and the link is the film that had him killed.

The film is a mix from many real videoś , with the real politicians.

They all knew he was going to be shot.

Not one dared to look him in the eye.

Pim did not understand it, and thought he had to watch his back for the Muslim or extreem left
The secret service misused the muslims, and blamed the murder on Muslims on the murder of Theo van Gogh, while that Muslim had for sure contacts in our secret service.

He had te tabs notes the police made on his phone all written out in his home.
And now is not in jail.

It's kennedy and oswald, connected too but different as the story goes.

Poklitical power murders from Kennedy and Oswald are our Pim Foryuiyn and Theo van Gogh.

The story is to big for outsiders, you have to know about the murder on Fortuyn and on Theo van Gogh, then it's doable to understand even for outsiders

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: StarlightNine

Thats the coverstory
Like in 9/11 no muslims were involved.

Or it has to be a mossad/cia agent as bin laden.

Bin Laden is a fake psyup too.

Or do you really believe sealteam did kill him, toke his body on a ship and dumped Osama Bin Laden in the sea.

And if questions come, sealteam six is dead.

I don believe a word of Obama his claim he had Osama killed.

All psyups, we have them too.

Just as good, mayby better, with less lose ends but to many lose ends to make make sense.

Killing a man and run 100 meters right in the arms of the police who were called from 10 miles away, where they just ¨happened to be¨.

Just can be done.

Our secret sevrice had Fortuin killed, and killed Theo for exposing it.

Submission was aired, and shown everywhere on tv.

This film had to stay low key, a secret.

Only to be seen on internet,

Theo revealed the real killing on fortuin and thatś what had him killed.

Don the believe the Muslim patsy crap, it doesn't add up and cant be true.

It was not submission, that is the coverstory from the mainstream news liars
edit on 3-10-2016 by Wasta because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: Wasta
a reply to: StarlightNine

Thats the coverstory
Like in 9/11 no muslims were involved.

Or it has to be a mossad/cia agent as bin laden. Bin Laden is a fake psyup too. Or do you really believe sealteam did kill him, toke his body on a ship and dumped Osama Bin Laden in the sea. And if questions come, sealteam six is dead.
I don believe a word of Obama his claim he had Osama killed. All psyups, we have them too.
Just as good, mayby better, with less lose ends but to many lose ends to make make sense. Killing a man and run 100 meters right in the arms of the police who were called from 10 miles away, where they just ¨happened to be¨.
Just can be done.

Our secret sevrice had Fortuin killed, and killed Theo for exposing it.
Submission was aired, and shown everywhere on tv.
This film had to stay low key, a secret.
Only to be seen on internet,
Theo revealed the real killing on fortuin and thatś what had him killed.
Don the believe the Muslim patsy crap, it doesn't add up and cant be true.
It was not submission, that is the coverstory from the mainstream news liars

Ben je Nederlands?
In elk geval...

The CIA is guilty of way too many nefarious deeds to dismiss their involvement in Pim's murder outright. However, it is not a theory I buy into. Pim never minced his words and loudly proclaimed to all who would listen that if it were possible (legal) he would close the borders to all Muslims. His killer, van der Graaf, I still believe, acted exactly and soley upon the reasons he has always given for murdering Pim - from his own words: "...exploiting Muslims as "scapegoats" and targeting "the weak members of society" in seeking political power."

I personally think bin Laden is still alive and held by the US. I never believed he was killed and dumped into the sea. That still doesn't give me any reason to believe anyone other than van der Graaf acted in the murder of Pim. It was Pim's own driver who chased the murderer until apprehended by police. And not that he somehow conveniently landed into their waiting arms. The poilce were called and told the driver was in pursuit. The location of the chase was given, and police headed them off.

Submission was a film made with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, in regards to the subjugation of women. Theo was warned by friends, and even Ali herself, not to put his name on the film. He chose to be true to himself and wanted everyone to know he was calling out the hypocrisy of Islam and the archaic mentality in regards to women. The note attached to his body was addressed to Ayaan Hirsi Ali and the murder was a warning to her and all those who would speak out against Islam.

The film was shown on Dutch television. Not only the internet. It wasn't released to the internet until much later.

I would like to see some sources that you can point to which present the belief that there was CIA or Mossad direct involvement in the murder of Pim. It always helps others in the discussion to provide resources to gain better perspective upon which you speak. Theo was a filmmaker and so took liberties and license in his film making. He stated that 06/05 was fictional exploration of Pim's murder.

Bouyeri was a jackal. He acted with the aid and pressure from the Hofstad group.

edit on 3-10-2016 by StarlightNine because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: StarlightNine

This is the letter that Bouyeri pinned to the dead body of Theo (May he rest in peace):

OPEN LETTER TO HIRSHI ALI In the name of Allah the Kind, the Merciful. Peace and blessings upon the Emir of the Mujahideen, the laughing killer Mohammed Rasoulou Allah (Sala Allaho alaihie wa Sallam), his family and companions and those who follow him truthfully till the day of judgment. There is no agression except against the agressors. The following: Peace and blessings upon any who follows the Leadership This is an open letter to an infidel fundamentalists, Ayaan Hirshi Ali, of the Thaghoet party VVD. Dear miss Hirshi Ali, Since your appearence in the political arena of the Netherlands you are constantly engaging in terrorizing Muslims and Islam with your remarks. You are not the first at this and will also not be the last who has joined the crusade against Islam. With your defection you have not only turned your back on the Truth, but you also march along the ranks of the soldiers of evil. You mince no words about your hostility against Islam, and for this your masters have rewarded you with a seat in parliament. They have found in you a companion in their crusade against Islam and Muslims. A companion who gives them the "gunpowder" so they don't have to do the dirty work. Seeing as that you're blind by the burning infidelity which rages inside you, you are incapable of seeing that you are just an instrument of the true enemies of Islam. U are being used to spew various hostilities about Islam and the most noble, Mohammed Rasoul Allah (Salla Allaho aleihie wa Sallam). I don't blame you for all of this Miss Hirshi Ali. as a soldier of evil you are merely doing your job. The fact that you can openly spew your hatred is not to blame on you, but on the Islamic Ummah. They have ceased their task of resistance against injustice and is sleeping it off. All your hostilities can thus only be blamed on the Islamic ummah. This letter is Insha Allah an attempt at silencing your evil once and for all. These written words will Insha Allah make you drop your mask. I would like to start with your recent proposal to 'screen' (profile) on their ideology at job interviews. (Dan: could maybe be the request for a staying permit/passport) Your proposal is very interesting, more so because the application of it unveils the rotten faces of your political masters (when they would of course be tested honestly and they would openly reveal their ideology). It is a fact that Dutch politics is dominated by many Jews who are a product of the Talmud schools; that includes your political party-members. Seeing as you always propagate "self-criticism", we shall test your proposal in your own political surroundings. The same politics that with their policies has joined the terrorism against Islam and Muslims. I would like to ask you the following questions: How do you feel about the fact that Van Aartsen (leader of the VVD) subscribes to an ideology where non-Jews are considered as non-humans? Baba Mezie 114a-114b: Only Jews are people ("Only you are called people"). Also see Kerlthoth 6b under subtitle ("Oil of anointing") and Barakath 56a, where gentile (non-Jews) females are called animals ("female-donkeys") Yebamoth 92a: All Gentile children are animals. How do you feel about the fact that a mayor is leading Amsterdam, whom subscribes to an ideology where Jews can lie to non-Jews? Baba Kamma 113a: Jews may lie to mislead a Gentile. How do you feel about the fact that you are part of a government that supports the state with an ideology that proposes genocide? Sofarim 15, line 10 (Minor Tarcctates): These are the words by rabbi Simom ben Yohai: Tod shebe goyyim herog ("Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed"). Since you are a fighter for equal rights, you will probably (after learning this knowledge) ask with your Jewish masters in chambers to reject the teachings of the Talmud. You will also probably make work of asking the Jewish community in Holland to reject it. Our actions now and then betrays your cowardly courage (Dan: i have no idea what he means with this contradiction) with which you ask attention for your battle. Like how you had the 'cowardly courage' to ask Islamic children in school to make a choice between their creator and the constitution. The answer from these young, clean souls you have used immediately to come up with arguments to justify your crusade. With these hostilities you have released a boomerang and you know its only a matter of time before this boomerang will seal your fate. However, you will get the opportunity, Miss Hirshi Ali, to prove you're right and crave it forever in the pages: There is one certainty in the whole of existence; and that is that everything comes to an end. A child born unto this world and fills this universe with its presence in the form of its first life's cries, shall ultimately leave this world with its death cry. A blade of grass sticking up its head from the dark earth and being caressed by the sunlight and fed by the descending rain, shall ultimately whither and turn to dust. Death, Miss Hirshi Ali, is the common theme of all that exists. You, me and the rest of creation can not disconnect from this truth. There shall be a Day where one soul can not help another soul. A Day with terrible tortures and torments. a Day where the injust shall force from their longues horrible screams. Screams, Miss Hirshi Ali, that will cause shivers to roll down one's spine; that will make hairs stand up from heads. People will be seen drunk with fear while they are not drunk. FEAR shall fill the atmosphere on that Great Day: When the sun is overthrown, And when the stars fall, And when the hills are moved, And when the camels big with young are abandoned, And when the wild beasts are herded together, And when the seas rise, And when souls are reunited, And when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked For what sin she was slain, And when the pages are laid open, And when the sky is torn away, And when hell is lighted, And when the Garden is brought nigh, Then every soul will know what it hath made ready. (81:1-14) On that day a man flee from his brother And from his mother and his father And from his wife and his children, Every man that day will have concern enough to make him heedless (of others). On that day faces will be bright as dawn, Laughing, rejoicing at good news; And other faces, on that day, with dust upon them, Veiled in darkness, Those are the disbelievers, the wicked. (80:34-42) You as unbelieving extremist of course won't believe in the above described scene. For you the above is merely a made-up drama piece from a Book like many. And yet, Miss Hirshi Ali, I'd bet my life to claim that you are sweating with FEAR when you read this. You, as unbelieving fundamentalist, of course do not believe that a Supreme being controls the entire universe. You do not believe that your heart, with which you cast away truth, has to ask permission from the Supreme being for every beat. You do not believe that your tongue with which you deny the Guidance from the Supreme being is subject to his Laws. You do not believe that life and death has been given you by this Supreme being. If you really believe this, then the following challenge should be no problem for you. I challenge you with this letter to prove you are right. You don't have to do much: Miss Hirshi Ali: WISH for DEATH if you are really convinced you are right. If you will not accept this challenge; know then that my Master, the Highest one, has unmasked you as an injust one. "then long for death (for Ye must long for death) if Ye are truthful. But they will never long for it, because of that which their own hands have sent before them. Allah is aware of evil-doers." (2:94-95) To prevent that i were to be accused of the same, i shall wish this wish FOR you: My Rabb, give us death to make up happy with martyrdom. Allahoemma Amien. Miss Hirshi Ali and the rest of the extremist infidels: Islam has resisted many hostilities and opressions in History. Every time the pressure on Islam was added, the fire of Faith was merely alighted. Islam is like a whithered plant, which has been rendered by the years-long pressure and extreme high temperatures, a diamond. A whithered plant which is formed by the fancies of time into the strongest jewel on this Earth. A jewel on which the hardest hammer breaks itself. AYAAN HIRSHI ALI YOU SHALL BREAK YOURSELF TO PIECES ON ISLAM ! You and your companions know very well that the current Islamic youth is a rough diamond that only needs polishing, so that it may spread it's all-pervading light of Truth. Your intellectual terrorism will not stop this, on the contrary you will only hasten it. Islam will conquer by the blood of the martyrs. It will spread its light to every corner of this Earth and it will, if necessary, drive evil to its dark hole by the sword. This unleashed battle is different from previous battles. The unbelieving fundamentalists have started it and Insha Allah the true believers will end it. There shall be no mercy for the unjust, only the sword raised at them. No discussion, no demonstrations, no parades, no petitions; merely DEATH shall separate the Truth from the LIE. Say: Lo! the death from which Ye shrink will surely meet you, and afterward Ye will be returned unto the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, and He will tell you what Ye used to do. (62:8) And so we want to use similar words and send these before us, so that the heavens and the stars will gather this news and spread it over the corners of the universe like a tidal wave. And like a great prophet once said: "I know for sure O Pharaoh, you will go under. " (17:102) "I know for sure, O America you will go under." "I know for sure, O Europe you will go under." "I know for sure, O Holland you will go under. " "I know for sure, O Hirshi Ali you will go under" "I know for sure, O unbelieving fundamentalist you will go under." Hasboena Allah wa ni3ma alwakeel Ni3ma alMawla wa Ni3ma anNasseer Saifu Deen al Muwahhied

posted on Oct, 3 2016 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: StarlightNine

Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks on Theo's murder:

posted on Oct, 4 2016 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: StarlightNine

The Police could never have made it that quickly if they were not in the know.

The pistol can not hold the amount of bullets that wre fired.

Volkert van de Graaf can't be the sole loneny shooter.

There has to be a second shooter.

The pistol can not held the amount of bullets.

En er was een verdachte gesignaleerd op het dak van dat gebouwtje.

Hulzen springen geen 15 meter uit een wapen.

Er is in ieder geval 1 huls teveel.

Volkert rent recht in t de armen van de politie, die waren opgebelt omdat ze 10 kilometer verdop aan het oefenen waren op de hij.

Je maakt mij niet wijs dat de politie eerder van de hij is , in de auto's stappen, als gekken door stilstaand verkeer rijden en klaar staan voor Volkert 200 meter heeft kunnen rennen.

Ja Nederlands dus.

En de film van van Theo is nooit uitgezonden.

De aivd heeft Fortyuin af laten knallen.

De film is een stukje van de grote puzzle.

Thijs Römer speelt de hoofdrol.

Katja Schuurman heeft er nog eens 6 youtube filmpjes over gemaakt.

Heel slim, wie neemt Katja Schuurman nu serieus als onderzoeks journaliste.

Soms moet je gevaarlijke dingen vermngen met groene marsmannetjes om zelf in leven te blijven.

Voor je het weet is je ecu gehacked van je auto en wordt remmen gasgeven links rechts en dat soort ongijn.

Via de bandenspanningsmeter is iedere boordcomputer van iedere auto te kraken.

Eindig je als Haider.

Maar verder in Engels OK voor de rest zeg maar.

No more Dutch, the CIA wants to read this too.

Who knows what and how many know it.

Watch the film and talk later.

The film alone did not do it.

It's all the facts together.

The murder of Pim Fortuyn is direct linked to the murder on Theo Van Gogh.

Mohammed B is now not in the EBI prison, but somewhere where hen can not influence other prisoners.

Where is that oneman prison?

I tell you, Mohammed B is in Marokko, zipping tea with lady Diana in a Arabic Palace.

I have been in Marokko, and can tell you right now, there are more beautiful hotels in Fez then in Amsterdam.

Many rich people in Marokko.

We have a twisted image, because only the poor came to Europe.

Just like the druglord houses in Afghanistan.

Not a place in the world can compete.

Beverly hills is a slump in their eyes.

We see only poor people and the only rich seem to be in Abu Dhabi and those places.

A twisted truth.

Real palaces are in Afghanistan.

If you make 180 million in one year and 2 trillion, 2000 billion the next, that money has to go somewhare.

Afghanistan was a drug war end european Royals have had a big hand in those wars and made a huge profit.

A soldier gets only a raise of 30.000 euro's for 6 moths of war.

Peanuts, the big part goes to the rOyals of Europe.

Some things change others no not.

Opium is power.

Make a king or a queen hooked and the country is yours, because the addict queen will become a play-ball in your hands.

Poppy is the plant of the devil, no real god could have ever created such a diabolic plant as poppy is.

Withdrawal of opium or heroin can kill a man.

The addict will do anything, even kill his mother or father, just to be not sick anymore.

In the Philipines is the president buisy on a killing spray.

Over 3000 Junky's have been killed by the government.

Every month a 1000 deaths.

The president does not believe in methadone or kicking the habit.

He is going to kill them all.

Queen Victoria of England was a addict, just like Catharina of aragon.

Look at the weapons shield of the family (ferdinant) and you know where Ferdinant got his power from.

A famous qoute of Catherina of Aragon is¨I have a very mean husband¨.

His son Layola de Ignatius who was not in line of power started te Jesuit order.

In short the end result justifies the means.

Any means, rape torture in the most brutal way.

Killing people with the water drup.

When the drop is falling long enough it will hollow out a stone.

I know torture.

After being 10 day awake and screaming I fell asleep, still screaming.
It was my own screaming that woke me up again.

Dirty secret police tricks, killers of the government.

They specialise in torture on a university level.

Evil powers. I am still in pain.

My body never recovered.

Got my kidneys broken so I pea something that looked like pommes de mouse.

They get off on torture, just for for the fun of it.

I was hanged by my neck and my feet were of the ground.

Fisrst one cop cimbed on my so my neck had to carry my own weight and of the cop.

When the second cop climbed on my other shoulder te loose broke.

Other wise I would be dead now.

Got jail time for being tortured by 6 coppers while others watched.

They said I had attacked the six coppers in a policestation.

Those thing dont happen in the Ntherlands, you dirty mouth they told me before they went to torture me.

And fact. nobody believes me. And they told me so.

Praatjesmaker, die dingen gebeuren alleen in zuidamerika were their words.

End they are in bed with the judge and legal counselor all together.

Copy and paste your signature under every document they whish.

Judges no it and are blackmailed and see their loved ones dead if the vedrict is not satisfying enough for the corrupt cops.

Death squads are everywhere, only in south Amerkika it comes in the open.

In the late 90's Peru had it's share of deathsquads.

The police can shoot you and just say, I thought he grabbed a gun.

No time for a warningshot.

Bull is a criminal has a gun poimted at a cop, the cop can't go for his gun or he will be shot.

They do kill in cold blood.

It happens their where nobody's suspect it.

In the Netherlands, Belgium Swiss, but only in south amerika do these things come in the open.

Nobody believes these things happens in the most civil country's of Europe.

Complain by the king?

You should not have done so.

Link above happens al the time, but not everyone get a chance to escape.

Europe today is not better then the time of Rome.

Only is the cross not a public exicution method, but every trick in the book is still in practice, behind closed doors away from the common man.

Ataacking six coppers in a policestation and got jailed for it to.

My signature of my drivinglince and Id-card were copied under valse papers.

Enough software to alter a bit here and there.

Stretch the signature a bit and nobody sees it has came from your own driving licence.

And the judge goes I have your signature under your confession, you have admitted to have been attacking six copper at once end those cops claim to have been attacked by you.
Even your own legal counselor says you attacked the cops.

Yeah earning money without even showing up.

Lawyers have no choice eiter.

Yheir kids will be radiated bij a half magnetron oven if they don't comply.

What would you do if the choice is a lot of money or see your children die of cancer.

With a half magnetron even heats up your skin trough stone walls, till its red!

Cancer a desease, my ass!

They give it to you with a magnetron oven, sliced open.

And everybody is scared #less, afraid not to be believed anyway.

The royals are involved as well, no escape possible.

They do kill;

posted on Oct, 4 2016 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: Wasta
a reply to: StarlightNine

The Police could never have made it that quickly if they were not in the know.
The pistol can not hold the amount of bullets that wre fired.
Volkert van de Graaf can't be the sole loneny shooter.
There has to be a second shooter.
The pistol can not held the amount of bullets.
En er was een verdachte gesignaleerd op het dak van dat gebouwtje.
Hulzen springen geen 15 meter uit een wapen.
Er is in ieder geval 1 huls teveel.
Volkert rent recht in t de armen van de politie, die waren opgebelt omdat ze 10 kilometer verdop aan het oefenen waren op de hij.
Je maakt mij niet wijs dat de politie eerder van de hij is , in de auto's stappen, als gekken door stilstaand verkeer rijden en klaar staan voor Volkert 200 meter heeft kunnen rennen.
Ja Nederlands dus.
En de film van van Theo is nooit uitgezonden.
De aivd heeft Fortyuin af laten knallen.
De film is een stukje van de grote puzzle.
Thijs Römer speelt de hoofdrol.
Katja Schuurman heeft er nog eens 6 youtube filmpjes over gemaakt.
Heel slim, wie neemt Katja Schuurman nu serieus als onderzoeks journaliste.
Soms moet je gevaarlijke dingen vermngen met groene marsmannetjes om zelf in leven te blijven.
Voor je het weet is je ecu gehacked van je auto en wordt remmen gasgeven links rechts en dat soort ongijn.
Via de bandenspanningsmeter is iedere boordcomputer van iedere auto te kraken.
Eindig je als Haider.
Maar verder in Engels OK voor de rest zeg maar.

No more Dutch, the CIA wants to read this too...............................................................

Firstly, you are not Dutch.
You are either 'Murican or you are Muslim.
Secondly, you are extremely incoherent, and I refuse to waste my time. You are either off meds right now or you are sincerely high.

If you can present one case coherently (just one) then we may be able to debate something here. Otherwise, I am done here.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: StarlightNine

Just watch the film.
To believe Theo was killed because of his anti Muslim views, is just what the powers want you to think.
The hofstad groep is fake, the members are free ain't they?
Mohammed B is somewhere where he can't influence other inmates, and is not in the EBI.
Mohammed B had live in prison.
So in what prison is he? Where are no other prisoners !

This film has nothing to do with Muslims, cut the Muslim crap.
I am no Muslim nor Moroccan.
I am a proud Frisain, white and Dutch, my parents are Dutch.
My family has lived for 200 years in Friesland.
I live 5 miles from where my family has lived for 200 years.

I never made a claim the CIA was involved, so don ask to proof any connection with the CIA.
If you refuse to watch you better not comment.
If you want to get out of here, better go.
Still believing in any Muslim connection.
Mohammed B is free, the Muslim story is the cover-up story.
You can't comment on this film if you refuse to watch it.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 08:32 PM
he buddy im from holland 2 and i kinda agree with ur theory il get back to ya if i watch the movie i definatly think the hofstad group was used
reply to: Wasta

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: possesed

The Hofstad-group rented the appartment from the AIVD.
The tap-results of the police were found in the house of Mohammed B, who is now somewhere where he can't influence other prisoners...

Every second man in Morocco is called Mohammed, so it ain't easy to find him.

The AIVD is to it's neck up involved, in both killings.
Both Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh.

Theo his father worked for the AIVD and was no small fish.

Please do watch and let me know.

(Fryslân bobbe)
Got called a Muslim or a Moroccan, God damn it.

edit on 6-10-2016 by Wasta because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:47 AM
Wow dudes.

Very interesting and scary.

@Wasta, What made the police so interested in you to do all that?

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

What do you have to do, to let a bow full of gold stolen from you?
Give them the opportunity, I guess.

What did I do to deserve this?
I brought them money, I gave them their job.

They need this easy money.
They would not have a other job, so make work.
It's one big fraud.

Once they have spend to much time on one case, they want result too.
It has to be the money in the end.
I can't see an other reason.

Make a crime, take 10 man from the street and a lot of cops have a job.

A lot a fake declarations from corrupted lawyers.
Often it ś just the money, and end in a ¨Sepot¨ anyway.
But they are practising too.
Making results , by any means.
Playing by the book and stay within the law, does not give results.
It's most of the time the wrong result, but result non the less.
The people need to see big crime punished.
It can't pass unpunished.
So they step it up and up, going far to far.
There do the people get hurt and die sometimes.
You have to leave your belt and lases out your shoes.
Not so you can't kill yourself, but so you can't get suicide d by the police.
Being evil and extremely bad, can bring results.
Wrong results, often not true at all, but results just the same.
They are mafia too, stealing killing and making money from the system by massive fraud.
90% is fake, but it's money, it's a budged.
They need the money, so if their is no crime, they make it.
Take the profit and blame it on someone like me.
I have seen faked signed confessions under heavy crimes, I only know from the newspapers.
They scan your signature in, use a little GIMP (Linux) and paste your signature under anything.
That, 10 times, and a lot of declarations, and hours are made.
That ś ten lawyers, cops, judges, the buildings rent-lord, those at the prison system, and a lot of administration gives a lot of work, a lot of money.
They are getting back at me.
They could not break me, so they fake me.
Copy paste.
They have tried to suicide me too.
Cops don know what to do against these evil, wicked cops.
They bring results, right or wrong is not important.
In the Netherlands a drugdealer called the ¨Dominee¨ was clipped.
Vendetta, blood revenge. The domine had killed a guy and was killed for the honour of the family, by the brother of the killed man.
He confessed the murder and wanted to go to jail.
But a Coke sniffing drugdealer was called a ¨Crown witness¨ and had a ex-cop convicted.
Wrongly! The police knew, justice knew, the lawyers knew and the judges, they had the real killer but the ex-cop was jailed.
Afraid he might take revenge, he was killed as soon he came out prison.
No mistake, but willingly doing bad.
Just like in the fireworkcase of Enschedee, Or a woman Lucia de Berk.
She did nothing at al, but was pictured as a monster, while all knew their was no crime.
She was a nurse , worked in a hospital, where people die.
Just to practice, to see if they can pull a stunt, they make cases from natural deaths and make her a monster.
Shiedammer Park moord, an other murder wher the wrong man was convicted.
The man who gave help to a stabbed naked boy.
Even when they police had the real killer, they still refused the innocent one to let go.
The naked boy who was left for death, got a seroius shock, when he told he was not man who did wrong, but the man who did good.
The police knows.
An Murdercase in Putten was pinned on 2 man, who had #ed a girl and killed her.
But no dna match.
So they say, she might have sex willingly, and has been #ed again without the raper having a ejackulation, bringing the ssemen out of her onknown boyfriend, where she had sex with willingly.
And people find it plausible.
They seem to be real judges.
Itś a scam, it's for 90% a scam.
The police had a father prisoned for 3 motnths in order to break him giving a false statement, he had seen his son at the time at the plce of the crime.
Nothing is holey.
They break just a family member or a few.
A 22 year old judge sees only witness accounts from brothers fathers, lawyers and thinks it's seems alright, so I convict. To keep the system, to keep the jobs, the lousy overpaying unnecessary makeshift work.
Itś making jobs, building prisons, doing business.
To many are depending of the money.
What else can they do, they have no real skill to make those amounts of money on a honest way.

Western Europe is just as evil as Latin America, The USA, Russia, China.
You can clipped in a jail in Ireland, England, Germany.
The English police had 4 Irish people jailed, who came out after 25 years.
There too, we know you are innocent, but you are going to take the fall for it anyway.
They have dirt on each-other.
If you want to take one, he is taking 80 or 90 of his colleagues with him down.
We cant have 90% less police...
We can, but then they show fake figures end claim they are needed.
Otherwise, they do make the crime so are needed then anyway.
The scale could be less as in the worse Latin American country's, but at least the knowledge is here too.
I pity my King who inherited such a bad system.
We used to have districts, but have just one big corps for 17 million people now.
If result is needed, the specialists are called in.
And they know how to get results.
Police is calling their own police evil wicked mean people.
Colleagues are afraid of each-other.
We had the IRT affaire, where there was soc called drugs let transported, so the police could find more about the big fish.
Bull, there is no big fish, they are themselves the big-fish.
Selling shiploads full of drugs again and again.
They did no investigation, they were selling drugs themselves, got 50% for looking the other way.
If you want to play, you have to pay.
And they speak all open about it, as if it's nothing else they do.
Opstelten, Teeven, Demminck the highest people at the justice department had to go.
Police do not kill only in western Europe, There are killing policeman all over the world.
It'is just as bad here in the west.
They do such extreem stuff, so nobody will believe.
O2t is to cut your cell from oxigen. Stands for o2 torture.
The blood-vessels in your eyes can pop.
Doors are airtight, to prevent smoke from spreading.
A small room has to get fresh air.
It's the same everywhere I am sure.
The Netherlands is no different.
The judge does know evidence is fake, but does it alowe anyway.
¨Can you make him call for me¨ is ¨Can you make him cold for me¨ and there you go for live in jail.
It's a scam.
My king has to work with these fools.
Result his portrait stands for false verdicts.
There has to come a complete hauling over.
All out and start hiring new, clean not corrupt the bone fresh minded cops, who play by the book.
If the book is no good, you have to alter the playing rules in the book.
But they do play outside book.
No paperwork at all.
You will have no proof you was ever on the police-station.
The do not let drugs through to see where it is going to.
They are drug-dealers themselves.
A rip-deal, is to seize your stash, so they can sell it again.
If the police finds some drugs, is what gets burned no drugs.
They are the real criminals.
Deathsquads in de polder...

edit on 6-10-2016 by Wasta because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2016 by Wasta because: (no reason given)

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